Eurovision 2011, the year that you thought had the best logo and slogan, (according to our poll anyway) and the year that we saw Azerbaijan earn their first win on the Eurovision stage since their debut in 2008. That followed three Top 10 finishes in a row, including two Top 5 placings.

We are ready to go back in time and launch the second edition of Wiwi’s Way, where we see what we, your faithful bloggers, would change when reviewing the results. After we sound off you’ll have the chance to vote for your favourites.

The Top Ten of Eurovision 2011

  1. Azerbaijan – Ell & Nikki – Running Scared (221 points)
  2. Italy – Raphael Gualazzi – Madness of Love (189 points)
  3. Sweden – Eric Saade – Popular (185 points)
  4. Ukraine – Mika Newton – Angel (159 points)
  5. Denmark – A Friend In London – New Tomorrow (134 points)
  6. Bosnia & Herzegovina – Dino Merlin – Love In Rewind (125 points)
  7. Greece – Loukas Giorkas feat. Stereo Mike – Watch My Dance (120 points)
  8. Ireland – Jedward – Lipstick (119 points)
  9. Georgia – Eldrine – One More Day (110 points)
  10. Germany – Lena – Taken By A Stranger (107 points)

The Top Ten of Team Wiwi

Our blog team watched the show again and re-voted. Here is what we came up with.

  1. Germany – Lena – Taken By A Stranger (actual result: 10th)
  2. Sweden – Eric Saade – Popular (3rd)
  3. Hungary – Kati Wolf – What About My Life (22nd)
  4. Ireland – Jedward – Lipstick (8th)
  5. Slovenia – Maja Keuc – No One (13th)
  6. Austria – Nadine Beiler – The Secret Is Love (18th)
  7. Italy – Raphael Gualazzi – Madness of Love (2nd)
  8. Estonia – Getter Jaani – Rockefeller Street (24th)
  9. Albania – Aurela Gace – Feel The Passion (Failed to Qualify)
  10. Switzerland – Anna Rossinelli – In Love For A While (25th)

Wiwi’s Winner: Germany

In 2010 Germany earned their first win since 1982, and for their attempt as host they sent Lena back for the second consecutive time with the dark and mysterious number, Taken By A Stranger. Lena was lucky enough to make the top 10, with a 7 point margin between herself and The United Kingdom’s Blue.

In 2011 Lena the girl became Lena the woman. Her sultry look, body conscious back-up dancers and sex kitten facial expressions got us all hot and bothered. She didn’t try to repeat the cute-and-innocent act of 2010, and this sudden shift in sound and attitude is what really got her across the line. The final zoom of the camera coupled with the sound of shattering glass remains one of our favourite endings ever.

Wiwi’s Worst: Portugal

After three “good” years for the least successful country at Eurovision, Portugal fell into a downwards spiral when picking their song for Düsseldorf. Luta É Alegria was a terrible song, but earned the public’s affection for speaking out against deep austerity cuts at the height of Portugal’s financial crisis. Voters chose the song to spite their government–and undermined their shot at making the final in the process.

Now You Choose!

As we did for our first edition, we are giving you the chance to have a say, so here is our poll for Wiwi’s Way 2011:

[polldaddy poll=”8352581″]

Get ready to use your time machines guys! Next time we’re rewinding to Eurovision 1999 in Jerusalem.

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10 years ago

Wonderful year for songs. I didn’t care for the style of the audio mixing (which made the vocals sadly too quiet relative to the instrumental). But 2011 had probably the best slate of songs since I started watching. Norway, Slovenia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary… all brought songs I still love. I pretty much liked or was fine with every country’s song except Romania, Malta, Ukraine, Spain, and Albania. Even Spain’s live performance redeemed the song. 37/43 ain’t bad.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Not going to lie…I’ve been listening to Albania’s entry a lot recently. It should’ve qualified.

10 years ago

The one thing that is clear is that Azerbaijan should NOT have won. Worst. Winner.Ever

10 years ago

My opinion: SF1: Shouldn’t have qualified: Iceland Should’ve qualified instead: Albania (I loved “Feel the Passion” but I preferred the Albanian version) SF2: Shouldn’t have qualified: Moldova Should’ve qualified: Bulgaria, this is one of the most underrated songs ever!!!! Final: My top 3: 1: Bosnia and Herzegovina 2: Italy 3: Greece My opinion of the real top 5: Azerbaijan: It was a lovely song, and Eldar is a great singer, but Nigar wasn’t a good singer, but it’s a lovely song Italy: I ABSOULTELY LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!! THE BEST OUT OF THE REAL TOP 5!!!!! Sweden: I love the performance… Read more »

10 years ago

2011 for me, SUCKED. Great songs that were unfaily judged and some really, REALLY were unbearable, or at least bad, and oh…most of those qualified, and then did well. These countries are Moldova, Ireland (sorry Ireland), Italy (some of you may like it) and the winner Azerbaijan. I like this song, but to WIN, let alone get on the left hand side of the board! Here are my favourite songs (studio version) 1) United Kingdom 2) Slovenia 3) Hungary 4) Sweden 5) Switzerland 6) Lithuania 7) Spain 8) Romainia 9) Bulgaria 10) Austria Now my favourites (LIVE) 1) Slovenia 2)… Read more »

10 years ago

My favorites that year were Denmark, Cyprus, Hungary and Germany in 2011. United Kingdom also had a good song, but the performance was not that successful.

10 years ago

2011 had many great songs, but many disappointing results as well.

Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Greece and Italy were robbing many better songs in the contest.

10 years ago

Indeed, this is the best contest that I’ve ever seen, and watching it over and over still gave me goosebumps… I liked Denmark, and I’m shocked that Norway, Armenia, Turkey, and Israel did not qualify. The fact that Azerbaijan won is surprising for me, since my first impression is that the song is a typical pop-ballad tune and it would not make it. Another surprise: Running Scared MADE IT to the Indonesian mainstream radio. I almost pissed myself at my car listening the intro. After all, I could get over the fact that they won because they made the 2012… Read more »

10 years ago

Sorry, I’m kidding. I know that the national language of Brazil is Portuguese, but many also the theme song of Brazil using the Spanish language. I know that Suzy is Portugal. In 2011 I chose Kati Eurovision to win. Also in 2014 I chose Suzy. The Real Winner 2011 ESC is Kati Wolf. Peace 🙂

10 years ago

Taken by a stranger ? Are you kidding me ?? Nobody remember either the Italy boring song that came second. Nobody remember even the winner ! But, everybody remember The most popular guy that night, Eric Saade from Sweden and THE VOICE from Slovenia Maja Keuc. And of course the 1 million views on YT before ESC night, the lady from Hungary, Kati Wolf.

10 years ago

I hate to say that but Taken by a Stranger was “too good” for Eurovision. Amazing song!

Slovenia was underrated, same for Estonia as well. Georgia, Ukraine and Bosnia were extremely overrated.

Azerbaijan did not deserve to win, no one remembers that song

10 years ago

Denmark should have won.
A Friend In London – New Tomorrow
But, I really like many songs – UK, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Romania, Georgia and, yes, Israel and Spain and…
And, ESC 2011 had the best logo and slogan, in my humble opinion. That was a special edition to me. <3

10 years ago

2011 was one of my all time favourite years, so many good songs. My ultimate winner was Bosnia & Herzegovina, but I also loved Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine.

10 years ago

I totally agree with wiwibloggs, Taken By A Stranger is exquisit. My 2011 favourite!

10 years ago


Mario Espinola
Mario Espinola
10 years ago

Germany’s song was one of my least faves that year! The song goes nowhere. The stage act was cool though.
Poland wasn’t robbed at all. That performance was BAD!
My winner is Slovenia I think.

10 years ago

@Digi: Are you aware that Susy is portuguese? Are you aware that Spanish is not the official language spoken in Brazil? Are you aware that aside from the Kati-Suzy physical comparison, nothing of what you actually wrote makes sense? Kati has a voice, she can sing … Susy on the other hand … I let you complete the sentence …

10 years ago

P.S I really can’t find anything that makes “Popular” a song people adore so much. In my top, it can manage only 34th place.

10 years ago

Latvia was not only my favourite song of the contest but also the entire year

10 years ago

This is the weirdest ESC year of the semi era in my opinion. Quite unexpected (not undeserved imo) winner, not one song that looked like a winner, weird votings, weird qualifiers, weird rankings, weird non-qualifiers (Turkey and Armenia like whuuut xD). AND WE DIDN´T DESERVE THE LAST PLACE ****** xD

Anywaaaay, my top 6 (not sure about the others… xD):
1. Italy
2. Slovenia
3. Bosnia & Herzegovina
4. Iceland
5. Germany
6. Azerbaijan

10 years ago

2011 was a special year for me. After watching the brilliant show & hearing so many brilliant songs, I knew I wanted more. I have been hooked ever since. Stand out songs came from Bosnia & Herzogovia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine & UK. If I have to choose one, I will pick Denmark’s “New Tomorrow” as my fav, but it is very hard to choose. The rest ranged from good to OK, with only three stinkers. Portugal’s was bad but there were two other that triggering a gag reflex. Greece’s song… Read more »

10 years ago

San Marino was amazing. Probably did not deserve to win, but was better then the shit from Sweden, Germany and Hungary. Bulgaria and Austria were also underrated and deserved significantly better placing. Overall Italy (for fairness, my country) should have won…

10 years ago

A year that had a handful of very excellent songs and performances, including Bosnia’s iconic Dino Merlin, the broody Greek gods, a spine-tingling Cypriotic affair (which was totally robbed) and the striking home entry; next to some very delightful pop-fluff like ‘Popular’, the tasty British boys come men or the high camp Belarussian pop propaganda.Plus a string of mind-numbingly boring songs and one of the worst winners of all times. Christos My-Lord-os’ elegance and Loukas Yiorkas breathtakingly beautiful expression of deep pain, anger and unbendable will touched me the most. And Dino Merlin should have won, because “Sito” never fails… Read more »

10 years ago

My favorite contest of the modern era!
Sweden, Ireland and Denmark were the winners for me, United Kingdom wasn’t bad either!
Azerbaijan was okay but definitely not winning material IMO although we did know that it was only a matter of time before Baku won. Italy also should not have come second, I think this result was only because Italy had just returned. The quality of the songs in 2011 where all of a very high standard, with the exception of maybe Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia, some shock result that year too, with non-qualification for Armenia and Turkey

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
10 years ago

l loved kati wolf from hungary and poli genov from bulgaria

10 years ago

I personally think that Sweden’s entry was the best that year – both the staging and the song. I also agree that Slovenia had one of the best entries. My top 5 were:

1. Sweden
2. Slovenia
3. Ukraine
4. Greece
5. Ireland

10 years ago

“Lipstick” IMO.

10 years ago

Belarus should have won!! Anastasiya Vinnikova 🙂

10 years ago

Belarus, although vocally it wasn’t the best, the song deseves it

10 years ago

Well, 2011 is a weak year. My favorite is Hungary, but followed closely by outsanding Slovenia. My top 10 this year:
1. Hungary (one of the best pop songs in esc)
2. Slovenia (a fantastic dramatic ballad)
3. Ukraine (NOT for the staging. I really also like the song)
4. Estonia (great and mysterious)
5. Georgia (also really fantastic)
6. Cyprus (dramatic and love the girl that screams)
7. Serbia (really groovy)
8. Greece (nice mix of rap and folk)
9. Bulgaria (cool rock song)
10. Iceland (great; has quality and it is really emotional)

10 years ago

Slovenia should have gotten it’s first win this year, sadly I think the plain staging let them down.

10 years ago

The Real Winner ESC 2011 is Suzy Guerra. Ups…Sorry i mean Kati Wolf hehehe… Should Kati Wolf represent Hungary again with Brazillian Theme Song (The language mix Spanish & English)?

10 years ago

My fav was and will be Slovenia’s Maja Keuc … unlike Christina Aguilera, Maja with similar vocal tone and range actually manages to reach the right notes without going over the board … #shadethrowing LOL. Anyway, going back to 2011: Besides Maja, Nadine was another personal big favourite and I will agree Lena was stunning both soundwise, stage wise and herself-wise. She presented what I consider to be one of her most intriguing and very unusual songs to the competition and that was earth shattering to my ears and eyes. I will also add Italy here as I like jazz… Read more »

10 years ago

Semi Final 1: Shouldn’t have qualified: Finland Iceland Greece (what is the hype with this song?) Should have qualified: Poland Norway Albania Russia half/half. I enjoyed Croatia, but the backup singers did not fare well. SF2: Shouldn’t have qualified: Bosnia and Herzegovina (what is the hype with this song?) Moldova (2005 was just as unbearable) Should have qualified in their place: Slovakia Hungary, Estonia, France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Albania, Norway and Slovakia were all criminally underrated. I thought Lithuania (although a tad boring) deserved a little higher. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Russia, Italy and Moldova were all overrated. I… Read more »

10 years ago

For me it was Norway. It’s now one of my favourite songs of all time and I still listen to it to this day
The crowd loved it with everyone on their feet even thought it was a seated arena my heart sank when it did not qualify

10 years ago

France should have won.

10 years ago

Poland was obviously robbed that year.