The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2024. The first country to be put under our magnifying glass is Cyprus, who have chosen Silia Kapsis with “Liar”.

You won’t find any lies in our reviews. Scroll down to read our truths!

Silia Kapsis – “Liar” (Cyprus Eurovision 2024)

Review: Silia Kapsis – “Liar”

Georgia: This song is incredibly playful and catchy, practically begging people to hit the dance floor. With Silia’s fresh and powerful vibes, Cyprus has a real opportunity to shine amidst the sea of other pop dance tracks. While it might seem like a typical pop mainstream song at first glance, Silia’s dance skills promise a dynamic stage presence that will elevate Cyprus’s entry. It’s the perfect combination of infectious beats and Silia’s charisma, ensuring that all eyes will be on Cyprus during their performance. No wonder why it has been selected to open its semi-final.

Score: 8

Pablo: Cyprus is once more delivering their well-written, inside the box offerings. But somehow “Liar” feels a bit more… contrived. It checks all the boxes: sultry verses, thumping pre-chorus, a chorus with a hook, dance portion instrumental; but one can see the seams. It’s not quite meshing together as a pop song to put on constant replay, but more so a Disney-movie musical break to sit through and politely watch. They can pull off a great, flashy show to bypass this fact, but I’m worried that the song itself isn’t making its case of success strongly enough.

Score: 4.5

Youyou: I don’t want to compare this song to Cyprus’ previous entries, but the point I want to emphasise is that this song has all the potential to be the biggest dark horse of this year’s competition, just as in 2018. The song itself is very malleable and I’m confident that Cyprus will be able to capitalise on this opportunity to present a perfect stage show.

Score: 7

Lucy: If there’s one thing that’s quite possible in any recent Dream Team song, it’s a lack of originality or freshness. Ignoring the fact many of us heard “Liar” a year ago courtesy of it’s original artist, there is nothing new or exciting about this entry for me. I also think the overuse of “ooh la la” might be the worst lyrics of 2024 – the rhyming of it with “truth la la” is just awful. Silia Kapsis herself raises it to be worthy of this competition, hence the 3, not a 1. She really is great and I hope her inevitable dance break lives up to what it needs to.

Score: 3

Cyprus Eurovision 2024 ranking

In the Eurovision 2024 Wiwi Jury, we have 17 jurors but only have room for four reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 7.5

Cinan: 10

Deban: 7

Jonathan: 6.5

Ron: 3.5

Ruxandra: 7.5

Scarlett: 4

Sebastian: 9

Simon: 6

Suzanne: 7

Tom: 8

Tomas: 5

William: 7.5

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 3 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 6.53/10

What do you think of Cyprus’ Eurovision 2024 entry? Share your own score and review for Silia Kapsis’ “Liar” below!

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4 months ago

If Silia was male with girly attidude and cloths for sure is going to be high in odds and to eurofans top’s . No any hate or racism but this is how Eurovision works the latest years….

Iván el Conquistador
Iván el Conquistador
4 months ago

If the Cypriot broadcaster wants good results and insists with diaspora artists, they should give up on Eleni wannabes. Andrew Lambrou almost made it into the top 10, take notes.

4 months ago

Do you realy thing that Andrew was almost in top ten from Australian 8 points from televoting and just 3 points from jury? Their block Countries who take more than 11 points and this happen every year
Nordics for example. How many points ( televoting and juries ) exhcange ? Surelly more than just 11 points…

4 months ago

A 10 Cinan? Really? So this is flawless? Most absurd wiwijury rating I have ever seen

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam

Cinan was ALWAYS going to give this 10. It is not absurd, it’s predictable. If you are shocked by this than you must be a new guy when it comes to Wiwibloggs.

4 months ago

Cyprus 3/12

4 months ago

Ever since pretty much 2017, Cyprus has been consistently giving us solid pop songs over the years, but the trend is really starting to grow boring and predictable. That’s not to say that Silia isn’t talented. To pull off such an attitude and style for only being 17 years old is insane, and she’s doing a wonderful job. Given her youth and probable inexperience, the live performance could very well become too shaky for her to qualify, but if the vocals and choreography in Malmö are on point, Liar should be an eye-catching showopener. The song as a studio cut… Read more »

Im so fab
Im so fab
4 months ago

Her dance moves are going to be her qualification key, not the song.

4 months ago

CYPRUS – We are starting with Cyprus, who is known for often sending girlbops during the last six years. Liar is a song that was apparently in the running to represent Greece last year. There is nothing inherently wrong with pitching the same song again, especially since we’ve seen on examples like the Croatian entry this year that the internal jury not picking it up doesn’t have to mean a lot. The thing is, I can’t find much refreshing aspects about this entry. The composition is quite a standard Scandi-pop song with some Mediterranean-sounding instrumental sprinkled in for good measure. That… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Dominic

Girly pop songs the last 6 years? Lol. Last year Andrew Lambrou was a girl with pop song? In 2022 Andromache was with pop song? Lets be serious, Austria 3 years now with Electric pop, Malta 4 years now with pop, Sweden 20 years now with the same Swedish pop style. Please check some facts before to say your opinion…

4 months ago

She is a good performer, but this song itself is as generic as it gets and completely forgettable.

4 months ago

“Fresh” out of the Dimitris Kontopulos vault after totally not gathering dust over the course of the last twelve months, is the completely original, and thoroughly groundbreaking Liar. And, it is pretty much exactly what one would expect. As with most things offered up by Kontopulos, it borrows a lot of mainstream pop concepts that work…ten years ago. In this case, the song goes particularly overboard with its overuse of those horns that were everywhere in 2015-2016. He’s just throwning them in at the end of lines here. The problem is that, as is the case with the majority of… Read more »

4 months ago

Y’all need to chill and respect the effort that goes into this from every country representative. How is everyone an expert in song writing now? What were you doing at 17?! She is fire, the song is polished, catchy and infectious. Even as a basic pop entry, it still delivers. Not every song has to be inventive or weird. At least this one will play in clubs and people will sing along. None of the tricked out songs will, even if they score better at the contest. But enough with the hate, it’s not cute. Be respectful of people’s efforts.

Mike Ahern
Mike Ahern
4 months ago

If ever confirmation was needed of the community’s preference for female-led pop songs, this is it. The most ridiculous thing is not so much that people like it (10/10 from one juror is genuinely mind-blowing though) since everyone’s opinion is valid. It’s that they somehow rated this higher than Georgia, which ticks all the same boxes with far fewer drawbacks.

4 months ago

Oh, you are feeling generous. This is one of my least liked song this year. It tries to be like any other Cypriot song from the last 7 seven years, just to be one of the worst. Nothing original, nothing interesting. It is just average.

I won’t expect it to qualify, though in a 100% televote SF one never knows for sure.


4 months ago

This has grown on me. I think it’s a good listen – maybe aiming for a more radio friendly vibe. It has an earworm quality about it, and so I find it easy to recall. Solid song.
Score 6/10

4 months ago

13th – 7/10

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 months ago

At first, I heard a formulaic song with little emotion. But then, I played it on the piano, and I changed my mind. It’s mostly in B-flat melodic minor, with a rise to D-flat in the Chorus. It’s actually quite enjoyable to play it. This song has a “cool” vibe. 🙂 I noted that this song is quite densely structured with Verses each followed by a “Refrain”, a Pre-Chorus, a Chorus and a Post-Chorus. And there’s a sort-of Bridge as well, but it’s a bit loose. I don’t know if this will mean anything to juries, but I noted it… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Glad that you enjoyed playing it, PM!
I also noticed that with the amount of repetition in the song, that we might be grasping for additional music terms in order to describe their actual role. But yeah, let’s go with refrain, pre-chorus, chorus and post-chorus. Works for me!

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 months ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Actually the lyrics posted on sometimes contain the song structure markings as well. For “Liar”, the structure apparently is: Verse 1, Refrain, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Post-Chorus, Verse 2, Refrain, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Bridge, Pre-Chorus, Chorus.
(I didn’t just make it up, haha!)

4 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Hi, Purple! I enjoyed reading your review, and am looking forward to the thought exchange in the course of the next weeks! Happy Wiwi jury month! 🙂

4 months ago

everyone is saying that Silia is some sort of amazing performer. I am sorry but i don’t see that. There’s nothing wow about her. yes she can sing but there is no stage charisma to stand out from the rest of the competition.

Cyprus will be a good opener but i think it’s a borderline qualifier, around 9-10 positions at best.

4 months ago

26) “Liar” – Silia Kapsis (Cyprus) A predictive pop production like Cyprus has already offered over the last 5 years. Nothing very special, but nothing bad either. It’s a song that I enjoy listening to but that I won’t spontaneously look for in a playlist. Some sounds in the bridge feel somehow exogenous, as if they had been added for a new version (which is plausible regarding the life of this song which last year was intended for a specific Greek singer). I hope that Silia will be able to rely on her team while enhancing her performance with freshness… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  BimBamBoum

Last year Was ballad, before 2 years folclor style song with Greek language . Bye

4 months ago

It’s interesting how last year you all found Unicorn an amazing pop act but this year you find Liar basic. They are both dance pop songs equally generic.

4 months ago
Reply to  Chris

Both are forgettable songs but Liar is too basic. However, they gave Cyprus a very good score. Deban and William maintain an excellent relationship with CyBC (they had dinner with the one of big heads for ESC at CyBC in London a month ago)

4 months ago
Reply to  Alex

I was actually referring to the comments section.

4 months ago
Reply to  Chris

The comments section is filled with employees from the tourist board of one particular “country” that desperately wants the pinkwash.

4 months ago

I’m sorry, zero stars.*

*All verdicts based on song alone. Terms and conditions apply. Subject to change.

4 months ago

She’s so talented and has such a huge future, but Liar is a no. It’s just too basic & predictable. To me is a 2/10. Next.

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
4 months ago

This song is the definiton of basic

4 months ago

Song without personality, predictable, not very memorable with very weak and annoying lyrics. However, the rhythm of the song is nice. As it stands I don’t want Cyprus in the final.

4 months ago

The entry ua carried by Silia’s charisma, otherwise it is pretty generic and predictable. Not going to qualify.

4 months ago

It’s a paint by numbers pop song with a great performer. That’s enough most years in Eurovision to make the final. Opening a remarkably tough semi final is a big ask though

Leo M
Leo M
4 months ago

I don’t think this is a sure qualifier, it’s a good pop song but as it’s going first might be forgotten about. i have it in the final but staging and live vocals will need to be on point as it is a tough semi final

4 months ago

I put this one 2nd because my main focus is for songs to be dancy and they are always catchy for me. This is just my opinion and Liar is one of my favourite entries this year, but my real favourite is Austria this year

gurki loko
gurki loko
4 months ago

It’s the definition of generic and the fact that they had to sexualize a minor so much for the music video is appalling.

4 months ago
Reply to  gurki loko

Sexualize? Lol! Dude you’ve lost the whole meaning of the song! There is nothing sexualized in this! Lol

gurki loko
gurki loko
4 months ago
Reply to  ?????

One: I’m a woman
Two: you really don’t see all these shots with her boobs being exposed or bouncing like they couldn’t have given something that would keep them in place?

4 months ago
Reply to  gurki loko

Most if the fans care for naked males ir girly males.

Despicable Annie
Despicable Annie
4 months ago

It’s an appropriate song for its performer: a 17-year-old professional dancer. I don’t see any issues here. There’s nothing Cypriot about it, just like we haven’t seen an actual Cypriot on Eurovision stage since Hovig in 2017, but it serves its purpose. It’s catchy, and I’m sure Silia will perform it with huge charisma (plus, Silia Kapsis is such a convincing pop star name!).

4 months ago

Moral! She is Cypriot! The choreographer is Cypriot! This is the kind of music heart in Cyprus! What exactly is your problem? Immature!

4 months ago

I find this a pleasant enough listen, but the only element that sticks with me in the end is the throbbing beat. The lyrics are filler (“Because of you/I’ll make it through” sounds like it comes from another song entirely), and Silia herself is serviceable but not distinctive. This song fulfills its function, but it’s not for me. I’ve got it in 30th place.

4 months ago
Reply to  Zanoni

Maybe you should try your carrier as a lyricist! Lol

4 months ago

23. Cyprus – Silia Kapsis – Liar – 6/10 – the chorus is good but the rest is very predictable and not particularly engaging. It is very clearly in a genre slot, and that genre is not particularly my thing, but I do appreciate the pulse and attitude in the chorus, it is well done. Silia seems like she will give us a good performance in Malmo.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kosey

The idea of it being in a “genre” slot is quite on the money. I think it offers little else other than being that genre’s representative unfortunately.
I also didn’t find that pulse in the chorus, either. But yeah, all hopes on the performance of this one.

4 months ago

Uninspired factory pop. The singer herself is a bundle of joy though and Silia Kapsis is such a cool name. She’ll surely make the best of her dire song but the song itself is completely irrelevant. I’ll go further: if we’re being honest, it’s not even a little bit better than Iceland’s extremely dated Schlager.

4 months ago
Reply to  Ari

Do you know Britney Spears? No? That’s why you are talking… Bla bla bla…

4 months ago

I think it’s an okay pop song, with the potential to be elevated by a great live performance. I think it has some naff lyrics and I think the lyrics in the chorus need more backing vocals than they have in the studio to really pop live. You just don’t know how things will play out before the rehearsals, but I have faith that Silia can put on a great show. Best of luck to her, such an amazing achievement for a seventeen year old, I really hope she has a good support system in place.

4 months ago
Reply to  Matt

Thank you for your honest words! 🙂

4 months ago

I definitely believe in Silia’s skills! She is a multitalented girl and I can say that Cyprus ?? is gonna surprise us happily on stage! As a song I like it and they never fail us down in staging so I can predict a top ten result! I am not a Liar you know! ?

Lil Krumpy
4 months ago

Cyprus – It’s a female bop, but musically (production) way more interesting that previous years and even contemporaries (Malta). The chorus is just great pop. Not a massive fan of the lyrics though. – 18. place.

4 months ago

I myself placed Cyprus on 21st position this year. The song is okay, but nothing new we haven’t heard before. I still to this day don’t understand why almost every year they send girls with dance songs. Nothing against that, but I think there should be a bit of diversity. Otherwise Liar as a song itself is quite catchy. If they do good staging, I’m sure they will qualify for the final. I haven’t heard her sing the song live, but hopefully the vocals are okay. However, it’s definitely not a winning song and Cyprus should try harder in the… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Camellia

I don’t understand why sending a girl every year is a bad thing! They are not the only ones you know but I don’t see other comments to other countries! Thanks for giving more attention to Cyprus then!

4 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

I’m definitely not against that, don’t get me wrong, I like that type of music. I just think they should try experimenting more with other genres as well!

4 months ago

Wow, I didn’t expect the Wiwi jury to start so fast! Anyways let’s begin: 28TH PLACE: CYPRUS: As I’ve mentioned many times before, so-called “girl-bops” are not my style at all and “Liar” is unfortunately a song that’s been done before a million times by now. Everything about this song screams generic to me and it seems that Cyprus is just following a formula almost every single year trying to replicate Foureira’s success by sending mainstream dance pop (and sometimes not even modern one) . The chorus is kinda catchy but the rest of the song does nothing to me,… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Thanos

You put Cyprus in the 28th place because you don’t like it or that is your prediction? Because 28th place means that Cyprus won’t be in the final! Are you serious? And who told you that they are using the formula Eleni Foureira? Why don’t you think that this might be the music they here in Cyprus? Meaning dancing? I have seen Spain and Israel the previous years using that formula and we both know the results! People who think like that might seems that are superstitious!

4 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

The places I give are according to the rankings in my personal top. They are not a prediction. It’s just my opinion on the song.
Cyprus just seems to always go the same direction with their entries and I am personally a bit tired of it.

4 months ago
Reply to  Thanos

I am on board with you here, Thanos! After Fuego, Cyprus constantly tries to make ”a replay”, but the new songs are just not as strong. Liar might be the weakest attempt since. It’s not bad, but it is uninspired.

4 months ago

Yay, it’s that time again friends!

28) Cyprus – Embarrassingly enough, I have no notes. I have no real feelings on this one. Sometimes I loathe a song, and sometimes I at least like a song… this one is just *there*, much like several other songs this year. It is catchy and with it being first in the running order it does have an advantage, but sadly I cannot put this song any higher. 4/10

4 months ago
Reply to  Emily

That means that you know nothing about music or you are too old! Lol

4 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

Do enlighten us with what age you consider to be “too old” !!

4 months ago
Reply to  Andrew

I guess just turning 30 is too old 😉

4 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

Ah yup, the ol’ “you know nothing about music” retort. Love to see it.

Andrew Tate McRae
Andrew Tate McRae
4 months ago

The song itself is ridiculous. It’s obviously recycled from Melissa Mantzoukis last year, so it has no soul or anything… it’s just there.

Plus, I expect this song to be something modern like Greedy by Tate McRae. But once again, Eurovision is lagging behind in terms of music trends.

4 months ago

It’s just the opposite. At the Eurovision Song Contest you hear music that you don’t hear anywhere else. Or do you want the Eurovision Song Contest to become bogged down in only interchangeable pop music?

4 months ago

You are greek? Oh I smell jealously in the air! Lol

Andrew Tate McRae
Andrew Tate McRae
4 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

I’m not Greek, sweetie

4 months ago

Sweet Melissa, my DSDS fave! and tbh she is way better than songs like these

hope she gets her chance at ESC at some point for Germany with a solid power ballad

Stian F
Stian F
4 months ago

The majority of times more entries from the second half qualify.. only once (since 2014) has there been more entries from the first half qualifying. In a normal semi i would have said that it would be 4 from first half and 6 from second half qualifying…but this first half is so stacked with all of Ukraine, Croatia, Lithuania and Serbia being certain qualifiers already based on style of song and country of origin and who else is voting in this semi, that I might actually think that for the 2nd time in 10 years time we might have a… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Stian F

Cyprus will be overshadowed by Luxembourg which will be pushed heavily. And Fighter is also a better song, even if they’re both scraping the bottom of the barrel. At least Ireland stands out!

4 months ago
Reply to  Shanahan

You are so wrong!

4 months ago
Reply to  Stian F

I don’t think so!

Despicable Annie
Despicable Annie
4 months ago
Reply to  Stian F

I’m pretty confident each of the first 7 songs in the first semi will qualify. The non-qualifiers will all be in the 2nd half.

4 months ago

According to odds this is comfortably going through from Semi 1 from 6th position. I am not quite sure if it is a 100% sure qualifier. But I can see it being 10th (maximum) and going through in case a lot of things turn out good or great for them. The thing with the First Semi is that each country can slide right into the finals (those countries which are below 10 in odds right now). I can also (just like our odds) predict we will not see Australia, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Ireland or Moldova in the finals. But again, something… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Amigo

she’s hot, so she’ll 100% qualify lol

4 months ago
Reply to  Amigo

Yeah, I’d also think if she did qualify, it would be nearer the bottom.

4 months ago
Reply to  Amigo

Cyprus won’t be in the final because you don’t have it in your top ten? Lol That’s a serious reason! Lol How old are you anyway… Lol

4 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

I suggest you read my comment again, Thomas. With understanding this time!