It’s been one month since the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was supposed to take place. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic may have robbed the Eurovision stars of their chance to shine in Rotterdam’s Ahoy. But that didn’t stop fans from falling in love with their songs, which they encountered at national finals, on Spotify and via YouTube.
The team at wiwibloggs still can’t get Daði & Gagnamagnið’s “Think About Things” and The Roop’s “On Fire” out of our heads. And our bodies just won’t stop feeling Ben Dolic’s “Violent Thing” and Little Big’s “Uno”. But our playlists don’t just consist of danceable bops. We are still looping Gjon’s Tear’s “Répondez-moi”, Victoria’s “Tears Getting Sober” and Ulrikke’s “Attention”, to name just a few.
Now it’s time for you to let us know which Eurovision 2020 songs you are still listening to. So pull out your iPhone and warm up your Spotify playlists to see which tracks you’ve played the most, and then vote in our poll. You can vote for as many songs as you’d like, but you can only vote one time: be sure to click the box next to each song before pressing submit. In order to discourage fans from manipulating the results, you will not be able to see the full results after voting. Sorry ’bout it. The poll will close on July 7.
Past results

Rather than stressing out over the results, why not review our past winners? Italy’s Mahmood won last year with “Soldi’’ *clap clap*, while Cyprus’ Eleni Foureira won in 2018 with “Fuego”. In 2017, Belgium’s Blanche won with “City Lights”, Poland’s Michal Szpak won with “Color of Your Life” in 2016, Sweden’s Måns Zelmerlöw won with “Heroes” in 2015, Israel’s Mei Finegold won with “Same Heart” in 2014, Romania’s Cezar won with “It’s My Life” in 2013, Ireland’s Jedward won with “Waterline” in 2012, Sweden’s Eric Saade won with “Popular” in 2011, and Turkey’s maNga won with “We Could Be the Same” in 2010.
Only Destiny’s (MALTA) as it was the last one added ;). Deleted “Voda” (Slovenia) and “Uno” (Russia) out of my “current favourites” yesterday
Iceland, Netherlands, Lithuania, Russia & Switzerland
Australia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Norway, Lithuania, Italy, Albania, Moldova, Finland, Czech, Azerbaijan…
Romanía, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Lithuania and Italy.
Australia ??
Denmark ??
France ??
Norway ??
Sweden ??
Ukraine ??
Armenia, Switzerland, Slovenia, Denmark, Austria, UK, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Australia, Ukraine, Finland, Iceland and… of course, Lithuania!!!
Finland Portugal Norway
Australia Israel
None. Sorry to tell but I’m not like I’m going to listen to the same songs over and over again. New songs are released everyday so I give other songs the chance to take me out. To people who are going to downvote me: are you still listening daily to past entries ? I really like Eres Tu, probably one of my all time favorites, but I only listen to it once a year… and that’s when it’s the Eurovision week. And that’s the same for most of the songs from previous contests. Not listening doesn’t mean I forget… it… Read more »
Serbian and Swedish songs on replay. And OMG, maybe Dotterdam WILL happen next year, who knows 😀
That is easy. No song at all. They were all terrible.
Funny that you’re still in here in the biggest blogg about Eurovision and tell us our opinion – so maybe not that terrible.
Bulgaria, Portugal and Azerbaijan.
I was just being honest when I said “none of them”. And to my surprise I’m getting already 19! down votes! If a person can’t be honest anymore, then there is something seriously wrong with some of you!!!!
Most ESC fanatics are delusional and crybabies who still whine for cancelled 2020 contest, and still talking like how “2020 contest woukd have been the best of all”. Also they are still crying over planned 2020 songs. Pathetic. All this is just making me cringe.
Actually, it’s 78 downvotes now
And I guess you’re one of them!!!
Well, there is seriously something wrong with them definitely. I said also the same thing as you and got lot of down votes. Fanatics really don’t like to read honest opinions.
Thank goodness you’re here 1998. I mean I had been still been listening to some songs from as far back as 1963. And why? because I liked them. How pathetic of me. Now that you’ve pointed out the error of my ways, I’ve deleted my entire iTunes library from before May 2020. From now on, I’ll only ever play songs once and then move on. Happy now?
For God’s sake. I didn’t mean about listening to the songs. You can listen to 2020 songs whenever you want. I was only complaining about fanatics that are still crying over cancelled 2020 contest and don’t want to move on from that fact.
I think the fact that you’re getting down votes, is because it’s not a very positive thing to say. True? Possibly. Was it better not to have said anything and keep that negativity to yourself? Definitely.
I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes here. Just stating that silence is sometimes indeed golden.
Love love peace peace.
None of them. I moved on from 2020.
Why are you here then?
I could listen to Cleopatra all day, dreaming about the crazy staging Azerbaijan could have cooked up on stage. But there are plenty more, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, Israel, and songs that have really grown on me like Romania, Netherlands, Georgia, Armenia, Bulgaria. In some ways 2020 was quite a subtle year, with more growers than showers.
The dance remix of “Attention” is getting a lot of plays in recent weeks! Edens EP is the most played album (Feker, Roots & Rakata…the first one is always skipped) and my most played 2020 entry is “Dont Break Me” from Australia
Victoria – Tears getting sober 🙂
Surprised to see Aksel in your shortlist, but I must say it was probably my biggest grower in the post-cancellement-melancholic-season.
I’m fine, Tibor. Thank you for your concerns.But sadly things will only get worst here while the negationists (to not use other words and get into other subjects that aren’t that suited for this site) rule the country. More than 3 months of self-quarantining and… well, 2020 is a lost year for me already. The song is solid indeed. I guess the only problem about it is the same thing we could say about the UK’s entry or Portugal’s one, it lacks that “I’ll vote for this” factor. And Aksel is very good. Hope he has a chance to… Read more »
I appreciate your moral support, Tibor. 🙂 I hope we get rid of all this crew of clowns very soon, because I’m exhausted. Right now for example, I would think of giving my 2 cents about the pre-recorded backing vocals for 2021, but I just want to take a headache pill and go to bed. It doesn’t help that Eurovision became my “getaway hobby” and the covid crisis will keep pushing endless discussions over us. I’m not even fine yet with the idea with the 2020’s songs getting axed and some artists being let down, I’m already expecting the… Read more »
Albania and Israel are my favorites, they speak to me so much I love these songs
I would say that Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania and Norway are those I’ve listened the most recently and they keep popping to my mind when I’m not listening to music. Portugal too, but for a silly reason: the covid-19 parody sang by Filomena Cautela and Inês Lopes Gonçalves for Portuguese TV. I remember about it everytime I have to watch groceries over and over.
Dotter – Bulletproof
Yesss Dotterrrr, love her song!
Me too! Maybe we can get her for 2021
In Order of Frequency:
1.Netherlands (Grow, Jeangu Mccrooy)
2.Italy (Fai Rumore, Diodato)
3.Iceland (Think About Things, Dadi Og Gangnamagdid)
I must admit the Eurovision 2020 song that has stuck with me didn’t even make the final competition. I am in love with Gaja Prestor’s Verjamem Vase – it is a classic, so powerful and dramatic, love it!
Definitely my top 3, Attention, Hasta La Vista and Empires (in respective order) I love those songs so much!
Ireland ??
*(The ?? was the Ireland flag)*
I’m still listening to all of them and what’s more, one of them is playing in my head most days. Even ones I don’t think I like. I must say that I really don’t like Armenia, Bulgaria, Netherlands and Romania, but I’m still going to given them chance to grow on me.
I would say I’m listening to tears getting sober by Victoria and Grow by Jeangu the most as they are more like the music I listen to when the national final season and contest aren’t happening. Other than those two move, da vidna, fai rumore, chains on you, cleopatra, violent things, all of my love, and feker libi I listen to a lot.
I loved so many songs this year, it really was a good year, when will the poll results announced? I voted for about 1/3 of the countries.
In love with Romanian one.
Attention – Ulrikke Brandstorp
Lithuania, Romania and Switzerland!
Only Hasta La Vista and Empires have remained on my radar (:
Iceland and Russia are the two I listen to daily. I also still listen to Malta, Georgia, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Ukraine and North Macedonia from time to time. Beginning to become a bit obsessed with Dadi and Little Big, really enjoying their other songs.
I’m definitely still listening to Germany (my winner for 2020)! All of my American friends are hooked on “Violent Thing” too – the vocals, the brass, the mood, the beat, aahhh! The other songs that have not gotten old for me are Belarus, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Iceland, UKRAINE (big Go_A fan now), Czech Republic, and Latvia.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine are on my playlist. The ones I listen to the most are Sweden, Norway and Malta. I hope that next year some countries step up their game because last year there were more songs on my list. Having said that, there are some countries that made interesting decisions in their NF’s and other songs would’ve been better. The reason why I don’t like this year as much as others is that this year was a year of growers rather then instant faves for me. For example, Sweden, Armenia,… Read more »
Wish I could go back in time and unreleased/undone all the ESC 2020 songs/national selections so they could be re-sent to the 2021 contest.
Feeling so depressed of this mess…
1. Malta – on repeat always! Such a great radio friendly song that really could have had a life of its own outside Eurovision. Can’t wait to see what Malta and Destiny bring next year. 2. Ukraine – Go_A have is what is definitely my favorite Ukrainian entry since Ruslana (and Verka if we include novelty acts). Loved the song so much I’m hogging replay. I love when a country showcases it’s culture in such a modern, catchy way. Like Malta, I can’t wait to see what Ukraine and Go_A bring us next year. I love ethno-dance. 3. Bulgaria –… Read more »
I don’t think I’ll be able to move on from the 2020 songs.
Shame that the contest has to be canceled at the wrong time. There’s not a single song I dislike this year.
I would even dare say that 2020 is so much better song-wise than the dreadful 2019.
Sorry for those who think that 2019 have better songs.
Anyway, these are the 2020 songs I’m still listening to (the most) :
This was going to be quite a strong year. It’s saddening it was canceled.
Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania and Russia!
Switzerland, UK, Germany, Italy, iceland
Glad that we have the songs of this year even though what happened and here are the songs that I still listen to: Armenia – the revamp is amazing it was going to slay on stage, pls armenia don’t disappoint and send athena again next year (fun fact, I just realized that her birthday is the same day that the esc 2021 grand final is going to be). Austria – what a bop. I so enjoy listening to this song even though I think it wouldn’t have done well on esc. Better luck next year bueno <3 Azerbaijan – the… Read more »
Mostly Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Iceland and Italy.
I am still, just about, listening to them all on my playlist. Have to admit, a few are starting to be skipped now (Poland, Denmark, Finland, Belgium) but the rest are still holding up pretty well!
Cleopatra (Azerbaijan)
Move (Sweden)
Tears getting sober (Bulgaria)
Think about things (Iceland)
All of my love (Malta)
Alive (Austria)
To be honest, none of them.
I really don’t understand your reaction, I’m just being honest.
For me: Belgium, the Netherlands, Malta, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Australia, CZ, Denmark, Lithuania, Israel, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy.
And occasionally Armenia, Finland and Georgia.
With “still listening” them I mean at least once or twice a week.