The submissions deadline for Selectia Nationala is tonight at 22:59 CET, but already a host of familiar names are known or rumoured to have submitted entries to Romania’s national selection for Eurovision. Among them is M I H A I, who abandoned the idea to enter Moldova’s selection and apparently chose his own country instead.

After last year’s national final, which saw M I H A I in fifth place out of six acts on the scoreboard, the artist formerly known as Mihai Traistariu vowed to never return to Selectia Nationala. One year later, however, and the “Paradisio” singer has allegedly submitted a new entry to the Romanian selection, a power ballad entitled “I Won’t Surrender”. Yesterday M I H A I uploaded a cover photo with the song title on his Facebook page, which fuelled the rumours.

Another famous name that is said to have a song in the running this year is Lora. She’s a veteran of the contest. Back in 2010, her duet with Sonny Flame finished 7th on the national final scoreboard.

This year, the beautiful blonde is rumoured to have submitted the ballad “I Know” as a solo act. She premiered the song live at Romania’s Media Music Awards last autumn.

Cristina Vasiu, who debuted at Selectia Nationala in 2015 with “Nowhere”, allegedly submitted a song written by the team behind Donny Montell’s “I’ve Been Waiting For This Night”. That’s all we know so far, and that’s all we need to know. We can’t seem to forget her firecracker dress at the National Final and we want more!

Meanwhile, we know the name of the artist who entered the song “We Were Young” by Stig Rästa. It’s Sergiu Bolota, a 30-year old singer who had a brief stint on X Factor Romania in 2015. The singer posted a photo of himself with the song title on his Facebook page, which gave away the secret. The song will be released next week.

Teodora Dinu, one of Ovidiu Anton’s two female backing vocalists last year, is also on the rumoured acts list. She is apparently submitting a song that did not make the shortlist in the UK this year.

One name who will definitely not be on the cards at Selectia Nationala is Andra. In an interview for the national radio station Radio Romania Actualitati, the pop star says that she still has a bitter taste after her song “Dracula My Love” was disqualified at Selectia Nationala 2007.

Another no-no comes from Ovidiu Anton, who won last year’s selection but was denied participation when the EBU withdrew Romania from Eurovision. Although still disgruntled, Ovidiu will perform as an interval act at the semi-final on 26 February, out of respect for the fans who were behind him during that difficult time. However, he will not submit a song for 2017, despite the wave of sympathy that he enjoys after last year’s debacle.

The deadline for submissions in Romania is tonight at 22:59. Shortly afterwards, we should know exactly how many entries were submitted and how many of the rumoured acts are on the official list. Stay tuned for more!

After they are validated, all the candidates will perform their songs in front of the five-member jury and the public between 27-29 January. The auditions will be recorded and afterwards aired on TVR as a standalone show called Euroshow. Fifteen songs will be selected by the jury for the live semi-final, scheduled for 26 February. Ten songs will advance to the National Final based on 100% jury votes. The winner will be decided based on 100% televote at the National Final on 5 March.

Until then, what do you think about potentially seeing M I H A I, Lora, and Cristina Vasiu at Selectia Nationala again? Who would you like to represent Romania in Kyiv? Sound off below!



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8 years ago

Lora is okay. Hoped for Andra with a great song.

8 years ago

100% televote in final is good.

8 years ago

I think Mihai needs professional help. This desperate search for his one-time glory is very sad.

8 years ago

@an esc fam Actually it is a pretty good song:
Better than Joe and Jake’s You are not alone.
But I hope that there will be other good songs in Selectia Na?ional?

8 years ago

@an esc fam Actually it is a pretty good song:
Better than Joe and Jake’s You are not alone.
But I hope that there will be other good songs in Selectia Na?ional?

8 years ago

I would love it if Mihai never returned to Eurovision again and took his terrible attitude with him. Cristina could be good, her song in 2015 was great in-studio, but she didn’t have strong enough vocals to carry it live. That songwriter is on a roll though; “I’ve Been Waiting for This Night” and “Like I Love You” are both amazing, hopefully this one will be good too. I know Stig’s song will be amazing as well.

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

”Teodora Dinu, one of Ovidiu Anton’s two female backing vocalists last year, is also on the rumoured acts list. She is apparently submitting a song that did not make the shortlist in the UK this year.”

That is interesting, if UK rejected it, it means the song is good.

8 years ago

We need Elena Gheorge, Inna, Alexandra Stan, or some else female pop-star!

8 years ago

why they don’t just do an internal selection and select Alxeandra Stan…mah

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

It is so hard to watch X Factor when the jury sings along, but the singer has the same haircut as Stig Rasta, so it should be a clue that they work together … I’m joking.
The song ”I know” is the only song known ? Between Lindita and NAVI has no chance.
Romania needs a summer hit, because when it comes to ballads, in 2017 the boat is full.
I really hope will not be MIHAI RECYCLED.

8 years ago

Oh, come on! Of all the great songs Lora had in the last period, which were hits in Romania, she chose the dullest one!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Stigma Rusty’s stile is the furthest thing ever from the Romanian music we’re used to, I really don’t understand what he’s doing there and I hope that his song tanks. I need a dancey tune from a hot girl!

8 years ago

Plsss Randi. He would be amazing <333

8 years ago

i want romania to send something similar to mandinga or the balkan girls!! please not all those ballads!

8 years ago

I want Randi ????