Pollapönk, a kid-friendly punk band, has won Songvakeppnin 2014—and thereby the right to sing for Iceland at Eurovision. They’ll rock on with “Enga fordóma,” which translates as “No Racism” in English.

The band, which chose to wear brightly-coloured suits in red, yellow, orange and turquoise—had to square off against Sigríður Eyrún Friðriksdóttir in the “super-final”. Sigríður chose to dress like a 1920s flapper for her upbeat number “Lífið kviknar á ný”. Sadly for her all that jazz wasn’t enough…

Pollapönk was formed by two school teachers who wanted to create music that appealed to adults and kids in equal measure. Consider them the Toy Story of the Eurovision world.

As part of their victory they’ve also received one million kroner, which they can use to improve their song.

Do you have any suggestions about how they should spend their kroner? Judging from your Twitter comments, you definitely think there is room for improvement. Here’s a sample.



Super Finalists

During the first round of voting, jury votes and the public televote each counted toward 50% of the score. All acts had to perform in Icelandic. The two highest-scoring acts advanced to the “super-final”, where they had to sing in the language(s) they would sing in at Eurovision. The public was invited to vote once again. The jury was not involved in this part of the contest.

Pollapönk sang in Icelandic and English. Sigríður sang in English and renamed her song “Up and Away”.



Sigríður Eyrún Friðriksdóttir
Sigríður Eyrún Friðriksdóttir 2

The other finalists

Gréta Mjöll Samúelsdóttir
Gréta Mjöll Samúelsdóttir 1

Ásdís María Viðarsdóttir
Ásdís María Viðarsdóttir 1


Gissur Páll Gissurarson
Gissur Páll Gissurarson 2

You can keep up-to-date on the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page.

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10 years ago

Great song! Mix of indie, rock and soft punk…a bit ska. Good meaning behind the song. SO much better tan many other Icelandic entries. Definately one of the best songs this year

11 years ago

I think that this will be the weakest Eurovision Contest ever.

11 years ago

At least it wasn’t Von! 😛 Don’t particularly like it, but don’t hate it either. It’ll probably grow on me. That guy in the orange with the beard just standing there tho.. .lol

Pastora Soler haha
Pastora Soler haha
11 years ago

It reminds me… Montenegro 2012… <> horrible choice, only for “the message”

Teachers go to the school again and leave Eurovision

11 years ago

@Lilja Karen, I would say the issue is that people would see it as a joke if there was no context for viewers given. And unlike some songs, it’s more difficult to feel the meaning through the song itself.

Lilja Karen
Lilja Karen
11 years ago

I think you people are misunderstanding, this song is not meant to be a joke.. It’s actually about stoppin prejudice

11 years ago

The song reminds me a little of The Wiggles, which isn’t bad imo, but at the same time, it’s got a bit of AT 2003/LV 2013 (read: “immediate wtf”) vibe to it.

At least we’ll see some variety in the semifinals.

11 years ago

The worst song in Eurovisión 2014. I am sorry Iceland.

11 years ago

It was meh. It won’t be last on my list (Ukraine has that spot now, before it was Finland), but I’m fearing for Iceland to not qualify, but at least it’s better than 2011-2013, so I’ll give you that one.

11 years ago

It is really bad. I Really hoped for Iceland to pick a great song, because in the last years (2009-2013) they are in average my favourite country! This one really doesn’t get anywhere. If this doesn’t get improved, it’ll fail. Sorry Iceland, but Sweden’s help in the semi won’t save you.

11 years ago

i kinda like it. :/

11 years ago

I would not worry! I bet the French have more sense than the Icelandic. I can’t believe that anyone in his right might would send jokers Twin Twin over a class act like Joanna. If that happens I’m boycotting Eurovision this year.

Niko GR
Niko GR
11 years ago

NO! No! No! Another mock entry. How ridiculous. So now we have Belarus sending Cheesecake, and Iceland sending this stupid entry. And GOD FORBID if France Tv decides to send Twin Twin with their joke entry too. So now the joke entries are taking over. Any other country sending a joke entry this year?

11 years ago

Not the best song but nowhere near “The Social Network Song” wouldn’t qualify it a joke either. It has some chance to go to final especially if Nordic countries team up with Soviets again and I do not see why they won’t.

11 years ago

I’m shocked that Malta won’t be staying at the bottom of my list, I was sure it’s be the worst song, but I guess not…
At least Valentina will have a better shot at the final now.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I might turn off my computer on some songs and countries in May. Iceland, welcome to that list.

Maybe I’m too harsh? Nope, this is exactly what I would not like to see anywhere…even on some children’s TV station.

11 years ago

@Ian Davis^: All the soviets are meant to go to the final regardless the good or bad quality of the songs of all the other countries in the first semi final … it the “rule” in Eurovision sadly …. but i am actually more disappointed that the Icelandic people went for this.

11 years ago


You read my mind. I thought exactly the same, although I liked “Lífid kviknar á ny” in Icelandic.

11 years ago

Amazing song! Reyjavik 2015 🙂

11 years ago

First, I laughed.

Then, I cried.

Seriously, this is even worse than The Social Network Song.

11 years ago

It’s horrible, I know it is meant to be a joke entry, but even Leto Svet was better! It doesn’t make me even laugh for it’s stupidness! Last place in semi, maybe San Marino has better chances now.

Wait, it is from Iceland?

GREAT, Amazing!!! SO original! It sounds like a winner, it will get high points from every country, jury pet 2014, see you in Iceland 2015!

11 years ago

It’ll make the final, but they can probably expect a similar placement to previous years – unless the English version is well done (I missed the superfinal)…

11 years ago

Can’t believe this…. What an icelandic trash… Sad for Gréta. Sorry Iceland, see you around 30th’s

Ian Davis
Ian Davis
11 years ago

I think it’s now safe to say that all the soviets in semi-final 1 will be going through.

11 years ago

So desappointed…
In the beggining I think I heard a song that looks like it. Looking for the old song by Patti Smith – Because the night.

11 years ago

LOL… this is awful. Well done Iceland, you claim Belarus’ spot at the bottom of my list!

11 years ago

I love it…. It’s immediately rubbish because it’s not your average boring ballad?

It might do well, you don’t know. Didn’t hurt Greece to have a fun song last year did it?

Ramadan Besim
11 years ago

What a joke… but good news for Albania. 🙂

11 years ago

Iceland need something new and fresh. After Yohanna in 2009 all the entries have just been ”meh.” Not bad, but not something memorable either. I wouldn’t be surprised though if this qualify, Iceland has been received favorably in recent years and have qualified for the finals every year since 2008. But personally, this won’t be my favorite this year.

11 years ago

It’s now a death wish waiting to happen against the ex-Soviet heavyweights. It even makes that UKR rock band look like professionals!

11 years ago

Oh my freaking god what is wrong with you Iceland. You had beautiful, amazing songs like “Amor” and “Eftir eitt lag” yet you choose this piece of crap song? When I heard the top two I was extremely disappointed but after hearing the English version, “Up and Away” I got some of my hope back. But then it was crushed again. Iceland I sincerely hope you don’t qualify, sorry.

11 years ago

@Dhani: … Because your beloved Helena would do a muuuuuch better job, right? LOL

11 years ago

It means “no prejudices”, not no racism.

Iceland has no chance qualifying, they are in the first half of the tough semi final, sorry but this will get the last spot.

Mr. M
Mr. M
11 years ago

LOL AnesBosna, right on!

Sadly no final for Iceland this year 🙁

11 years ago

Whatever the nice and honest intentions behind the band … the final product, I mean, this song in particular just doesn’t work for me. It sounds too joke-like for my taste considering they are dealing with quite a serious topic as it is racism. I was shocked with the two selected entries for the super-final so it was clear that Iceland is not among my favourite songs this year. The outfits reminded me of Portugal back in 1981 … go watch it to understand why. But it will find some nice competition from other bands like Switzerland, Finland and Malta… Read more »

11 years ago

I don’t have any words for this, so i’m just gonna let you guys watch this gif instead: