In late October AVROTROS announced that the singing sisters O’G3NE would represent The Netherlands at Eurovision 2017. And today — after months of waiting, endless speculation and the revelation that they had worked with their father on the song — Lisa, Amy and Shelley have revealed their song “Lights and Shadows”.
Unsurprisingly, this is all about their voices and those harmonies. There’s some real power is all about empowerment and life’s ups and downs: “cry no more, feeling all alone and insecure”. It’s not the most modern sounding entry we’ll hear this year, but it packs some real emotional depth in the lyrics.
It’s a fairly simple video to accompany the song — but of course, sometimes simple can effective! By not going glitz and glamour, it allows more focus on the group’s vocals. Lisa, Amy and Shelley are in a dark wooded area whilst the song’s lyrics are projected around and on to them throughout the song.
In February Lisa, the oldest of the Vol sisters, revealed in an interview with Radio 538 that her father Rick had teamed up with songwriter Rory de Kievit to pen their song. And she definitely felt like they were in trusted hands. After all, Rory is dating O’G3NE’s Shelley! Both of the men have written songs for the group in the past.
Rick is behind some of O’G3NE’s best-known songs including “Magic”, “The Power of Christmas” and “Wings to Fly”. “Magic” remains O’G3NE’s most successful song to date. Indeed, it’s the only O’G3NE single to have received gold status and it peaked at #3 in the Dutch Top 100 in 2014.
Their holiday single “The Power of Chirstmas” peaked at #98 on the Dutch charts in 2008. The 2015 re-release of the single was less successful and failed to chart.
Rick was also behind their 2015 summer single “Wings to Fly”. It peaked at #100, before dropping out of the charts one week later.
The Dutch trio performed as Lisa, Amy and Shelley in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2007 for The Netherlands with their song “Adem in, Adem Uit”.
More recently, they went on to smash the competition in season five of The Voice of Holland in 2014, with their blind audition of Destiny’s Child’s rendition of “Emotion” going viral worldwide. Their harmonies were — and remain — on point.
The Netherlands have experienced plenty of success at Eurovision in recent years. After a streak of non-qualifications to the final from 2005 to 2012, Anouk came to Malmö with a plan, and her song “Birds” placed ninth in the final.
A year later The Common Linnets came from behind and snuck into second place in Copenhagen with “Calm After The Storm”. And last year, Douwe Bob cruised into the final in Stockholm, placing a respectable eleventh with his song “Slow Down”.
What do you make of O’G3NE’s song? Are we headed to Amsterdam in 2018? Leave your comments below or via our wiwibloggs app – now available on the App Store and Google Play.
Terrible dated and hollow song. These girls are very fake. A big dislike!
taste and up tempo, great song. matter of taste! 12 points Netherlands
It’s a pity so many people react so negatively to this song and to these girls. The three sisters can really sing (and that’s what the ESC should be about… like in the past) and their song has an emotional and deeper meaning. Their mother is very, very, very ill (cancer) and the family is very close, so that is why their father and one of the boyfriends wrote this song. And yes, they do like Wilson Philips, so a similar sound is recognizable. The girls (twins + a bit older sister) are so in sync that they seem fake… Read more »
This has nothing on Douwe Bob though.
Will you upload a reaction video to this song or ?
Appallingly sketchy
@Aaron GR: The Wilson Phillips comparisons are pretty overwhelming at this point; though I have yet to see the performance on stage. I should mention that I didn’t think much of what Douwe Bob presented to the ESC last year (song and music video), until he and his band put it on stage, and I ranked him 9th on my scorecard for the Grand Final, after putting him on the cut line before the contest.
Song is strange but will probably sound good live. Honestly the songwriters were trying to do too much with this one, and the lyrics just feel off. The instrumental is indeed dated. On the other hand, in lock step with the music trends of today, the pitch correction is way overdone. It’s not bad, it’s not overwrought, and the singers are great.
The first part of this song reminds me of many songs in Wilson Phillips’ entire 1990 debut album, along with a couple of hits from their 2nd album, and would probably be a contender in any ESC that entire decade. But if too many people (even televoters and jurors in their 30s, let alone their 40s and 50s) are aware of the similarities between the first-half of “Lights and Shadows” and Wilson Phillips’ hits from their first 2 albums, they could very well be in danger of not qualifying for the Grand Final… …And by the way, the name of… Read more »
Can’t get enough of the live performance, check it out!
Thank you “SomeDutchGirl” for that link. O’G3NE are fantastic live. I think this is a good entry. 🙂
In case people wonder how the song sounds live, here is a live performance by O’G3NE: (the girls performed in a Dutch TV show this evening)
The Wilson Philips comparisons are only half right. There’s a real gospel feel to the song, and that’s what’s going to give it power and carry it through to the final. Gospel doesn’t use hooks – it uses texture and power. That’s all here.
The song structure is open and inviting. The lyrics are specific but universal. Their voices are crazy good. I like it quite a bit, and I can see this scoring well with juries AND viewers, actually.
Not really memorable. But considering choices like the ones from Spain, Hungary, Ukraine, UK, Malta and Georgia, this is almost a masterpiece heheh
Well, my expectations were very low… It’s kind of what I expected. I don’t really like it, but it’s not bad. If they can deliver it live, it might make them qualify, otherwise no.
What a massive chunk of Edam. The Dutch are serving cheese????
On first listen, it was underwhelming. But it grew on me massively on the second listen a few hours later. The story behind it also helps me appreciate the harmonies and lyrics even though this genre isn’t the type of music I listen to. This isn’t terrible and could easily come across really well live so it should qualify but I don’t feel like it could get any higher than 10th in the Final.
Since you’re Dutch, you probably know that Omroep Brabant is the channel for the region these girls are from, so it’s not surprising that they see these girls winning the competition. Also, wanting to win is not arrogant, it’s the mindset you gotta have to be able to win.
This can’t win Eurovision, the song simply isn’t memorable enough for that, but it does tick a lot of Eurovision boxes. Bombastic, it builds up, a double modulation, slightly outdated.
Auto-tuned to death, it’s very sweet but really rather boring
This song would maybe qualify to the finals if it was more original and not such a blatant copy of another song, espcially one from over 20 years ago. This is another one in a group of songs in ESC 2017 that sound like another top hit. Netherlands, Spain, Germany all sound like number one songs released five or more years ago…..HOLD ON, THE LAZY SONG, and TITANIUM.
Another boring dated ballad! Grrr I think this is going to be the most boring contest in years. The quality of the songs is really average and it seems they all run for the last rather than for the top. This will make average pop songs such as Latvia Spain France and Italy stand out among the others for the average viewer.
These girls can perform live, they will do fine. No one expected anything from The Common Linnets, they were to boring, to slow, would never work. It was to dated, to American. They surprised us all. I think these girls will to..
This is a good song, one of few really good songs this year. I think they will be a dark horse to win it all!
Beyond predictable from the moment they were announced. Soulless, lifeless and completely devoid of any originality whatsoever. This kind of stuff was unwelcome 20 years ago and the video looks like some sort of ridiculous French & Saunders parody of Wilson Phillips, with all the laughable head turning choreography. Hilariously bad.
Such a huge letdown from Avrotros after The Netherlands have been the epitome of cool in recent years. This bland, insipid, americanised AOR drivel never does well at Eurovision and this will be no exception, strong live voices or not.
I am a bit torn. On one hand each one of the girls sing really well. Parts of the song also feel very artistic. On the other hand I wonder if they are trying too much. There are almost no repeats and every single second sounds different, but it also makes it harder to remember and relate. Do I prefer this or Lighthouse X? Lighthouse X by a mile, and they didn’t do great. “Lights And Shadows” isn’t terrible, but they could have done so much more with some of the sounds.
@Moon Light
‘Calm after the Storm’ was a masterpiece in it’s simplicity, the general feel, the lyrics, an easy to remember chorus and don’t forget that (slide) guitar solo (more of this in songs please). Comparing the O’G3ne song to it is a travesty. It is just a middle of the road ballad. They may could have created the same calm feel, but they start to put in more volume at the bridge, with handclapping on the rhythm at the end. It’s just a boring mess
On tonights talkshow they will sing it live, and Europe can hear these gils reall can sing.
…but lack emotion.
Still I like the song!
It’s not what I expected, real Wilson Phillips vibes, I’m not blown away by it at first listen, but I guess it will be down to the live performance. The Dutch have honed the intimate stage show. If the harmonies are on point, this could be a dark horse to do well.
It’s really inoffensive and flat. It also feels like they crammed really lengthy lyrics into a melody that doesn’t fit them. It’s so forgettable, I don’t think the harmonies will save it.
From the first chorus I distinctly got the ‘Hold On’ vibes and I was curious to read the comments and see if I’m the only one. Well, I’m not :). I’m not saying this is a bad thing or a good thing. I still love ‘Hold On’, but this one is pretty underwhelming… Except for those beautiful harmonies, there isn’t much to talk about… I’m going to listen to ‘Hold On’ now, and I’ll listen to the
Dutch girls in May (I guess I’ll have to, since I will be in the arena).
Moon light,
you must be kidding by compare Light & Shadows to The common linnet’s masterpiece xD
Completely different leagues.
The message is like Levina’s ”Perfect Life”. With a better staging Levina can do better in the final, because maybe O’G3NE will be in the final too.
PLeasantly surprised I am! Expected a very cheesy and dull balad about their ill mother, but it”s more uplifting, the vocals are allright , some keychanges, a hands-off clap along part a brigde and a calm down. I like it, allthough its a bit oldfashioned and misses a hook. Hope staging will be good, and expert jury’s are vocal experts and not dancers. Netherlands again does not have to shame for a weak entry. I see OG3NE qualifying and reaching 7-15th spot in the final. As for now my top 3:
1. Austria
2. Italy
3. Netherlands
I kinda suspect the live version won’t come close to the recorded version, and it’s artificially perfect harmonies though?
What an oportunity to win Netherland has just wasted.
The moment ESC became “who has the best voice” contest, the song quality went down.
After listening to it a couple of times, I am gradually warming up to it. It’s now in the category of awesome vocalists with a “meh” kind of song that doesn’t do the artist justice. Just like I felt with Anja Nissen and Omar Naber, although I have also come around Omar’s song by now. I think I was only slightly off-put because I hate musicals and “On my way” does bear some resemblance to that genre but ultimately, Omar saves it for me. I think OG3NE might be a similar case. If someone mediocre sang “Lights and Shadows”, I… Read more »
Polegend wrote: “Just like Denmark, this is a Disney soundtrack straight from the late 90s.”
I’m confused. Do you mean Slovenia, not Denmark? Perhaps you need some rest. 😀
No, I’m getting more “Pitch Perfect” and “Glee” vibes with The Netherlands’ entry rather than Disney. Slovenia has a traditional Disney song, but not The Netherlands or Denmark… unless you’re thinking of the Selena Gomez Disney Channel era (but that wasn’t the 90s).
lol @ people who think this wont qualify 😀 Jury’s will eat this, mark my words please. And ofcourse we should not forget the viewers, but i see no reason why they wouldnt vote for something like this. From the chosen ballads, this one has some real power, it stands out.
This will go to the final without any problem, no doubt about that!
It’s not the first time people don’t like the Dutch entry remember:))
Wait for the rehearsals guys, they will surprise you.
The comparison with Wilson Philips is a compliment I think, but for me, vocally Ogene is better then Wilson Philips was. They do not only sing together, they actually blend and mix into each other as one, and that’s a big gift!
Just like Denmark, this is a Disney soundtrack straight from the late 90s. Not a bad song, but a certified flop from the very beginning. Reminds me of I’m Still Alive by TWiiNS.
And I really hate when people complain about a song being “dated.” Not every single song in Eurovision has to be some swedish house dance number. I love those type of songs too, but learn to appreciate other kinds of music. Or, more aptly, Celebrate Diversity ????
Yeahnah, nah. Cheap. Probably stuck in the semis.
slovenia, croatia, cyprus, the netherlands, austria, spain, malta are all literally SO BLAND like honestly this year is really turning generic and boring
thank god for italy/latvia/hungary/moldova bc without them this would be one of the worst years in eurovision
*This song and their voice kind of remind me of The Corrs, which is both a good thing and not so good thing. Good voices, but the music sounds like something from about 15-20 years ago. Not bad, but not amazing.
*Ranks in my lower top 10 for now, but this not a winning song. Italy and France are far ahead. I’m sure they’ll do well with juries, but with tele-voters, not so sure…
Like others, this is Wilson Phillips’ HOLD ON all the way. I love the harmonies, but they should have updated this for 2017. I loved HOLD ON and prefer the original to this knock off.
Their voices are so freaking perfect, gosh!
The song itself isn’t my favorite, but still… just these harmonies deserve a top 10!
I have to say the hamonies are amazing! Totally impressed! Loved it!
The song is ok.
I can see this qualifying because of the vocals.
This is actually REALLY good, and my fave so far. They will NAIL it live, the only BIG dissavantage is that they are in the first half, and it is a song that might be forgotten. With good lighting and camera work this will probably finish on the left side of the scoreboard.
Not a fan. Also, what’s “The Power of Chirstmas?” Chirstmas? Is that like a second Christmas? xD
A nice surprise 🙂 I admittely expected something rather cheesy. Thankfully proven wrong.
I notice some people call it dated. I’d say “timeless”. Nothing is black/white when it comes to “modernity” in music. At least in my opinion.
Lovely vocal harmonies. Great sensual voices. Interesting song structure and build up. Has some unexpected parts which is good. Nice melodious song. Interesting lyrically.
Might end up in my upper half when we have heard all the songs
We don’t get X Factor UK here on my neck of the woods but Leona Lewis made it to our local radio stations at the time.
The song is quite contemporary, just not everyone’s taste who are probably more into Top 40 fare.