It’s a big day for Norway’s 2012 representative, Tooji. In the same day, he’s released a new song and video called “The Father Project” and while on the press run, he’s also publicly come out as gay.

“The Father Project” is an attack on organized religion’s hypocrisy and willingness to persecute others for being different. The video itself is pretty NSFW, with scenes of the father and Tooji engaged in sexual intercourse in the church mixed with scenes of a service held by Tooji’s lover. There’s a real focus on the anger and conflict that forms their relationship.

The music video is intense enough, but Tooji’s decision to come out has only added more impact (he has called this “the most important thing I’ve done in my life”). In the past, Tooji has been very private about his sexuality and what it means to him, which he also makes crystal clear in this interview. It’s pretty obvious just how passionately he feels about this then, particularly as there is a political side to his message: that the Norwegian government needs to stop discrimination against the LGBTQ community, by eliminating special exemptions from religious organizations.

This is a powerful message and spares no modesty: it’s Ryan Lewis and Mackelmore’s “Same Love”…but way more in-your-face and with a helping of electronica. Tooji lets all of his anger out in the song, but at the same time it’s musically interesting. Church choirs are manipulated along with the EDM influences: a modern-meets-medieval approach that perhaps mimics Tooji’s frustration with a society that is not yet moving forward.

It’s definitely a winner, great for self-empowerment and fuelling that rage deep within. Great job, Tooji, and we’re so proud of you!

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9 years ago

I just love it….God loves all….broaden your narrow mentality it is 21st century….how can the one hate US who died for our sins….dumb guys

9 years ago

Isn’t he from Persian background? I’m assuming then he’s of Muslim linage; if he wanted to create awareness he didn’t have the guts to do it in a mosque. If a country is to be secular, then i think secularists should also respect the church. This was plain insulting and a means just to create hype. And I totally agree it is just as disrespectful if it was a straight couple. And to be honest, it doesn’t do much for the gay cause; gay people are already looked down upon fore being immoral and promiscuous with zero moral values-especially in… Read more »

9 years ago

Funny how people say they knew back in 2012. Some people say everyone is gay & then when someone comes out, they say “I knew”. As if we are supposed to be impressed by their gaydar.

Anyway, a person’s sexuality is their personal information & I am not going to speculate. People come out when they are ready. We should not under estimate the personal price some people have to pay for being gay.

9 years ago

He has to answer to God on judgement day for this abomination. There was no need for this. Gays are getting way out of hand, this is an attack on the church and Christians. This should not be allowed. the things people do for attention.

9 years ago

@ hehehe..
you ‘re welcome Leon.. 😛
i do not mind..

9 years ago

@John – Right on.

This is just disgusting I’m sorry.

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

@ Really Zach?? Oh! Then i really wonder which lady is among all.. @ Martin Well Tooji must really knew that he would get removed from hosting the Junior Melodi Grand Prix 4 kids… Yeah…It was not the right timing 4 him to do it after he filmed the very 1st visionary gay p*rn video clip… 😛 <3 He is the very first artist of EuroVision that shoots such explicit p*rn*graphic video! <3 😉 hehe.. Well bravo to him that he found the guts to do this 🙂 I really enjoyed watching it! <3 🙂 Now i wait 4 his… Read more »

9 years ago

is he meant to be rising the priests dick?

9 years ago

This is all over the news in Norway. He even lost his job hosting Melodi Grand Prix junior, because of the music video.

9 years ago

… I thought he was more than out of the closet back in 2012 … it seemed pretty obvious to me back then … weird …

9 years ago

Has anyone else noticed that his mom was in the video?

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love ~ Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love ~ Summer Lovers
9 years ago

Oh by the way, Tooji’s nipples are really yummy & juicy <3
Makes me want to suck & milk them <3
If he was my boyfriend i would never leave his nipples alone! <3 hehe 😉
Oh Boy! <3
I can see now something going up up up 😛
Its rising…{ like a phoenix <3 😉 hehe }

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love ~ Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love ~ Summer Lovers
9 years ago

@ Well good 4 you too that you wrote this comment about Tooji…
BUT…I really do not like pretentious people like you..
Wonder why you kinda stole my nickname & you are using it for your own benefit..
That is not cool..

There IS only one Vision of Gay Love & i have the authentic genuine true one..
Yours is just only fake..

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love ~ Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love ~ Summer Lovers
9 years ago

Tom… Just shut up.. Of course there is homophobia in Norway too…That is the most obvious…BUT compared with almost all of the rest countries in the world gays in Norway have it much better instead.. There is no severe homophobia in Norway like there is in tones of other countries.. Gay marriges are alreday legalized for 6 years now for f**ks sake! And Norway was even from the first countries in the world that legalized them.. Generally Norway IS pretty ideal,tolerant & seculal enough country 4 a homosexual to live there.. Gays there will face problems only in certain limited… Read more »

Calvin - Just for Now the Other Vision of Gay Love
Calvin - Just for Now the Other Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

Good for him; he has a wonderful and noble life ahead of him being all the more open about himself and owning who he is.

9 years ago


9 years ago

I do like Tooji, both his songs “Stay” and “Rebels” are amazing, but this one feels so CALCULATED (not to mention it’s low quality sh*t) I cannot believe it.

I wouldn’t mind the ”story” in the videoclip if the song itself was a good one, otherwise it’s like creating lame controversy for his own means.


9 years ago

@Vladimir P. – you are a very wise guy.

9 years ago

Explicit with a capital E!

9 years ago

I am so proud of Tooji. I am so happy about his choice to come out. The song is incredible. Great job!

9 years ago

…mario why….religion I not the poision. It is the people who misconstrude it into their own twisted views. You just said something so ignorant and rude that you have no friggen clue, clearly Norwegian Gays arent privlaged! Tooji just said they are discriminated. Do ou use a brain whn u type?

9 years ago

Sooooooooo amazing <3

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

Now i wonder if Tooji is single or not… If he has a boyfriend partner he has to let us know who he is 🙂 I guess that he wants to get married & have a family… Fortunately he can do all these when he lives in Norway that has legalized gay marriages in 2009.. 2009 was my own gay year… <3 And coincidentally Norway was the winner of Vision <3 And has the #1 all time record 4 the most ever points! <3 Norway was the winner in the year that i was born too <3 I haven't visited… Read more »

9 years ago

You just gotta giggle at those moments when someone you already know is gay then comes out and then everyone has to be like “what, no way? I had no idea?!” lol…although awkward for those that aren’t actually gay but just not macho.

Anywho, either way, good for him.

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

Just the perfect video & timing 4 Tooji to officially come out of the closet! <3 ——————————————- The EuroVision of 2012 that Tooji unfortunately finished last was the 57th.. In the year of #57 {1957} my biological ''mother'' was born that i actualy hate her…I have bad relationship with her and i blame her 4 destroying my Vision.. I hate my biological ''father'' too…Even worse than my ''mother''.. I do not consider them my real family & i do not care about them at all.. If only i was raised by gay parents…In a gay friendly tolerant country like Norway…… Read more »

9 years ago

The woman in the music doing the spectacles, testicles wallet and watch with a grin on her face in the video gives me life.

Anyway, we now also know Tooji is a bottom from the video, which in my opinion is a tad too TMI.

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

@ Oh thank you… 😉 To all my fans here <3 😉 hehehe
Here i am 🙂 Of course i could NOT avoid to not bring my gay vision here guys <3 😉
You really know me 🙂 And that i just can't stay away from wiwi articles like that <3 😉

They are like luminous light that attracts me hella as a night butterfly <3 😉

Vladimir P.
Vladimir P.
9 years ago

I’m not sure that a video of people having sex in a church is the right way to send an equality message, regardless of being gay or str8. I think Ryan Dolan is doing it in a way that’s more acceptable to more people. Religious people don’t see this video as a fight for equality – they see it as a disrespect to their religion, which it is. If we expect more understanding from most people for gay people, we should do it by showing respect for their beliefs. Not like this.

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

Beautiful videoclip… <3 And so explicit! <3 ???? wow! <3 So we see literally a soft gay p**n.. <3 😉 Well congratulations to Tooji that he officially came out of the closet…{although it was really obvious that he was gay of course 😉 } His song *Stay* was amazing <3 Really unfair that he finished last on the final..! And Tooji was born even on the same date that the final of Baku's Vision took place! He is very hot…If only he decided to cut his long hair to just short…He is not that attractive with long hair…And im turned… Read more »

9 years ago

Mario c’mon bring your GreAtY vision here!

9 years ago

Wow, what a video! Intense! The video has blasphemous qualities that is sure to get the church folk up in arms. I think a point can be made and proven though the medium of music, as long as it is tasteful. We need to remember that tolerance works both ways. If we expect tolerance from others, we must be willing to be tolerant towards others ourselves. If someone is gay that is their own business, but if someone is part of a religious group that is not the biggest fan of homosexuality, than that is their business too. As for… Read more »

9 years ago

I thought he was out?

9 years ago

Mario is going to love this! Can’t wait to see the essay he’s going to write.

9 years ago

@huh give them time. And farid as sell

9 years ago

I thought he was already out, everybody knew it in 2012

9 years ago

Well I can’t say I didn’t see this coming (out).

I remember a wiwibloggs article examining why tooji flopped in Baku 2012, and one of the reasons used was that a Dutch juror claimed tooji being openly gay put off conservative jurors. Of course, he had never come out until now (although everyone pretty much suspected since everything he’s done so far has seemed a little camp). Maybe that juror knew something we didn’t haha?

9 years ago

He wasn’t out?!

9 years ago

Okay, the song is crap but the message strong and great. Go Tooji!

9 years ago

The only people who need to come out now are Eldar and Elnur.