Nu kör vi! After five preliminary heats and a final qualification, we have now reached the pinnacle of the Swedish winter season: The grand final of Melodifestivalen 2025 in Stockholm’s Strawberry Arena in front of 27,000 people.
Twelve acts battled it out for the crown of Sweden and the right to represent last year’s host country in Basel at Eurovision in May. In the end it was Finnish trio, and Swedish public favourite, KAJ who emerged victorious with their catchy sauna number “Bara Bada Bastu.”
They beat strong competition from Eurovision 2015 champion Måns Zelmerlöw, who topped the jury votes but ultimately finished in second place.
Melodifestivalen 2025: Grand final results
Jury votes
- Måns Zelmerlöw – 76 points
- KAJ – 74 points
- John Lundvik – 49 points
- Dolly Style – 48 points
- Greczula – 47 points
- Annika Wickihalder – 36 points
- Klara Hammarström – 34 points
- Scarlet – 31 points
- Meira Omar – 26 points
- Erik Segerstedt – 24 points
- Sag Ludvigsson – 17 points
- Maja Ivarsson – 2 points
Public vote
- KAJ – 90 points
- Måns Zelmerlöw – 81 points
- Greczula – 56 points
- Klara Hammarström – 43 points
- Scarlet – 33 points
- Maja Ivarsson – 30 points
- Dolly Style – 27 points
- Erik Segerstedt – 27 points
- John Lundvik – 25 points
- Meira Omar – 24 points
- Annika Wickihalder – 18 points
- Saga Ludvigsson – 10 points
Overall result
- KAJ – 164 points
- Måns Zelmerlöw – 157 points
- Greczula – 103 points
- Klara Hammarström – 77 points
- Dolly Style – 75 points
- John Lundvik – 74 points
- Scarlet – 64 points
- Annika Wickihalder – 54 points
- Erik Segerstedt – 51 points
- Meira Omar – 40 points
- Maja Ivarsson – 32 points
- Saga Ludvigsson – 27 points
Format of Melodifestivalen 2025
Twelve entries competed in the final and all entries were voted on in two voting rounds. In each voting round, you can vote up to five times per entry in the Melodifestivalen app and per phone number. Eight international juries will award 50% of the points, while eight age groups in Sweden will award the other 50% of the points.
Juries and spokespersons
- France: Alexandra Redde Amiel
- Greece: Alexandra Pascalidou
- Ireland: Neil Doherty
- Italy: Mariangela Borneo
- Lithuania: Vaidotas Valiukevičius
- Norway: Mads Tørklep
- Serbia: Princ
- Switzerland: Sandra Studer
Round 1
The first voting round ends before the jury groups’ votes are revealed. Eight jury groups cast their votes as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 points are shown graphically and 8, 10, 12 points will be given on screen by the spokesperson. In total, the jury groups will distribute 8 x 58 points = 464 points.
Round 2
After the jury groups’ votes have been announced, the viewers have the opportunity to react to the outcome and then voting round two begins. When the second round of voting is complete, the number of votes per viewer group is converted into points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 and summed for all eight groups. In total, viewers award 8 x 58 points = 464 points.
What do you make of the Melodifestivalen 2025 grand final? Does Sweden have a strong option for Eurovision? Let us know in the comments below.
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Måns crying, tantrum and running away in anger sure showed how he was in the mindset that he is THE winner. Lmao, John Lundvik’s outburst sure was a surprise too. Bad attitude overall.
Feel Sam all again remember girls amazing voices
Uk will dark horse
Very catchy but not going to improve non fans image of Eurovision. Really taking a step back this year in terms of quality. Bring back juries to the semis. Am guessing no one wants to host the 70th contest!
The most surprising here is how well Dolly Style doing with juries.
Why spread false information about Mans saying that “the audience was wrong, the juries were wrong and the contest has worsened” if he never said such a thing? Can the trolls grow up, especially since there is no need to keep hating on him anymore?
That’s why you should never believe what you read. Måns has in fact he think KAJ will win, even when evdrybody said he would win. He even did sauna with them
Great song but I wonder how the jury will see it. It’ll be close with JJ at the end.
Off subject – cue Israel bots in about 12 hours lol
So much I could say at so many levels on this selection…let me be brief…this may present as a joke act by amateurs to some but make no mistake KAJ’s charm hides some comic and performance mastery. Please check out their video for ‘Nissan Bromsa’ which is both hilarious and impressive…Could KAJ be the heroes of our time delivering the revolution that ESC needs right now…United by Music!
Unexpected result. Some may find it funny that Eurovision is going back to the 00s where the joke entries ruled, but I think many professional artists will refuse to participate in the future. No wonder why EuroHall has put Sweden at 5th in the 1st Semi.
Predictions for the 1st Semi:
The rate at which it is happening is faster than I expected, but this trend was inevitably set by removing juries from the semis.
I find this idea that the so called “joke entries” would not be made by professional artist odd. Being fun does not mean you cannot be very professional, talented and artistic.
I’m against joke entry when they are poorly executed. Here it is absolutely great. The energy, the song, the voices, everything is on point. It’s the first time ever that I’m hoping that a “joke entry” wins the contest.
Not an ESC winning song for me, sorry. They´re still number 1 with bookies and Austria number 2 for some unknown reason. It´s OK and fun, so if it really won, I wouldn´t mind it, but I just can´t imagine this winning. Juries in particular might tank this.
This could be a top 3 in the televote…I could see the Nordic, Baltic, Germanic countries voting for this in droves even the Mediterranee counties will give this some love as it’s not the sterile studio perfection that Sweden usually delivers.
I will sound Spanish ?, but I don’t care how this ends up on Eurovision..I am glad we are getting something genuine from Sweden. Refreshing
The less people care how a song will fare at ESC the better song contest we will have. I’m with you!
Now that we have sacrificed Måns, Europe better do their part! Or else it’s pretty disgusting. Just saying.
LOL, it would be funny if they failed to qualify after all that?
The song is a risky choice and I am not sure it will do well. But best is to stop worry about it and go with it
Ironic and sad that after 1998 the first entry sung in Swedish had to be a bad joke entry. If even Sweden sends this kind of trash, then Eurovision is doomed. People might find it funny for some more years that Eurovision is going again for the grotesque like in the 00’s, but that will ultimately kill Eurovision
CORRECTION NEEDED – Finland in 2012 had a beautiful song in Swedish which rather shamefully did not qualify for the final.
trash? please, this sits above all the comedy wannabes of this year
So it took Finns to participate in Melodifestivalen for Sweden to send a song in Swedish (mainly) and Finland was the responsible of the last Swedish song too in 2012? Amazing.
I want to be supportive of the losers, but it is made hard by the the three MAN babies, Måns, Erik and John – all male singers, who felt the need to come out in media after loss and vocalize their absolute entitlement for a win that was never theirs. You can be sad about not winning but the entitlement is just unbecoming.
I totally agree, but would like to add that not all ladies did that well either after the show… Maja wasn’t in the press conference at all. And Klara kept repeating how we live in the mens world.
Well t is ironic that when we for the first tlme had a final with majority female acts, the top 3 consisted of men. And the winners a trio of men..
maybe he will start the pale revolution he was talking about
Sweden is tapping into that Shum, Trenuletul, and Cha Cha televote potential this year.
That’s equal to “Sweden don’t want to win”
This is the weakest eurovision since 2011
2017 was awful…
I’m so surprised Scarlet didn’t win or come second, or have a better placement than it did. Sure it was repetative and the message of the song was unclear but many different parts in the song was interesting, and the performance and their clothing and dancers clothing was great and interesting cool women to represent.
At least we know Sweden it’s not winning again this year…
And that’s a shame. Y’all didn’t want KAJ to win cause the song would be good. No. You wanted them to win, cause KAJ isn’t good enough to win Eurovision. And that’s just mean and disgusting.
No we wanted KAJ to win because it is a fresh breath of air (especially for Sweden) and because of the soulless construct of Revolution that seriously didn‘t click yesterday as it should (jury score says it all)
Kaj was the real revolution this year.
I could see this as a top 3 in the televote.
As a Swede I love this! It’s fun, it represents Swedish (ok, Finnish) culture, and it won our hearts.
I really don’t want Sweden to win again anytime soon, so it doesn’t matter to me how well this does in May. I’m just happy to proudly support our entry!
Bara Bada Bastu represents both Finnish and Swedish culture.
If Swedes don’t want to win they shouldn’t participate at all!
So thrilled to see that Sweden did not go for their usual polished soulless pop but for something that has character. This will have a massive televote appeal and it will eat away points from an already packed field of crowd pleasers (Finland, Malta, Estonia, Australia). Unless France will come up with something that gets popular with both juries and the televoters, I see a scenario where the Netherlands will get its revenche this year, since they send the only song so far that will score well with both parties (Austria being likely to win the juryvote) and might get… Read more »
Great analysis!
But why wouldn’t Austria win the televote? It is a song that grabs you. Or would the audience prefer in these dark geo politic times something more ‘light’?
As much as I love the austrian song for its artistery and much more, it has no hook. Ive listened to it since it was released and I adore it but ask me to sing or hum it and I fail. It’s instancy is based on the vocal range of the performer and less on the memorability of the track itself unlike the Code. The high pitched voice of JJ will not appeal to a mainstream crowd I am afraid. I love to be proven wrong but I just think that it will come lower than 5-6th place in the… Read more »
I don’t remember a year with so many countries singing in their native language. I mean Sweden and Germany to start with, plus many others. Such a great edition in that aspect
Unfortunately, most songs are awful this year anyway.
Maybe everyone should stick to English…
I would prefer that.
Hopefully this will put an end to the argument that Loreen only won in 2023 because she was a past winner 😉
Congrats Kaj and Sweden !
She returned in 2017 with Statements and got kicked out in Andra Chansen bij de Swedes…
Yes I know but some dont seem to remember or know that when they say she only won because of being a previous winner 🙂
Will do pretty well, spot on production, nice to watch. Great likable guys. Top 10 for sure. But for me this also feels kinda middle of the road and predictable, a song for a kids tv show maybe. Personally I would think Estonia’s song is much more interesting in this genre: more artistic, more funkiness. Would be good for the competition if Sweden would not be a winner. This country gets way too much attention.
Estonia is arty farty, while Sweden’s song is genuine fun.
I agree with the latter, but Estonia is also very funny, the lyrics. Very sing a long.
Both songs made by Finns! ??????
Not sure about top 10. But also we don’t care, otherwise we would have sent the pop songs
I mean their win is like Eurovision the movie part 2, a group from a small town in Finland goes and wins Melodifestivalen haha
Finland can easily have a double victory this year with Erika and Kaj! Fantastic!!!!
What a journey for Kaj. They’re definitely the underdog that went. I don’t think they had ever thought they would end up being the winners of melfest. Maybe hoping to get to the second chance round at best. I think they may be the first melfest winners that didn’t win their heat in the first round, and the first winners to go to Eurovision with a song in Swedish without translating it into English for the contest.
Please don’t say Melfest 😀
Robin in 2013 won after going through Andra Chansen, so came 3rd or 4th in his semi
Amaaaaaaaazing choise! I was terrified that Mans will go trough with the same song as heroes aaand thankfully KAJ came and took the prize! I didn’t have many songs to like this year, so thank you KAJ for letting me believe,this esc won’t be that bad.
Sad to see Mans as a bad loser, not gracious at all. Didn’t acknowledge or congratulate the winners or wish them the best. I think a lot of people have become tired of artists coming back again for more glory (Loreen) and people want something new. I think the spirit of Eurovision is giving an artist a breakthrough moment for their career/country’s music.
You should never believe what you read..
Måns has in fact often said KAJ will win, even when media told him they wont. He said that it was an interesting risky choice and we will see if it pays off
Finally a song in Swedish by Sweden and I’m loving this so much its entered into my top 5 for sure.
Never thought I’d love a Swedish entry this much but this is my favourite one of there’s in a while.
Remember it’s actually a Finnish entry .
Yes I love this! I can see this taking out the public vote. There are so many iconic moments the crowd can chant along to (the hook and “sauna!”). I also think this is the best novelty/joke entry of the year, and it will pull votes away from acts like Espresso Macchiato and Milkshake Man. It is smart, funny, has great vocals and great staging. Go KAJ!
It’s amazing that they are singing a song in Swedish and Finnish. Thou it is kinda funny that Sweden is being represented by its neighbours for a second year in a row. First Norway now Finland.
Next year is going to be Denmark. It must be fair..
And then Iceland
unpopular opinion: revamp it in English
…some thoughts should stay in your head
It feels as though ESC is being refracted through Alice in Wonderland this year. Everything is half a tone off and weird. Not even “weird bad” like last year, it’s actually the music that’s going in a thousand different directions this year.
You know what, I think the competition needs that so everyone realize that it might have started to spiral with all the joke entries and therefore start sending serious songs next year again.
And after all the joke entries qualify and serious songs don’t (because semis are televote only), how long do you think such a trend would keep? Fewer and fewer countries will be sending serious songs any time soon.
I think this has become a refreshment for Melodifestivalen 🙂
Sanremo also need this kind of refreshment; as long as RAI would allow this.
Otherwise, I am afraid dated, boring ballad would win Sanremo and would represent Italy
KAJ is a joke entry
well Anderz Wrethov wrote and produced it
And people love it 🙂
No they don’t 🙁 and will show when they NQ or not win. Likely not top 10 like Voices 2021. People loved and wanted Mans to win as expected thus Sweden wins ESC again and Mans becomes 2x champ like Loreen. Robbed victory for best underrated song, and best singer with good vocals in song, wrongly compared to other song 10 years ago.
Well it is in a way but that’s also part of why they won. We just figured if we want to do well send the fun crazy act. Even jury told us so
The real genius here is the way a Sweaty Sauna embraces the ridiculousness of it all. The chorus practically demands you chant along like you’ve just paid way too much for a spa day you don’t fully understand. Is it a metaphor for something deeper? Possibly. Or maybe it’s just a glorious, sweat-drenched bop that refuses to apologize for its sweaty joyride.
Why has nearly everyone got Red Sebastian as their very bottom? Does this show the lack of taste or some sort of …… fantasy??
Because it is more screaming than singing
Woah just seen the one minute plus interview with Mans by Simon. He is not happy is he!!!!
Yeah, it’s totally understandable though. He gave his best performances but that didn’t convince the jury or public enough.
Maybe he should have tried with a new song instead of a copy of Heroes….
A “new song” would be worse and wouldn’t win. Mans did perfect new song nothing like heroes but better. Evoking nostalgia and evolution. Look at Loreen 2023 with Tattoo. Swedish voters and some basement fan critics shooting themselves in foot in anti Sweden jealousy hate to prevent another win by wanting joke cringe entry.
Well if Mans did a perfect new song nothing like heroes but better, why didn’t he apply with that song instead?
At least he knows how Il Volo and Polina felt when his absurd “victory” was announced.
No, he cried and was so sad. His week has been bad. I think all the hate he recieved really got to him as well. He talked about it in media. Tried to shake it off I guess, but he felt Kaj was really the bigger favourite. And he really gave his all, really.. And he was not far behind.
I really don’t understand this hate towards Mans. OK, his song sounds like an unsuccessful remake of Heroes and sending it would be a mistake regardless of how it might fare, but this hate was here long before we heard the song…
Understandable, he is very disappointed with the results, he lost by a small margin but also it was expected that he was going to win. He had probably cleared his schedule for ESC preparations and everything, now those plans were scrapped. So he was probably very very shocked as many were.
I also think he believes that his song would win ESC as well so in his mind Sweden threw away their winning ticket more or less. It is understandable to be mad and sad.
Does Kaj have the same winning chances as Måns? Maybe not, but I think Australia, Finland and maybe Estonia have lost more by this choice rather than Sweden. As for the results, Maja getting more televote points than Dolly style (who unexpectedly did great mostly thnx to the juries) and Meira is a surprise. Ok maybe cause i’m not a fan of the song but the Swedish public knows better. In overall, (for me) one of the best melfest finals of the decade, with deserved winners who also stood up thanks for being the only entry in Swedish. As a… Read more »
From invading national selections all over Europe for years, the Swedes find themselves represented by «invaders» the two last years (Norwegians in 2024 and Finns in 2025.) 🙂
Either «invaders» or «returners» as an option…
There you go, Mans Zelmerlöw would be happy now not to compete with contender contemporary Austria entry, joking ofcourse, no, I think Mans Zelmerlöw only promoted his new work, not to be HERO for real but it would have ben another big promotion if he was to win the ticket to Eurovision big Saturday in May and even to win for second time, but they are happy with how far they got that they planned that way I guess
As a swede who has watched Eurovision for many years now, i think we can get over 300 points in the televote with this! <3
I hope Sweden would pick Måns Zelmerlöv afterall, since now they’ve changed from jury bait to tele bait and also will steal public votes from Finland. XD
There’s Estonia, Finland, UK sending somewhat of a “joke” act an this song isn’t even that good. Lucky if we even get 150
most joke acts fail to get high marks, only a couple of them actually succeed. sweden will certainly get there…
I don’t think that This song would get very high Scores in televoting because due to high number of televote friendly songs; votes would be divided.
It’s not. Be calm!
Keep dreaming 😉
Amazing! This could give Sweden a top five televote score – the song reminds me of Moldova’s 2022 entry a little! Well done Sweden!
The old Mello winners are delusional and bitter losers, specially Lundvik. His song was not..just..good.
You mean the Lundvik that applauded wildly, jumped on the sofa, pulled out his phone smiling widely to video the winners… yeah… what a sore loser, sure.
I guess you haven’t seen his interwiev?
Um… no… oh dear
John is a sore looser in general, he just tries really hard to hide his emotions publicly and even then, he fails. *cough* 2019 *cough*.
If anyone here is from Sweden, could you guys please give some updates on the public opinion of this thing? 😀 Are people happy or coming to the conclusion that ESC sucks? Are there conspiracy theories that Finnish people went over the border or bought prepaids etc? I’m genuinely interested 😀
The many Finnish immigrants and the many Swedes with Finnish ancestry probably contributed to KAJ winning the public vote.
The majority is happy. KAJ really overlapped the kids, adults and older generation. Personally we were blasting KAJ at the school I work at during the week. I think this is the first time that swedes are GENUINLY okay with not placing high, they just want to party and feel good. Which is very evident by Dollystyle and Scarlet spicing up the final as well. There are some bitter swedes who cheeres for Måns though, but it’s mostly positive feelings on social media. Alot of like 15-20 year olds are upset because they thought Måns would win, and can’t even… Read more »
One of my friends broke Lent to take a shot of Finnish vodka in their honour, we are very happy here
Mans was right after all this is really a revolation for Sweden at ESC.
It seems the bookmakers don’t know what to make out if this result 😀
Sweden have turned from this year’s Loreen into this year’s Kaarija, which takes a little adjustment from our friends the bookmakers.
I hope will be also vice versa ie Finland start sending more polished entries and not clown shows like Win95man.
You know you can also speculate by betting cuz is a public thing right? Is just that the biggest stakeholders are usually who skew the betting odds, so IDK why people talk about the booking like some sort of “genie” or “big brother”
19 years since the last Svensk winner.
Two years since the last Swedish winner 😉
Loreen’s diction is so bad at times I guess it could be in any language
Loved the Siw Malmkvist cameo. Let’s not forget that she is the Lys Assia of Mello. First ever winner, all of 66 years ago.
Third winner I think? But the oldest alive winner.
First ever winner of Mello, in 1959! Alas she didn’t get to represent Sweden that year because Svt replaced her with a different singer… but it still counts!
Also the Arja Saijonmaa cameo. I assume you all know why she was there.
She was mentioned in the lyrics and KAJ wanted to have her on the stage during that part of the song. But because of the “max 8 people on the stage” rule Mello has (they had one backing singer) that was not possible.
Arja is a huge sauna enthusiastic, she has even written a book about saunas.
Meanwhile Sweden is TOP1 in the odds again 🙂
We’ll see how long that will be.. I this will shift again.
I don’t think that this song works win or be in top5 but still happy that they won 🙂