The Riga Bebrs has made a special place in our hearts for the past four weeks as the Supernova cheerleader. Whether he was jumping, rapping, or doing push-ups, he always brought smiles to our faces. Although Supernova 2015 might be over, it seems the Riga Bebrs craze has just begun, as a new petition is trying to make him a European cultural symbol.
During one of his verses in the final, Riga Bebrs declared in English that he wished to become a European cultural symbol. European Superfans have since created a petition on popular forum that, at the time of writing, has sixty supporters. The petition says:
We, the Eurovision Superfans, demand that Riga Bebrs, also known as #adbreakbeaver, be made a European cultural symbol. For weeks he has toiled silently during ad breaks, waving his ribbon around, falling over on stage, flapping his arms and finally being given a platform for his freestyle rapping skills in Supernova’s final. Then he has to suffer the indignity of being censored as he tells Europe how to vote for Latvia’s Eurovision entry. We cannot allow this. The beaver must be made an ambassador for all things Eurovision, representing Latvia throughout Europe. Perhaps he can be given his own TV show, or announce Latvia’s vote at the Eurovision final in Vienna.
Let’s make this happen. #adbreakbeaver should be a cultural ambassador for us all.
Y’all, we want the Riga Bebrs to be on the scoreboard in Vienna! If you want this to happen, y’all should sign the petition!
Very descriptive blog, I liked thjat a lot. Willl there be a part
Ha ha! LOVE IT! What a great idea!
R?gas Bebrs for President! 🙂
Agreem he should read the points!!!
Yes! Please announce the Latvian votes!
Rigas Bebrs for Latvian spokesperson!
@Dhani No, it’s awesome 😀
Make him read the points and bring Supernova again next year so he can be his beaverish self! Woot! Yes! This must be fricken done! Hell yeah!
It’s much better idea than their choice for Vienna.
this is so strupid and ridiculous
… and what’s next? Having this puppet sing for Latvia in some upcoming edition? Yeah because we do need this to make the contest even more pathetic and joke-like than what already can be …. Bye Felicia!
Donna – definitely! BeaVERRRRRRRRRRRRR revives my SOOOOOOOOOOOOUL.
Make him read the points from Latvia!