The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Belgium, who have chosen Gustaph with “Because of You”.

Did the song get us goin’ crazy? Read on to find out!

Gustaph – “Because of You” (Belgium Eurovision 2023)

Review: Gustaph – “Because of You”

Jonathan: In a world full of hate, everyone needs a Gustaph to help lift you up and remind you of your worth. “Because of You” is a fun, soulful bop and Gustaph’s performance is filled with warmth. There’s a retro ‘90s charm to the song that quickly gets the listener dancing along, but it doesn’t feel overly dated. Taken on its own, the message could be applied to almost any situation. But the imagery of drag queens and voguing give it a welcomed LGBTQ+ identity that is always worth highlighting under the ever-hostile circumstances.

Score: 7.5

Antranig: “Because of You” is a really fun entry, which is both musically and lyrically compelling for the subject it is tackling. Gustaph is a great performer and this should be interesting to watch in Liverpool. I just feel that the song lacks a truly memorable hook to make it stand out in a sea of terrific pop songs. The Eurovision 2023 line-up is really strong and I don’t know if “Because of You” has enough to set it apart. I’d love to be proven wrong though.

Score: 5.5

Lucy: Something I saw online a lot when Gustaph won Eurosong were comparisons to Ben Michael David from Israel last year. I‘ll save my tired rant about this, but just to state the most important part: where “I.M.” was fairly inauthentic, Gustaph radiates gloriousness with a song reminiscent of the ’90s in a modern-day genuine light. “Because Of You” is gorgeous, a celebration of queer culture and stands as a beacon of joy on its own, without need for comparison to ANYONE.

Score: 9

Tom: Belgium have made it through to the final in the last two contests but I think that mini run ends here. “Because Of You” is just not for me. The song feels dated rather than retro and Gustaph’s voice grates on me. He has a Jamiroquai-like quality in both style and performance that I enjoy, but there is not much else I like about the song. I really struggle to hear the whole track out on my Eurovision playlist. I can understand why people like it, I just don’t.

Score: 3

Luis: “Because of You” carries a very important message that should resonate with the LGBTIQA+ community. Yet, the lyrics are a bit too generic to be a strong stance on the fight of people whom the outer world has tried to break down many times. Whilst I appreciate the message, and the song is a nice throwback to the ’90s, I would like it to go much further than it does, both lyrically and musically. As it stands, Gustaph’s entry is a perfectly fine uplifting moment in the Eurovision line-up. It did have the potential to become an anthem, but it didn’t reach it.

Score: 6.5

Belgium Eurovision 2023 ranking

In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Cinan: 9

Dayana: 8

Deban: 5.5

Diego: 6.5

Forrest: 5

Kristín: 7

Oliver: 7.5

Pablo: 4

Renske: 8

Rick: 7

Ron: 7

Ruxandra: 8

Samuel: 7.5

Simon: 4.5

William: 6

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 3 and a high of 9.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 6.67/10

What do you think of Belgium’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Gustaph’s “Because of You” below!

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Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

The only reason I find this song fun is because of Gustaph’s awesome live vocals and wonderful stagecraft. This entry proves (yet again) that musicians can sell anything dated, as long as it is well-performed. As some of the actual Wiwi Jury (above) pointed out, the LGBT imagery and overall theme is a timely reminder that there are continuing struggles today in this crazy world, and I for one appreciate this. I’m not so crazy about the music in this song though, which despite the 90’s dance beat, seems to just go round in circles with the chords and doesn’t… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Officially, or unofficially? 🙂

1 year ago

Average in every aspect but somehow still enjoyable. I wouldn’t mind to see Belgium in the final.

Belgium places the 29th in my top:

10. Ireland (7)
11. Armenia (7)
14. Moldova (7)
15. Estonia (6.75)
17. Australia (6.75)
19. France (6.75)
23. The Netherlands (6.5)
24. Italy (6.5)
25. Malta (6.5)
28. Iceland (6.25)
29. Belgium (6.25)
30. Denmark (6)
32. Ukraine (5.75)
35. Poland (3.5)
36. Albania (3.5)

1 year ago

There’s always this discussion about certain entries being dated or retro. “Because of You” is an interesting case, I would say it’s musically dated (it’s a pure 90’s song, there isn’t any sort of adaptation to nowadays music), but retro as a genuine expression of affection. I can’t stop thinking that Gustaph is sending a message to his younger self, while at the same time he’s reminiscing about how the 90’s shaped his identity. Maybe it’s cheesy for our times, but would fit like a glove a movie from that era. So, even if normally I would think this is… Read more »

1 year ago

There’s such a good vibe in this song that I just want to sing this simple lyrics every time I listen it. I’m not sure about the qualification, but really want to see him going through

1 year ago

I don’t usually mind an old fashioned gay club anthem, but I’m afraid this one is trying too hard to recreate all the clichés and I don’t enjoy that. It’s a listenable song -although heard million times before- and Gustaph seems to be a lovely guy, but everything seems too forced and stereotype-oriented from the lyrics, to the dancing and the outfits. 3.5/10 and 35th in my ranking, only above Poland and San Marino. I know it might qualify, especially given that it’s the only uptempo song in the first half of the second semi, and if it does it… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  ThorBeta

Same (current) ranking, same rating, ThorBeta. 🙂 Yeah, ”not for me” is the right term here, but I do like Gustaph’s bubbly personality, and I wish him all the best at ESC.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I agree Colin, that Gustaph is probably the best part of Belgium’s entry this year. He deserved a better song imho.

1 year ago

This song will qualify its too good not too. Underated by wiwi just like Romania was last year.

1 year ago

34. Gustaph – Because of You (Belgium) 4.5/10 – the lyrical content of this track is so sickly that it spoils any enjoyment that I might have had for the fun, upbeat vibe of the music. The gospel undertones in the chorus are another reason for it to lose some points. The song takes itself far too seriously to have any ironic value so all in all it is not a song that I am going to particularly enjoy on the night unfortunately.

1 year ago

Gustaph is an absolute darling, so it feels almost wrong to say anything critical about this song. There’s a halo of positive energy floating around him. An irresistible effortlessness in his performance. Sincerity that could convince the most diehard conservative to wear heals and vogue the house down. I suppose it’s one of the reasons he has won over so many fans in such a short time. However… … as others have mentioned, Belgium’s entry is inspired by ‘90s house music. In my opinion, what it lacks in comparison with, say, “Finally”, is the edge. Think of timeless divas of… Read more »

Poul Rissen
Poul Rissen
1 year ago

Ever since I listened to the song when Gustaph won the final, I have been having it on my playlist. Not a masterpiece entry but it’s fresh, energetic, happy, fun, and Gustaph knows how to sing and perform. I would looove to see it through to the final and i feel that despite the odds, Belgium will be in the grand final. Good luck Belgique / België!

Poul Rissen
Poul Rissen
1 year ago
Reply to  Poul Rissen

Forgot my rating

  • song 7,5/10
  • performance (parties, etc) 8,5/10
1 year ago

I didn’t like it that much at first, but now it’s in my top 15. It’s actually one of the most catchy songs in this year! I’m gonna be laughing at all the haters when Belgium qualifies. Like queen Cherine said, I love me a good daddy in a hat.

1 year ago

Liked it from the beginning and its great to see more people enjoying it. This one can reach top 10 in the final easily.

1 year ago

I’m perfectly fine with this qualifying. It’s just fun. And with some of the songs in Semi 2, I’m perfectly happy to accept ‘just fun’.

1 year ago

This is my ultimate take-it-or-leave-it song. Yesterday I finally got around to burning a CD of the ESC songs for my car. They hold about 26 three-minute songs, and this was #26 for me. My options were to put “Because of You” on there, or leave it off for a tighter playlist, or even to put Voyager’s “Dreamer” on there, which I love and kind of consider an ESC 2023 song in spirit. I ended up going with Gustaph, but it was a toss-up. Honestly, the song is not my thing at all; it’s such a direct throwback to the… Read more »

1 year ago

Now, I felt this score was coming just because of the lyrics but I do remember Gustaph admitting in an interview that his message can be used at any time and situtation when people are wrongfully looking down upon themselves so I really do appreciate that. Apart from that, the song might be old fashioned and too much 80’s but it still is catchy, funky and fun. Gustaph himself is really charismatic and great live but WITHOUT the two EXCELLENT backing vocalists, the song would’ve lacked most of its magic. Overall, kinda hated for no reasonable arguments but the score… Read more »

1 year ago

This one grew on me, I enjoy the 90s nostalgia factor – as mentioned below, it is probably going to do better with Gen X/older Millennials. Televotes from this demographic will secure his place in the final, I believe. Gustaph seems really sweet and likable, and he has vocally slayed every preparty. This went from a borderline NQ to a quite likely Q in my eyes.

1 year ago

Just give him a stylist and I’ll be fine with Belgium qualifying

1 year ago
Reply to  finnished

Tom Eerebaur, who styles Lady Gaga, is his stylist..

1 year ago

So it’s overboard, so its full of camp , so it’s old school ESC….but you know what? Its the only one of its type this year….and just like Serhat did a few years back with Say Na Na Na………this song may well be many voter’s guilty pleasure and may well make it to the final. Its not a battle song, its not a power ballad, its not an angry incarnation of creativity, it pure Eurotrash and thats ok……..not my favourite by any means, but do not be surprised if this silences a few of the critics and makes it to… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

This is arguably a million times better than Say Na Na Na, that was actually a joke. Gustaph is brilliant. Such a grower, what a bop

Scott Jackson
Scott Jackson
1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

Agree – this is way better- so I am more convinced it will defy the odds and qualify

1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

The NHS performance of Na Na Na is nothing like this. Gustaphe has a fantastic voice.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ang

Why did NHS appear in my post? Was it autocorrected & I didn’t notice? Lol

1 year ago

BELGIUM – When someone mentions cliches associated with ESC, this is likely what they have in mind. Overboard campy, dated, disco tune in the vein of what San Marino would have sent in the late 2010s. Inspirational, but unironically kitsch. The shining beacon of this combo is Gustaph himself, who is a born performer, and seems to be truly enjoying every second on stage. He is also the right age to connect with this, as the best feedback I see on average is from Gen X and younger Millenials who danced to stuff like this in the 90s. I guess… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Colin articulating my thoughts better than I could once again. The age demographic argument is an interesting one, honestly: when this song won the NF, most people I’ve seen leaving positive comments about Gustaph’s song on social medias were actually in their 40s-50s, so there’s no doubt this was appealing to them. But I also believe it resonates with a younger queer audience (my LGBTQ+ friends in Split loved it while my straight friends were very “meh” about it, one even going as far as calling it “dated white people funk”). I’m not a person who’s bitter about a favourite… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Dani

Thank you, Dani! I think that both Cherine and Gala would’ve been much higher on my list. Ameerah too. I feel like when the song does a throwback in a straightforward way like this does, it applies most to the generation who were listening to it in their “club years”. It’s hard to feel nostalgic over something that came either before or after “your time” at the clubs.

I see that the song also can be empowering to some within the LGBTIQ+ community (and I am glad how proud and clear Gustaph is in representing them). It’s important!

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I don’t mind admitting that I fit into the demographic that you suspect would have a soft spot for this and am quite interested in whether it is as simple as being an age thing.
I mean, the 90’s elements of this are exceptionally obvious, even down to the vocal style.

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I wouldn’t call it an exclusively age thing, but just like I feel like if Denmark qualifies, their primary supporters will be among Gen Z, I feel like it’s Gen X who will help Belgium qualify more than other age groups. Surely there are 20-year-olds who prefer Belgium, and 45-year-olds who prefer Denmark, but I’d be surprised if they were the majority. Also, of course I meant *older* Millenials, not *younger*, but as I’m away from home atm, my last two reviews, Poland and Belgium, have been written on my phone notes instead, so they might not be as proofread… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Count me in the exceptions of older millennials that prefer Denmark over Belgium 🙂
I think I’ve been exposed to too many songs similar to “Because of you” to recognise its faults and weaknesses immediately. And tbf it’s an average at best song in its category.

1 year ago

MBD 2.0 It is a nice song but not strong enough for this contest!

1 year ago

Belgium: I think Gustaph is a very charismatic performer and this definitely will appeal to televoters but it’s not my cuppa at all. I don’t know why but to me this song feels like a 90s karaoke night out (Not suggesting Gustaph can’t sing but, thats what came into my head from first listen). It is feel good and in a semi that lacks many televote magnets compared to the first semi, particularly in the first half, Gustaph will probably bring the party and get the crowd moving. In terms of personal taste, this song is getting a 4 from… Read more »

Leo M
Leo M
1 year ago

Call it cheesy or generic, but this is such a feel good song. The performance will come to life on stage in Liverpool. This is qualifying 100%

Poul Rissen
Poul Rissen
1 year ago
Reply to  Leo M

Exactly,a feel-good song. Spot on!

1 year ago

The Belgian national final was a complete triumph. Full of great songs (although, not all of them were chosen when it came to those A vs. B choices) and fantastic performances (except poor Cherine and that staging. Oof). As much as everyone was disappointed that their favourite didn’t win, Gustaph, to me, was a very deserving winner, and as more time goes on, the more I’m convinced he was the right winner. That’s right! As much as T’inquiète was one of my favourite songs of the entire season, I started to worry about how it might perform at Eurovision, whereas,… Read more »

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
1 year ago

No idea why this doesn’t get the support it should. Everyone calls it dated but y’all seem to forget how much everyone of you loved Adrenaline (which sounded like something straight from the mid 00’s.). I think British people really enjoy these house 90’s style. And will surely be a moment on the Eurovision stage. Honestly it’s such a shame it wasn’t an opener in 2nd semi since its current running order does it no good. I will agree that this is in fact dated, unoriginal and more and not going to lie, I’m also surprised this is not low… Read more »

1 year ago

it wasn’t my favourite in the national final, i more liked Gala and Starlings their songs

however it recently has grown on me a lot, it is a very easy listenable bop, and in this weaker semi 2, i think it should have no huge problems in making the final, and with maybe a good running order position, a decent mid table placement could be possible

this is very jamiroquai, george michael sound with styling similar to boy george


1 year ago

I say it since the day he won the national final, Gustaph is going straight to the final. He certainly won’t do a great result but people putting him down and thinking he has no chance don’t know how the contest works. I may be wrong too, I’m not a guru of ESC but I’m confident.

PS: this look on the picture! Please Gustaph choose something like this for Liverpool and not the look from NF or the clip.

1 year ago

Why are we labelling it a “celebration of queer culture”? It’s a simple thank you song that would work for friends and relatives as well as lovers. The sentiments expressed work for anyone. He has a super vocal and great interaction with his backing singers. A lot of acts don’t have that this year. He’ll qualify for the final and end up in the middle of the scoreboard at worst.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fatima

It’s a celebration of queer culture and also a universal message. They’re not mutually exclusive. Also, if you’ve seen the performance, there are depictions of drag queens, voguing, etc. All of that adds to the celebration of queer culture.

1 year ago

The one song I really want to enjoy (I love the message and Gustaph himself is such a fan and nice person) but fail to. I don’t connect with it at all musically, and I don’t enjoy his voice all that much either (but he is a really good singer, let’s be honest about it).
But I wish Belgium the very best this year!

1 year ago

Whether or not you like the song , about one thing there’s no arguing for me. In terms of live performance Gustaph is just top notch, few do better. Plus I think he’s going to do a lot better than we all think.

Poul Rissen
Poul Rissen
1 year ago
Reply to  Stephanie

He is very good, performing effortlessly and enjoying it! He will qualify to the final, I am pretty confident about it. Good luck BE!

1 year ago

The worst thing I can say about this entry is, that it is not forward thinking. This is so unapologetically nineties – from the sound to the aesthetics, in the music video you could swap him for CeCe Peniston and no one would notice – that it almost makes me laugh. On the other hand, this would have undoubtedly worked back then, it would have been one of these inevitable songs that on gay club night would have made everyone put down their beer to rush to the dancefloor. It has an insanely catchy electronic hook (which apparently doesn’t work… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

No idea why you review was sitting with a downvote. It’s right on the money. I am one of those nostalgic middle-aged people who will be voting for this. It’s not my 11th right now, but come contest-time, it might just be!

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

I don’t know why being “nineties” is a bad thing in 2023. We’ve all got music from the 90s which we still enjoy. Should we throw it all away and / or apologise for it? I like what I like, music doesn’t have a best before date.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fatima

That’s a misunderstanding. It isn’t a bad thing. It’s more of a curiosity to enter a song into the contest that souinds and looks as if it is 30 years old. So, the worst thing I could say is, that it’s not forward thinking, but as I tried to explain afterwards that’s not a criticism of the song itself. As you can see, I like it, it is almost in my top 10. Thanks for bringing this up, by the way. 🙂 You have to keep in mind that I’m not a native speaker, so perhaps I am sometimes not… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

compared to the absolute garbage that comes out in today’s pop music, I’d take unapologetically 90s tunes any day of the week.

1 year ago
Reply to  funkerman

That’s, of course, your call. And it’s not an uncommon attitude, most people stop listening to new music at some point during their twenties.
For me personally, I like some of the old stuff and some of the new stuff, I would never call contemporary music “garbage”.

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
1 year ago

Belgium 1,5/12

1 year ago

17) Belgium – I find this song fun! While it’s not entirely my cup of tea, this song at least makes me dance a little. I like Gustaph’s voice and the ladies singing with him are great, but the one downside is that it does feel quite dated. However Belgium are in the easier semi so I predict they’ll qualify. 6.5/10

1 year ago

36th place: BELGIUM: A really old-fashioned and generic pop-dance song. I rarely am into this sort of entries and this one is no exception. The staging was also not good for my taste. It may have potential to qualify though. Not much more for me to say here. I wish Gustaph the best because he seems like a very nice guy but the song is not for me.

1 year ago

This is that kind of entry that comes to life on stage and when performed live. While I myself have no attachment to either 90’s music nor queer culture, I do still think this is a good entry and Gustaph is super likable. He’s got good stage presence, good vocals, the staging we’ve seen at Eurosong and pre-parties so far is also solid enough in my opinion. I dunno about you but I believe this should qualify with relative easy from semifinal 2 if they don’t do something disastrous to the staging. It is Belgium after all. For me it’s… Read more »

1 year ago

I find this quite boring and flat. It doesn’t touch me or move me. Sorry

1 year ago

Idk how Belgium managed to choose my dead last in Eurosong but they did and now there in like my 34th place or smth. Just not my kind of music and not a massive fan of his voice although I can appreciate that he has vocal talent. 3/10

1 year ago

This is a mood. So happy and upbeat. Love it.

Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago

The only thing I’ve really got to say here is that Gala Dragot’s “t’inquiete” would have easily been one of my favorite Belgian entries of all time, so I’m never gonna forgive the Belgian voters and I’m not gonna cut Gustaph and his painfully mediocre song any slack either, a 1/5 rating is just what he deserves and if he somehow manages to qualify, it will only be because he’s part of such an underwhelming SF anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

When people still can’t get over the national final results at this point in the season, it’s really annoying.

Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

Gotta hold those clueless voters accountable regardless, it is what it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

Cope harder, then.

Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

No need to cope at all, fully aware that results like the Belgian NF one are why the ESC has got such a questionable reputation and rightfully so…

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

Yes, but Maggie Moone should really have represented UK in 1980

1 year ago

People are just afraid to admit that this is a good bop

1 year ago

Super darkhorse. Top10

1 year ago

I think this has been really under estimates! It won’t win but I do think it’s going to qualify a lot more comfortably than people are expecting

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
1 year ago

Me and a friend of mine have already decided to bring along a belgian flag instead of a dutch one to the afternoon final show this year 😀

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
1 year ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

In off topic news : It’s a though week for avrotros and eurovision in the Netherlands. At the start of last week Joan Franka made one of her first television debutes after eurovision 2012 in the singing program ‘better than ever’. There she revealed how her eurovision team didnt support her or let her make her own choices and she suffered harsh critiques from them. According to her she never wanted to perform with the indian headdress on but that was forced on her from her management. Her manager told her she needed to lose a lot of weight because… Read more »

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
1 year ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

I’ve been a harsh critique of Avrotros this season but i’m not happy with how this turned out. Although it definitely might be a wake up call for Avrotros of how to handle certain things like the selection process, this situation is a pr disaster for the image of eurovision in the netherlands. The sphere of negativity around Mia & Dion is too large and I don’t blame them for being chosen. I fully support them. The critiques and harsh comments are so popular and wide spread that they probably won’t even be able to look back on eurovision as… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Little favor will that do to the Netherlands being promoted internationally, especially at a year in which televote will be so crucial in the SFs.
Out of curiosity: Last year S10 was one of the favourites by this time of the year, had a good result in the semifinal but then could not reach a top 10 (even though she deserved it imo). Were comments towards her “positive” in the Dutch media or was it also common to critisize her and the performance?

1 year ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Yeah I always wondered why the dutch 2012 participant wore the headdress, it seemed random and something which could easily land them in hot water for cultural appropriation (does the singer herself have any native american ancestry?). Especially when considering that the jury ranked her last in the selection and she was a clear televote pick, it definitely sounds like a form of self sabotage on the broadcaster and bitterness towards their participant that Joan was treated the way she was. I’m guessing Mia and Dion’s performances aren’t really helping with the situation they’re in. Two very common trends with… Read more »