my money serebro donald trump

It’s been nearly a decade since Russian trio Serebro rocked to third place with their shamelessly sensual “Song #1” at Eurovision 2007. And despite several line-up changes since then, they’ve maintained their signature attitude, which they deploy again on their latest offering “My Money”. It oozes the brash, sassy tone that their fans know and love.

Supported by a bold electro-dance beat, the girls drop happy-go-lucky lyrics that, while not always logical, capture a mood: “I wanna gang gang cuz I love the bang bang.” They rhyme “money” with “honey”, and “yummy” with “jummy” — we don’t know what the latter means either. Literature prizes? No. On-brand and hilar? Yes.

Musically this fits nicely with the girls’ style, though it doesn’t quite reach the heights of their earlier work. It has a nice dance break, though one much more dubsteppy than the swish break we loved in “Song #1”. It lacks the smooth, classy finish of their Eurovision number and seems far more generic and ridiculous. In cranking up the irreverence they risk becoming really annoying. But wHatEVer. In terms of happy and flashy they definitely deliver.

The video is as riotous as ever. The three girls are all dressed in sexy garb and flanked by their band and team of joyful cheerleaders. A mystery man in a business suit gradually approaches the stage, and naturally joins in on the fun. If a dancing President-Elect is your thing, you’ll definitely find much to like here.

2016 saw Serebro welcome new member Katya Kischuk into the fold after Dasha Shashina left the group. Thankfully Katya seems right at home, hiking up her skirt and singing along like one of the girls.

Their third album “Sila tryokh”, which dropped earlier this year along with their other singles “Chocolate” and “Slomana”, was well-received here at wiwibloggs. It’s great to see that Serebro are still well into killing it all these years later.

So what do you think? Does Serebro still have that edge? Let us know!

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8 years ago

Donald Trump …. making Eurovision great again !!

Maru fr
Maru fr
8 years ago

I think Trump is “Dark horse” for Russia…

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

He has a great relationship with dance, anyone who thinks otherwise is a disgrace.

8 years ago

That was fun. Except the real Trump is a much better dancer than that. He’s an amazing dancer. He is the best dancer. Everyone tells him what a great dancer he is.

8 years ago

@an esc fan If Russians are making fun of Trump that doesn’t mean they are loving him. Trump is Putin’s new toy.

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

Russians and their beloved Trump as if Trump is good for any country except a country named ”his own pocket”.