Maruv MTV EMAs 2019

On Sunday 3 November, she took home the 2019 MTV EMA for Best Russian Act. But ever since Maruv has faced an onslaught of criticism from certain arms of the media in her native Ukraine.

Maruv hits back at critics of her MTV EMA win

Sick of the hoopla, the artist born Anna Korsun decided to set the facts straight in an impassioned post shared across her social media.

??????? ????? ?????? ???? ??????????? ???? ? ?????????????? ?????? ? ???!? ???????? ??????? ?? ????????????? ?????? MTV…

Posted by MARUV on Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Writing on 5 November, the “Siren Song” hitmaker begins by saying that she is tired of the media twisting facts and creating a mess. She urges the relevant outlets to learn to read and check the facts first.

Proving that she’s a woman that practices what she preaches, Maruv then proceeds to drop some facts of her own. Firstly, the prize for Best Russian Act is not linked to nationality. That’s because the Russian arm of the multinational network covers the entire CIS region. As a result, the Kazakh singer Jah Khalib took the gong last year while Ukrainian performer Ivan Dorn won the title in 2017.

Furthermore, Maruv insists that she brought up her Ukrainian origins at every opportunity. She says she mentioned it in red carpet interviews and accepted the award under the Ukrainian flag.

To conclude, the Vidbir 2019 champ says she is more than just a  citizen of the country she was born in — she’s an artist of the world. Hence, she’ll go to award shows and concerts wherever she likes: “I’m a free person. I sing for everyone who likes my music”.

She closes with a cheeky wink, saying that the Grammys are next.

Update: It appears that MTV tried to limit this drama by announcing Maruv as best “MTV Russia Act” during the live show. However, at the time of writing, the award is still referred to as “Best Russian Act” on the official MTV EMA website.

Maruv and Russia

Ukraine’s chaotic Eurovision 2019 selection saw the Vidbir winner Maruv step aside due to a breakdown in contract negotiations. Much of the disagreement related to the singer’s close ties to Russia.

These links came centre stage when Eurovision 2016 winner Jamala pointed a finger at the “Siren Song” singer and asked her an “uncomfortable question” on the issue.

Ukraine and Russia have been in conflict since 2014 when the latter illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula.

Maruv’s withdrawal triggered a spectacular chain of events which resulted in the second and third place acts, Freedom Jazz and Kazka, also turning down the offer to represent Ukraine in Tel Aviv. The country called it quits and withdrew from the Tel Aviv contest before fourth-place finishers Brunettes Shoot Blondes had the opportunity to say no.

Eurovision Winners at the 2019 MTV EMAs

On Sunday 3 November, some of the music world’s biggest names descended on Sevilla in Spain for the annual MTV Europe Music Awards. A slew of Eurovision stars were among their ranks, including Mahmood and Roksana Węgiel.

The Eurovision 2019 runner-up and “Soldi” singer snagged the prize for Best Italian Act. Junior Eurovision 2018 winner Roxie was awarded best Polish Act. Former national final entrants Viktor Király and Fernando Daniel were given the top honours for Hungary and Portugal respectively.

Do you support Maruv? Should MTV just launch a Best Ukrainian Act award? Let us know in the comments.

Follow all of our Ukraine Eurovision 2020 news.

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5 years ago

The MTV European Music Awards are really somewhat weird… For an award show that is supposed to applaud European music, all most all the main categories are dominated by English-speaking artists, mostly American. The only Europeans that performed on the EMAs were the Brits like Dua Lipa, Mabel and Ava Max (although still English-based music) and Spanish hitmaker Rosalía. Maybe you could add that Becky G and Sofía Reyes performed in Spanish. I’m not sure… And it seems they have been really reducing the impact of the Regional Awards, right now there’s no more Baltic, Czechoslovak, Moldovan, Turkish nor Ukrainian… Read more »

5 years ago

I would not have accepted the award in this case. It’s like France invading the southern (French speaking) part of Belgium, and when a singer from the French-speaking part of Belgium would become MTV Best French Act. I can understand that the northern part of Belgium, or Belgium as a whole, would not accept that. Simply because it has become a country under occupation by another country, without legal justification.

But on the other hand: who am I to judge? If she likes it, good for her.

5 years ago

I cannot defend her for this. I can understand why she’d want to perform there since it is a much larger industry than Ukraine can provide, but accepting an award that calls her Russian is not something I’d excuse, especially when she pretended to be pro-Ukraine at Vidbir. This is a hostile nation that has invaded her home country and that her home country is at war with.

5 years ago
Reply to  Katariina

She’s pro cash, pro fame

I don’t really feel all that patriotic towards my own country though so I can’t judge her

Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

she’s winning again… we CAN stand it

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
5 years ago

She’s a true artist! Just making the music she loves for whoever is willing to listen to it, no matter where she comes from 🙂

5 years ago

I am so happy that Maruv gets more publicity than Jamala. Good luck Jamala making uncomfortable questions, maruv is winning

5 years ago
Reply to  Jack

If only Maruv had a singing voice like Jamala. But apparently the ability to sing is merely a detail for some people.

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
5 years ago
Reply to  pepe

Yeah, she’ll need it desperately for when she’s finally doing that cover of ‘1944’ that everyone is so anxiously awaiting.

5 years ago
Reply to  pepe

I get what you mean, pepe. Initially, I thought her vidbir performance was really good. I watched it again last night though and once I got past the costumes and dancing, I realized “Oh yikes, she can’t sing live at all.”

Xu Quan
Xu Quan
5 years ago

‘Took home’ haha, Wiwi’s on a roll as always 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Xu Quan

I’m guessing English isn’t your first language…?

5 years ago

OK… Maruv was a fun act that unfortunately did not get to Eurovision for the worst possible reasons. But now… get over it, guys. What is this obsession?!? Last year the obsession was with Sara Aalto. Now Maruv. Can you not go beyond the flavour of the month?

5 years ago
Reply to  Bart

Get ready for Aly Ryan :v

5 years ago
Reply to  Dawid

Oh God… Yes, I see that coming…

5 years ago
Reply to  Bart

Lol… your statement made me curious so I checked it out. And omg, the last blog they wrote that was just about Maruv was in August. I think you are the one that has the bias. ha.

5 years ago
Reply to  Carola

Well, I guess you don’t have anything better to do?… But since you are this kind of person, I also checked and in November there are two, in October three, in August two and the list goes on. I mean for an act that was not even in Eurovision I think that there is quite a bit of over exposure…

5 years ago
Reply to  Bart

Those posts you’re talking about were about groups of artists not just Maruv… your claims of over exposure are over stretched. And even if they weren’t so what… You don’t have to read about her. go google what fun and exciting activities englebert humperdinck and d mol are getting up to

5 years ago
Reply to  carola

Well, look who is getting biased now… I find it too much coverage for the artist she is and I have the freedom to express it. You are also free not read my comments. As for the things you mention, I have no idea what you are talking about and reveals once again the kind of person you are…

5 years ago
Reply to  Bart

I’m the winner of Eurovision 1991!

5 years ago
Reply to  Carola

LOL!!! Ok that is actually very funny! Truce! But if you were to be her let me tell you that you are a much bigger artist than Maruv will ever be but also that I think France was robbed in 1991, sorry dear.

5 years ago

I mean she’s free to accept it and people are free to complain. Probably they aren’t her fans anyway so it doesnt change anything

5 years ago

I think by Russian they mean “East Slavic/Central Asian” act so even Jamala herself would fall under that category until a separate Ukrainian category is announced so this is probably a case of creating drama for the sake of it on the media’s side.

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

I’m starting to feel like nobody benefitted from Eurovision 2019 more than Maruv. I hope Mama Jamala is happy for her.

5 years ago

I’d say Maruv, Hatari, and Mahmood (Mahmood especially).

It’s crazy how they each seem to be “going places” more than the actual winner.

5 years ago

Their success however great, and especially Mahmood, is probably temporarily.. The actual winner as you quite clearly put it just landed a record deal in America and just released a highly successful second single.. There is only one winner, accept it.. This is not about who won Eurovision but being happy for someone else..

5 years ago

Someone is still Salty Salty Clap Clap.
Duncan has a bigger European tour then Mahmood and he also had guest performances in more countries.

5 years ago

In the show, when the regional category winners were introduced, I noticed that Maruv was introduced as “Best MTV Russia Act”, rather than “Best Russian Act” (the formula used for all the others: Best German Act, Best Polish Act, Best Spanish Act, etc) .

5 years ago

support her 100%. and she also said in a spanish interview that she will go someday to Eurovision(not next tear though of course). But I was so happy to hear that, she is born to be on that stage

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

In the interview, she said she will go to Eurovision someday as a guest, not as a participant.

5 years ago
Reply to  xelx

You’re right, didn’t listen to it carefully 🙁

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

I remember her saying that she would’ve won easily if she came in 2019 because Duncan’s song was bad. Hard to cheer for her after that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dawid

She said that staging was forgotable and boring not the song