Lithuania has finally selected all 10 finalists for Eurovizija.LT 2024. This week saw the country choose the last two acts from the last eight competing acts in the selection.
Only two of the eight last hopefuls could qualify for the grand final on February 17 in Švyturio Arena, Klaipėda. In the end, these were The Roop and Queens of Rose. The result was determined by the Lithuanian public and jury vote.
The show, as per usual, was presented by Gabrielė Martirosian and Nombeko Augustė Khotseng. TikToker Nerijus Trilikauskas interviewed artists after their performances.
Eurovizija.LT 2024: Heat five
Results are determined by a combined vote from a jury and the Lithuanian public watching at home. Each rank the songs and award 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 and 3 points. Then the top two at the end qualify.
- The Roop – “Simple Joy” (12 points) ADVANCED
- Queens of Roses – “Walk through fire“ (10 points) ADVANCED
- Lina Štalytė – “Perfect” (8 points)
- April Frey – “New Years“ (7 points)
- Freya Alley – “Serenade” (6 points)
- Petras Daunys – “Run“ (5 points)
- Kàro – “Weightless“ (4 points)
- Emilija V – ”Trophy Wife“ (3 points)
Jury vote
- The Roop – “Simple Joy” (12 points)
- Queens of Roses – “Walk through fire“ (10 points)
- April Frey – “New Years“ (8 points)
- Petras Daunys – “Run“ (7 points)
- Kàro – “Weightless“ (6 points)
- Lina Štalytė – “Perfect” (5 points)
- Freya Alley – “Serenade” (4 points)
- Emilija V – ”Trophy Wife“ (3 points)
Televote results
- The Roop – “Simple Joy” (12 points) – 3691 votes
- Lina Štalytė – “Perfect” (10 points) – 1730 votes
- Freya Alley – “Serenade” (8 points) – 869 votes
- Queens of Roses – “Walk through fire“ (7 points) – 840 votes
- April Frey – “New Years“ (6 points) – 391 votes
- Kàro – “Weightless“ (5 points) – 387 votes
- Petras Daunys – “Run“ (4 points) – 335 votes
- Emilija V – ”Trophy Wife“ (3 points) – 130 votes
Heat five saw highly anticipated return of The Roop to the Lithuanian national pre-selection. We all fell in love with the band back in 2020 when their entry ‘On Fire’ got selected to represent the country at Eurovision 2020 before its eventual cancellation. As the band were tipped to finish within the top 5, they decided to come back to Pabandom iš Naujo 2021, where they triumphed with ‘Discoteque‘. This year they are back with ‘Simple Joy’ which we will see performed at the Eurovizija.LT 2024 final on February 17 in Švyturio Arena, Klaipėda.
Running order
- Freya Alley – “Serenade”
- Kàro – “Weightless”
- Petras – “Run”
- Queens of Roses – “Walk through fire”
- April Frey – “New Years”
- Emilija V – “Trophy Wife”
- The Roop – “Simple Joy”
- Lina Štalytė – “Perfect”
What did you think of heat five? Now you’ve seen all the song, who do you think could win the grand final next week? Let us know below.
I want Kaboom or Luktelk please. Kaboom reminds me of Die Antwoord, a band I like very much 🙂
Silvester music sounds fine, but actual lyrics in Lithuanian is crap, he just sings random words like there are no sentences, no proper meaning. It’s is so bad grammatically, really unpleasant to the ear. Hopefully The Roop will get 12 points from jury.
Roop’s song is the least ESC friendly song out of their 3. Pretty good background/driving song tho, it’s radio friendly. But when they came on that stage, everything came alive. It is incredible how all the others looked li highschool competition compared to them. They are not on the same level at all. Final looks fairly strong and interesting but I don’t think any of the songs will do particularly well at ESC. I just hope it won’t be boring, Luktelk is fine, Roop is fine, Kaboom is trashy but fun, just not another slow song.
Hearing all of the finalists, I think Silvester definitely has the best chance. The rest aren’t too bad.
Queens of Roses for the win now please, spice girls meets the mamas, slay bop
the luktelk (solid song) bubble train should not underestimate the firepower of the roop train.
big clash soon…
I really hope Silvester or VB Gang have this and not the Roop…
“New Years” was on a different level from everything else.
yes, three floors below
Now that all finalists are set, I hope Silvester Belt wins next weekend.
The Roop was a letdown, on the other hand.
I would still send Silvester over The Roop. “Simple Joy” is a good song but “Luktel” is on another level. I really want to see “Luktel” in Eurovision.
Now that we finally have our 10 finalists, who do you want to see when next week and represent Lithuania for Eurovision 2024? Or did I just answer my own question?
Silvester Belt, obviously
That’s my choice too, but we’ve got to be prepared for anything. Don’t take it for granted. What is the current vibe right now? Who are your friends actually rooting for? While Lithuania has made good choices in recent years, there’s always still the chance they might make the wrong choice this year, especially in a competing year ending in four which is often your Achilles heel at Eurovision. I hope that curse does not come to pass this year and you pick the right entry that is not only good, but can make the final and maybe give you… Read more »
Please don’t jinx it haha. We might have made a few mistakes when it comes to National selection results, but ppl here in LT are really fond of Silvester’s song. YouTube comments also speak for themselves. At least 90% comments below Silvester’s performance are ‘you must win’, ‘I’m in love with this song’, ‘Absolute banger’, and my heart sings when I see that these comments come from actual Lithuanians! I just hope that SIM cards buyers won’t mobilize their forces for someone like Il Senso, but I’m fairly confident that there won’t be a mistake made, because we vote very… Read more »
Oh, I don’t wanna jinx it either. But I think in the final there will be a lot more people voting in that can offset suspicious Sim card related voting.
It’s one thing to say you really love the song, but it’s another thing to actually vote for to make sure it went so I hope luktelk wins both the jury and vote and ends up winning the super final too.
Totally agree
Silvester or VB Gang
omg mokina marija light on and criminal competing again?
Wow Monika Marija is a busy woman qualifying every weekend now. LoL. Title of this article needs to change…
I will miss “New Years” in the final. It’s utterly beautiful.
It’s literally a blatant copy of Emmelie de Forest – Let it fall
The Roop were disappointing, although it could be that the lead is sick with lyme disease 🙁
Lyme disease or not, that cringy dance is not helping…
Where did you find that out?
The roop themselves announced it just before the semi, you know, for pity votes
The Roop was a borefest…
Who are the last two qualifiers?
The roop and queens of roses
Fairly predictable results tonight woth the returnees both going through.
Not got the time to watch everyone so just dipped into my favourite and oh my, Freya Alley’s Serenade is so emotional – it really strikes me really deep.
Don’t think it’s got any chance of going through but I don’t mind, it’s got a place in my heart.
I love the studio track– the song has this otherworldly glow to it. I didn’t love today;s performance, though.
Lina is pretty good, but this song is kinda dull.
I totay agree – the Roop is pleasant to listen, but not living up to 2020 and 2021. I will root for Silvester
The Roop always delivering quality,
ofcourse not as strong entry as the 2 times before. But still very enjoyable.
The Roop’s song is honestly just ok. I hope Silvester wins the whole thing
Yeah, it’s pleasant and definitely will be in the final, but Silvester is still my favorite for the win too.
April’s dancer is a distraction. But maybe a necessary one.
I think i liked Queens of Roses’ last entry better. It had more original lyrics. This is just a string of clichés
Kara, not a bad performance. Needs more staging.
Weightless is a kind of fun song, but the performanve needs more sass to match that bassline.
Oh no these vocals are not working for the opening song.
Pretty staging though