Junior Eurovision 2014 featured a lot of songs that could easily be adapted for the adult contest. Russia’s “Dreamer”, Serbia’s “Svet u mojim ocima”, and Slovenia’s “Nisi sam” were just three that work for both young singers and older ones as well. However, in order for Junior Eurovision to stay Junior Eurovision, there still has to be an innocent, playful element in there. While Lizi Pop sang about her wishes for children of the universe, and Maša and Lejla got us to be a kid for a day, our readers believe that Betty is most deserving of the 2014 Ksenia Sitnik Award for Most Fitting Junior Entry.

Ksenia Sitnik Award for Most Fitting Junior Entry

Our readers cast a total of 1,070 votes. Here is how the Top 3 finished.

1. Betty – Armenia; 217 votes, 20%

2. Lizi Pop – Georgia; 178 votes, 17%

3. Maša and Lejla – Montenegro; 164 votes, 15%

This award honors Belarus’ Ksenia Sitnik, the 2005 winner of the contest. In one of the most innocent and junior-friendly entries in contest history, she played the part of fun-loving child perfectly. With a pink tutu, sweater, and sweatband, lopsided pigtails, and bright sneakers, Ksenia jumped with the crowd in her renditions of “My vmeste”.


In 2010, when the former winners performed a medley of their songs, Ksenia was 15 and couldn’t keep the cute look anymore. But all wasn’t lost – she remixed her song into a catchy party tune that amazed us even more. Ksenia dear, we’re still waiting for the full version!

The award is just one of a dozen awards you can vote for in the first annual Wiwi Junior Awards. Our 12 categories—from best dressed to most wronged at JESC—identify the contestants who left the biggest impression on Junior Eurovision fans, regardless of whether they won the contest or not.

You can see all of our 2014 Wiwi Junior Awards here.

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10 years ago

Wow, Betty has done well in these awards…

10 years ago

Did you mean: Betty wins everything?

(as she totally deserves to do btw)