Bulgaria, Sofi Marinova, 3 ELIMINATED

In “Love Unlimited”, Bulgaria’s Sofi Marinova says “I love you” in 12 languages. On July 12 she built on that inter-culttural lovin’ by releasing a Latino version of her Eurovision entry. The mix comes courtesy of DJ Rossko, who is a part of the ‘Deep Zone Project’ –the act that represented Bulgaria at ESC in 2008.


The Bulgarian response has been overwhelmingly positive, though most people seem to prefer the original version. Nonetheless, some listeners have suggested that this version would have represented Bulgaria better than the electro-pop song Sofi took to Baku. In my opinion, that would have been a big mistake. It would have been like sending a French croissant to represent Finland at a food contest. With the Latino version we would  have gotten ‘douze points’ from Spain and Portugal but we would lost our Balkan identity.

Although Sofi didn’t qualify for the big final this year, she will still go down as a success for her country. As you know, she tied for 10th in the second semi-final with Norway’s Tooji. Things might have worked out in her favor if the semi-final draw had gone differently. Some of Bulgaria’s biggest supporters—Spain, Greece and Cyprus—had to vote in the first semi-final, whereas Sofi competed in the second.

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12 years ago

I must say, I love this woman. She made the very best out of a dire situation.

12 years ago
