Christmas is finally upon us once again. Amongst the food and presents, today will no doubt be filled with music and cheer.

Luckily for us, a plethora of Eurovision stars have taken time this year to release some new festive tunes that we can play throughout the day.

As you gather around the tree and enjoy the holiday, here’s our final roundup of new Christmas songs from Eurovision artists that will help you celebrate the yuletide.

And from all of us here at wiwibloggs, we wish y’all a very Merry Christmas!

New music from Eurovision artists: Christmas 2023 | Part 2

Måns Zelmerlöw – “Christmas Christmas Everywhere”

For a suave and dapper Christmas tune, look no further than Måns Zelmerlöw’s “Christmas Christmas Everywhere”. Sweden’s Eurovision 2015 winner has dropped a cheery song where he’s accompanied by a jazz band and strings. Lyrically, Måns sings of unity and the ability of the festive season to bring everyone across the globe together, no matter how they celebrate: “Yeah, the customs may be different but the message is the same / All to bring out the best in everyone, it’s love by any name / It may be snow or sandy shores with family or alone / But it’s Christmas, Christmas everywhere and everywhere is home.”

Alena Omargalieva first released “Святий Миколай” (“Saint Nicholas”) as a solo song in 2022. She’s now making it five times bigger by inviting five other Ukrainian artists to join the fun — this includes Eurovision 2013 star Zlata Ognevich and Vidbir 2023 entrant DEMCHUK. Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop who became the inspiration for Santa Claus. In the lyrics of their festive offering, the six artists sing to him and ask for one Christmas present: “Grandfather Nicholas, Saint Nicholas / Don’t forget about me / I have only one wish / Meet a crazy love.” All proceeds from this song will be donated to nine-year-old Dmytro from Chernihiv, who lost his mother and home during the ongoing war.

Poli Genova – “Magical”

Christmas is always a “Magical” time of the year. However, there’s something missing for Bulgaria’s Poli Genova. There’s a person-shaped hole in her heart, and the two-time Eurovision star is wishing upon a star for her lover to return in time for the festive season: “Oh its a miracle, ooh / It sounded like its magical, ooh / Baby please come home / Come home / This Christmas.” You’ll notice some product placement for Coca Cola part way through the music video — Poli partnered with the company for both the song and a Christmas concert in Sofia on 23 December.

Chanel – “Un Año Más”

Chanel is already thinking about the New Year. Spain’s Eurovision 2022 star has released a cover of “Un Año Más” (“One More Year”), which was first recorded by popular band Mecano. Chanel keeps elements of the 80’s production but also kicks the tempo up a gear to give it a more danceable quality. The lyrics see Chanel considering everything that has come over the past year, and what lies ahead in the new one: “Five more minutes to countdown / We take stock of the good and the bad  […] We will miss those who are no longer here / Let’s see if those of us who are alive wake up / And next year we laugh.”

VICTORIA & Aleksander Dębicz – “All I Want For Christmas Is You”

It’s one of the most iconic Christmas songs of all time. And now VICTORIA has put her own spin on Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You”. Bulgaria’s Eurovision 2021 star has collaborated with Polish pianist Aleksander Dębicz for this new version. VICTORIA turns it into a very personal rendition, as the accompanying music video features clips from her life and career so far. Writing in the video’s description, VICTORIA notes:

“I am very happy that we made this project for Christmas, where I shared some of my most intimate memories over the years. When I saw the video for the first time, I experienced a lot of emotions – nostalgia, laughter, love, sadness, warmth, and mostly peace. The video includes some of the sweetest moments in my life, and I am grateful that we managed to create something so genuine and personal. While choosing the frames, I went through many different emotions, reliving those memories. I always cry when I watch the end because my father is no longer here, and I miss him terribly. I love him, and every day I think of him – I am sure he is proud of me.”

Carola – “Helga natt”

Carola’s Christmas offering is “Helga natt” (“Holy night”). It’s not a cover of “O, holy night” — the Swedish star has recorded a plethora of those of the years — but something entirely new. The Eurovision 1991 champion gifts us a gospel hymn with a backing choir that aims to show how “we are one big family in this uncertain world”.

Dami Im – Christmas Songbook

Dami Im has a full Christmas Songbook for us to enjoy. Australia’s Eurovision 2016 runner-up has recorded seven songs for the EP — six covers, plus one brand new song titled “Baby’s First Christmas Day”. Dami has given the songs a jazz/blues spin, including several moments of scat singing, and “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer” also features a series of trumpet solos courtesy of James Morrison. This jazz theme was partly influenced by the fact the EP was produced by Rick Price in Nashville. Speaking about the collaboration in the description of the accompanying music videos, Dami noted:

“Nothing fills my heart with joy quite like the timeless melodies of Christmas music and I loved recording some of my all-time favourite Christmas tunes with some internationally acclaimed musicians. And it was an absolute treat to write our own Christmas song ‘Baby’s First Christmas Day’ with Rick Price.”

Evgenya Redko feat. Vaidas Baumila – “Nuo Tavęs Priklausau”

If you’re a fan of more classic Christmas songs, then “Nuo Tavęs Priklausau” (“I Depend On You”) could be one for you. Eurovision 2015 star Vaidas Baumila has teamed up with fellow Lithuanian singer Evgenya Redko for the elegant waltz — they are even joined by ballroom dancers in the music video. The pair sing of how much they mean to one another: “I will hug you / Like a Christmas miracle / As we do every year / Body to body / And again from you / I melted shamelessly / I depend on you.”

The Travellers feat. Ira Losco, Gianluca & Michela  – “Tridx Tkun Tiegħi Dan il-Milied?”

Maltese band The Travellers have brought on board three Eurovision alumni to participate in their festive single. Ira Losco (ESC 2002 & 2016), Gianluca Bezzina (ESC 2013), and Michela (ESC 2019) join the six-piece group for a festive sing-a-long and dinner. “Tridx Tkun Tiegħi Dan il-Milied?” (“Don’t You Want To Be Mine This Christmas?”) is a mid-tempo percussion-driven song in which the artists question the feelings of a special someone in their life: “For you I am ready to start again, I am ready to give you my heart little by little / And I feel that I have come to love you in a short time, these words at Christmas.”

Natasha St-Pier – Christmas Album

Natasha St-Pier has made it very clear what her latest LP is all about. France’s Eurovision 2001 star has recorded 11 songs for her Christmas Album. There’s a combination of classic pop songs, gospel offerings, as well as heavenly carols. Natasha also mixes up several languages into the album, including English, French and Spanish — the latter of which you can see in the accompanying music video for “Feliz Navidad”.

Alexandra Rotan – “Stjernesludd”

Alexandra Rotan has gifted us a rendition of “Stjernesludd” (“Stardust”), which was first released by Norwegian rock band DumDum Boys. The Eurovision 2019 star transforms the song into a gorgeous ballad accompanied by piano, guitar, and double bass. In the lyrics of the song, the singer laments their current situation and how alone they are. Yet, despite this melancholy, the singer is able to find a moment of peace with a friend: “For tonight / As the snow flutters down / We’re making angels / And we are in heaven.”

ela. & Louis Philippson – “Lametta” and “Snowman”

Eurovision 2014 alum ela. took part in Songpoeten’s Christmas Sessions. Accompanied by pianist Louis Philippson, ela. recorded live versions of two songs. The first is a new song, titled “Lametta” (“Tinsel”). The soft piano ballad sees the German singer realising the fast-paced action and bright lights aren’t the most important things about this season: “Maybe everything used to be more tinsel / But today I actually think it’s better / Because now I finally understand / What it means to go home.”

The pair’s second song is an acoustic cover of Sia’s “Snowman”.

Marius Bear – “I fahre hai für d’Wiehnacht”

After releasing an autumn EP, Marius Bear is now settling down for winter. Switzerland’s Eurovision 2022 star has recorded a Swiss-German cover of Chris Rea’s classic “Driving Home For Christmas”. Marius’ version, “I fahre hai für d’Wiehnacht”, has an entirely new percussion arrangement. It also comes with new lyrics: “I can hardly wait for hours / The snowflakes dance from me to you through the air and then land on your soft skin / And no matter where I am / For me Christmas is only with you.”

Fyr & Flamme – “Julekys”

Fyr & Flamme are in need of some mistletoe. The Danish duo are hoping for a “Julekys” (“Christmas Kiss”) to really make this festive season an extra special one. As expected, the Eurovision 2021 entrants bring a retro 80’s styling to their Christmas offering. The accompanying music video takes the form of a series of postcards as Fyr & Flamme travel the globe in search of this Julekys.

Aleksander Walmann – “Hvor ble du av”

Many of us will be celebrating Christmas with our family and loved ones. But it is worth remembering those who have recently lost members of their family and will be suffering with grief at this time. Norway’s Aleksander Walmann captures this within his new song “Hvor ble du av” (“Where did you go”). It’s a beautiful ballad with a touching emotion that hits the listener even if they don’t speak Norwegian. Upon the song’s release, the Eurovision 2017 singer shared the following message:

“I’ve always wanted to make a Christmas song! I started it last year but couldn’t quite find my way with it. This summer we lost an uncle who has been a great inspiration and role model for me, and then suddenly all the pieces fell into place. This song is for my uncle . This song is for everyone who misses someone this Christmas. This is for everyone who feels Christmas is getting a bit too much. It’s for everyone who feels Christmas is a bit too painful. It is for all those who are missing someone around the table. It’s for everyone who knows that Christmas won’t be quite the same. I hope the song can give someone the same as it has given me.”

Jeronimas Milius & Karina Krysko – “Tave taip lengva pamilti”

Our second Lithuanian duo of the day comes courtesy of Eurovision 2008 singer Jeronimas Milius and his (both musical and real-life) partner Karina Krysko. They recorded this song for broadcaster LRT’s Kalėdų kalendorius (Christmas calendar) — the duo were under door #2. “Tave taip lengva pamilti” (“You’re so easy to love”) captures Milius and Krysko’s loving partnership whilst adding in some sleigh bells for a festive feel.

Ilias Kozas feat. 87ο Δημ.Σχ. Θεσσαλονίκης – “Χριστούγεννα Διαφορετικά”

Greece’s Ilias Kozas is having a “Χριστούγεννα Διαφορετικά” (“Different Christmas”). The Koza Mostra lead singer has collaborated on this new song with the 87th Elementary School of Thessaloniki. The school children provide backing for the Eurovision 2013 representative during this rock offering.

Jill Johnson – “Santa Claus Baby”

“If you’re Santa Claus, baby / And If I wish upon a star, maybe / You’ll stop by and make my wish come true.” Jill Johsnon is hoping for a special visit from someone this Christmas. Sweden’s Eurovision 1998 star aims to become their Mrs Claus and snuggle up tight with them. This cheeky message comes courtesy of the country-pop tune “Santa Claus Baby”, which has a jazzy piano interlude in the middle.

Nicki French – “Christmas At The Disco”

Nicki French is celebrating “Christmas At The Disco”. The UK’s Eurovision 2000 representative is ready to party all night long and knows many of us across the globe will be doing just that as well: “Take my hand and lets get grooving / Around the world, the people moving / From Milan to San Francisco / Merry Christmas at the disco.” Produced by Matt Pop, this is certainly a fun track to end our festive roundup with.

Which of these new Christmas songs is your favourite? Which festive tracks by Eurovision stars do you enjoy playing during the holiday period? Let us know in the comments below.

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1 year ago

Evgenya is so precious <3
Vaidas Baumila can stay too.

Stephen G
Stephen G
1 year ago

Wow, the Nikki French song is a cover/revision of “XXXmas at the Disco” by a swedish group “Straight Up”!

1 year ago

Chanel the Queen of my heart ??

1 year ago

Love Walmann’s christmas song

1 year ago

I got a Christmas song by ROXEN on my Spotify new release feed Friday.

1 year ago

Love VICTORIA and her version of ”All I Want For Christmas Is You”. Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂