The date is set and we need all y’all to répondez s’il vous plaît! France Télévisions has confirmed that Eurovision France: C’est vous qui décidez will air on Saturday, January 30 at 21:05 CET. Save the date and let’s go!

With the date of the national selection confirmed, the puzzle is now complete. It took a little bit of time. Because of the ongoing pandemic and domestic restrictions meant to slow the spread of coronavirus, producers have had to be nimble and adjust. They’d originally wanted to stage the show outside of Paris, in a provincial city. But because of the risks associated with moving producers and the contestants themselves, the team was forced to keep proceedings in Paris.

The same went for the official press conference on January 8, which laid out the details of the show.

Eurovision France’s new voting system will be divided in two stages. The first stage will be the qualification phase: the 7 songs that come first in the public vote will be selected for a final vote. An eighth song can be picked by the jury — a so-called “euro-ticket” — and will be eligible for the final vote. The vote will then be reset to zero. The public and the jury will then vote 50/50 for the song that will represent France at Eurovision 2021.

For this first edition, an exceptional jury chaired by Amir – France’s Eurovision 2016 singer – consists of 10 personalities. The jury is made up of former Eurovision participants, but also actors and the fashion designer Jean-Paul Gautier, who will design the stage costume for the French representative. The winner of the last Eurovision Song Contest, Duncan Laurence, will also be part of the jury:

  • Amir, president of the jury (France’s representative at Eurovision 2016)
  • Marie Myriam (last French winner at Eurovision 1977)
  • Jean-Paul Gaultier (French fashion designer)
  • Michele Bernier (French actress)
  • Elodie Gossuin (Miss France 2001, who gave the points for France at Eurovision 2016)
  • Agustin Galiana (French singer and actor)
  • Natasha St Pier (France’s representative at Eurovision 2001)
  • André Manoukian (French classical musician)
  • Chimène Badi (French singer)
  • Duncan Laurence

Have you saved the date? Who do you think is going to win? Let us know in the comments box down below!

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4 years ago

@wiwiblogs Agustin is Spanish and Manoukian is jazz musician not classical

4 years ago

I am French and I don’t think Andriamad is a smart choice, for me it’s just Mercy 2.0. Will do well with eurofans but not get an amazing result at the end, something between 12 and 16. A duet with a cute message, as we say here a little bit too “bobo” to feel authentic. Barbara is maybe darker, but has a feel closer to Patricia Kaas, which result was better.

4 years ago
Reply to  Toinousse

Downvote me all you want, it’s just a personnal feeling, I just don’t see how Andriamad could reach a top 10 when Madame Monsieur didn’t. I am open to other’s interpretations though, what do you think makes their act significantly different and better?

Loin dici
4 years ago
Reply to  Toinousse

Mercy’s strong point is the simplicity and the emotional content, while Alleluia relies on its folk-infused arrangement and the anthemic feeling. It’s interesting to see if Eastern voters would give more attention towards Alleluia since Mercy didn’t really appeal with this demographic.

4 years ago
Reply to  Toinousse

ouais fin ça reste bon sentiment “people of the world” bobo tralala en général ça dépasse rarement les frontières françaises d’un point de vue score. Après je me trompe peut être mais ça me frappe pas comme un titre méga ambitieux niveau classement

4 years ago
Reply to  Toinousse

Je suis d’accord avec toi, en plus les extraits de répétition le mec chante vraiment faux. Et on a vu sur les aperçus qu’il ne sait pas danser, donc bon, j’ai beau bien aimer la chanson seule (encore que “same same mais pas différent” je trouve ça niais et moche), l’Eurovision c’est tout un ensemble, si on a une meuf qui chante et danse bien avec un mec qui chante faux et bouge comme un sac, c’est mort. Pour moi c’est Barbara Pravi qui a le plus de chances, peut-être avec un revamp de l’instru (j’aimerais trop l’entendre avec un… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Toinousse

Je suis 100% d’accord avec toi. Ce n’est pas une mauvaise chanson mais je trouve les paroles un peu bof malgré le message positif.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lolek

Exactement!! En outre, je pense que l’harmonie entre les deux était aussi un peu décevante.
Dans la vidéo d’aperçu en direct, il n’y avait pas d’interaction entre les deux et surtout, leurs voix n’étaient pas fortes non plus.
On doit leur donner une autre chance étant donné qu’on a encore rien vu, mais, franchement, je ne vois pas beaucoup de potentiel en eux.

Last edited 4 years ago by KRM
4 years ago
Reply to  Lolek

ouais surtout les people of the world répétés c’est méga cliché

4 years ago
Reply to  Toinousse

ça me rapelle Polina Gagarina en 2015 avec son” we are the world’s people”… C’était tellement hypocrite venant de la Russie de présenter un tel morceau mdr

Last edited 4 years ago by Arkthus
4 years ago

Hello Tibor, where did you find their other music, I’m curious to listen?

4 years ago

I’m glad that will still happen in January. Looking at the bright side of the date, since we’ll already know all Lithuanian entries by then (The Roop will perform on the 2nd heat, right?), the only real competition in the same afternoon will be the 3rd show of MGP. And the Norwegian player usually lets us pause it during the show, so it gets easier to manage. But I’ll echo Adrian’s question: where could we watch the show? Will it be broadcasted by Facebook like Destination Eurovision?

Last edited 4 years ago by Sabrina
4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I think the live on won’t be geoblocked. But they said that a special broadcast for international fans will definitely be in place : maybe on their Youtube official page? If not, usually, programms for people outside of France can be watched on TV5 Monde, and it was the case for Destination Eurovision before.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bimbamboom

Youtube would be great. And even if they don’t want to un-geoblock their normal player, they can do like some countries that create a different player just for their national final. Broadcasting it in TV5 Monde wouldn’t be helpful to me, because I don’t have it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

TV5 Quebec aired the last two editions of DE here in Canada on time delay, I hope they do it again for this national final

I started watching JESC before ESC
I started watching JESC before ESC
4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Most shows on are geoblocked for me 🙁

Edit: I’m pretty sure all of them

Last edited 4 years ago by I started watching JESC before ESC
Adrian Trujillo
Adrian Trujillo
4 years ago

Is there a website we’ll be able to watch this live?

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago

I don’t know yet. It’s entirely up to France 2.
In previous years, the French broadcaster has been kind and provided a link to somewhere where either the show or parts of it can be viewed by the rest of Europe / the world. Hopefully France 2 will make a similar arrangement this year.

4 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

i can watch certain shows of France 2 on tv, i got TV5Monde channel at our ziggo package anyway

Jimmy Smit
4 years ago

I will be extremely surprised if the winning song isn’t Voilà or Alléluia. They are the only two competitive entries — that’s clear from the fan reaction too. I’d prefer Andriamad to win, it’s fun, vibrant, has a positive message and a joyfulness. I also like the French-MENA representation, both culturally and in sound. Improved choreography and better outfits would really seal the deal for the performance. I think it could be a surprise hit for France in May. Barbara’s song is beautifully composed and performed. For me though, it’s too somber for what I think many will want from… Read more »

4 years ago

I also prefer their other songs ahah

4 years ago

Why the 30th? There’s already 2 heats on that day. (Norway and Lithuania) Like can’t we have songs earlier? At this point Samanta will release her song on the 30th as well…

Anyway Voilà or Alléluia for the win (my fav is voilà though)

Loin dici
4 years ago
Reply to  Dogseuro

It’s in line with the usual DE final dates (late January). Plus, they probably need some extra COV preparation and time to build the stage.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Indeed, I noticed that too (about the DE dates).

4 years ago

Let French National Finals begins!!!! Can’t wait

4 years ago
  1. Barbara
  2. Philippine
4 years ago

So I guess both ‘stages’ of the contest will take place during the same day? Can’t wait!

Barbara, Terrence, Philippine and Pony X are my current top 4 candidates so I’d be happy with any of them winning!

4 years ago

I’m so afraid Voilà could lose! Please French jury choose wisely 🙂

4 years ago


At this point, either LMK or possibly Barbara should win imo. Andriamad are also good, but their vocals and energy were disappointing on the live preview video.

If they improve their vocals and choreography in the final performace, they have a chance, but otherwise, I can’t really see them winning.

But my favourite is definitely “Magique”

Last edited 4 years ago by KRM
4 years ago
Reply to  KRM

Same! I’m all for Barbara and LMK, I think France could place well with them and will make impression with one of these songs : Magique represents actual radio French hits and has the advantage to already be broadcast on major stations like Fun Radio, but at the same time we have Voilà, classy with modern and meaningfull lyrics, pure perfection, and Barbara is already known by young people on platforms… So I don’t know.. between the two “mon coeur balance” as we say 🙂

4 years ago

Perfect date !

4 years ago
Reply to  FanESC

Would’ve been better earlier though. At least it isn’t in March I guess.