Armenia’s AMPTV has revealed that French-Armenian singer, songwriter and keyboardist Essaï Altounian is the first of six artists who will make up its Eurovision Supergroup Genealogy. “I’m really proud to represent Armenia,” he said of the news. “To be a part of the Genealogy means something powerful to me. It is like being a link between the past and the future, a link between earth and sky.”

It’s not just talk, as he has a deep, personal connection to the Armenian Genocide. Here’s how AMPTV described his connection in a message sent to wiwibloggs:

His grandparents escaped from Kharpet during the Armenian Genocide. At the age of 5 his grandfather Nechane escaped from Der zor desert after his mother and sisters were killed in front of him. He walked alone in the desert when some Bedouins found him crying and decided to keep him. At the age of 18 he met a cousin in market by chance and moved to France to live with his other cousins that survived. In France he met Essai’s grandmother, learned French and worked hard for his family.

About Essaï

Essaï composed his first song when he was 12 years old. As a 19-year-old — while studying law at university — he inked a deal with Sony France as the lead singer of Ideal-3, an urban pop group. Their song “Pardonne-moi” received massive airplay and they performed on countless TV and radio shows.

But at 21 Essaï decided to leave the group to pursue a solo career, securing a deal with Mercury Universal. He collaborated with artists including Jennifer — her album earned a Diamond Plaque — and he soon found himself performing and composing in musical theatre. An early break was taking on the role of Count Paris in the musical comedy Romeo and Juliet, which was the brainchild of popular French composer Gerard Presgurvic. Its album sold two million copies. He earned fans in high places, including France’s First Lady Bernadette Chirac. After serving as the musical director for several French TV shows — including “L’Ecole des fans” and “La Bataille des chorales” — he decided to go trans-Atlantic, collaborating with Kerry Gordy from Motown music.

His recent song “Je n’oublie pas / ChemMorana” is dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

“With Genealogy I’m one of the bridges connecting Armenian people around the world. I am also one of the bridges who are spreading love and positivity around the world through music. I represent Armenians from Europe – the continent of human rights and peace. I want to send a powerful message of humanity and serenity on behalf of European Armenians. I wish that people all around the world realize that Armenians will always climb on the higher mountains to sing, dance and spread joy and happiness.”

About Genealogy

Last week AMPTV revealed that Genealogy will unite various members of the Armenian Diaspora. Five of the acts will come from abroad — and more specifically Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe and North America — while a sixth will represent the Motherland Armenia. This is represented visually through a forget-me-not flower, which marks the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. Its five petals represent five of members of the Armenian Diaspora, while the centre represents the artist in Armenia.

The following map teases the artists’ current location, and has led us to speculate that Essai, Inga Arshakyan, Tamar Kaprelian, Athena Manoukian, Vahe Tilbian, and Stephanie Topalian make up the group. So far, so good!

Genealogy 1


Follow Essaï on Social Media

Facebook: essaimusic

Twitter: @Essaimusic








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10 years ago

ha ha stupid Recpet you said that you are not armenian but it seems that you are real armenian but don’t be proud it you deny it but you know very much bad thing about us only bad opanian about my land it is a very foolish you are think that nobody don’t respect to us beside Turkey where do you know it do you take interviuv from all euroupa ok let all world don’t love us nobody care about it in my land we need only Azeris love and respect but you must know it is only you think… Read more »

10 years ago


That year when they bought votes? Oh yeah…

10 years ago

To all people here:

Don’t argue with Bakuboy, I don’t blame him, he is obsessed with his lies, he can’t help it. He just doesn’t know anything. Let it be. Let him live in his fantasy.

The world knows that the genocide is a fact, that’s enough for me. Turkey and Azerbaijan can deny it, I don’t care anymore, they are all cowards. (Actually I care but hey, this is nit the place to discuss that)

10 years ago

@Respect Too much aggression. I personally have nothing against both Armenians and Azerbaijanis. And their opposition – a private matter of inhabitants of these countries.
But, by the way, calling Azerbaijanis class of primitive people “who are incapable to write a song to send Eurovision”, you forgot about winners of the Eurovision Ell & Nikki.

10 years ago

Are you crying? Je suis désolée! I’m just saying that Armenia and Azerbaijan are irrelevant to the world! Stop fighting!

10 years ago

If you don’t care then why are you here?

10 years ago

Hargelis, es tesak anasunner@ yeres chunen. Yes arten kani or e sra commentnern em kardum. Srank miayn atelutyamb en lcvac yev kextov. Togh inch uzum e gri. Miayn husank vor ays tari lav yerg yev lav yeluyt kunenan mer masnakicner@. Severesutyunic yev vaccine el chgiten inch anen.

10 years ago


nobody cares about azerbaijan and armenia

10 years ago

Actually Bakuboy, the reason why there are so many Armenians in California is because of this thing that happened 100 years ago… Remember? The genocide that made so many people flee their home and spread around the world so they wouldn’t get killed. You should pick up a history book before you say anything stupid again.

Do you guys not have some policy that bans people that are spewing hate on this blog?

On topic: I love Essai !! Can’t wait for the next artist announcement, I just hope the song won’t dissapoint.

10 years ago

@Bakuboy Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ! Ok I feel your pain Bakuboy. I know your but is burning now. Sorry but you can’t change history. Here in Europe everyone besides Turkey hates your guts. People have noooooooooo respect for you. Azeris are considered as lower class primitive people who are incapable to write a song to send Eurovision and they pay a fortune to Phillip Kirkurov to write a song for them. What a shame. The evidence about the Armenian genocide is enough for me to know the truth. It is you, the biggest dumb loser who… Read more »

10 years ago

Bla bla bla you aren’t armenian but support armenas ok then to me you are biggest stupid of to me if yiu are such intelegent and justice human then serch about of genocide khojali on google and youtube and you will know whow biggest stupid that you are belive armenian genocide lair

10 years ago

Are you prepared to hear all the insults I’m going to write about you moron? Because stupid is the only nice word that I can describe you with. Yes, I not Armenian and I support Armenians and recognize the genocide. Who the hell are you to call me names.?
Are you prepared to hear these nice words addressed to you piece of garbage?

10 years ago

Respect eeeeh who are you i’mvery afraid if you 😉 whou are you if you are is an armenian called that armenian genocide for me you are biggest stupid in the world if you are not then there is not any problam

10 years ago

Any person who denies the Armenian genocide, should not be called a human being. They shouldn’t be called animals ether, since animals have feelings and a heart. They should be called plastic figures that are heartless and feeling less and their purpose in life is to be manipulated by others. I have the right to say these things because for many, many years I stared at my grandfather’s eyes and only saw pain and sorrow in them. He was a genocide survival, who lost his whole family, right in front of his own eyes, yet, he never taught me to… Read more »

10 years ago

I never used those words for you. Liar! I said
Why is Azerbaijan so scared? Is it because they think that Europe will finally put the two and two together and say,
“Oh s**t, they’re singing about the Armenian Genocide” that was my comment. Liar

10 years ago

No no no no no, you’re talking to me. Answer me directly. Did you just call me Stupid?

10 years ago

Lollily he ask it to me not you why you answer to him question and is that you say it to me first comments your with insalt words like and you are seems such a polite girl oh my god how you are actores

Game On
Game On
10 years ago

OMG, you are something! I loved your comments about the Armenian Genocide. It breaks my heart. World needs persistent individuals like you. Don’t mind idiots like Bakuboy. He doesn’t know any better. Just laugh.

10 years ago

For me all armenias are stupid

10 years ago

Yeah, I think he did call you that. But don’t worry he doesn’t have the mental capacity to distinguish between words and everything else. When someone is stupid himself, he thinks he might get another friend by calling him or her stupid. Just don’t care .

10 years ago

Did you just call me stupid?

10 years ago

I read your comment about the Armenian Genocide and I can’t control my tears. Well said dear. May your grandfather rest in peace.

10 years ago

Respect yeah stupid in your dream armenia is stronger but armenian only have a diaspora.lobby. asala terror group but haven’t another things money ecanomica even armenian military is russian military and a big lair genocide fake history yeah poor armeni is stronger in your dream

10 years ago

I feel sorry for you. These Armenians will eat you alive. Run away from here. Can’t you see you can’t control or defend yourself? Run Run Run. Azeriboy

10 years ago

Any person who denies the Armenian genocide, should not be called a human being. They shouldn’t be called animals ether, since animals have feelings and a heart. They should be called plastic figures that are heartless and feeling less and their purpose in life is to be manipulated by others. I have the right to say these things because for many, many years I stared at my grandfather’s eyes and only saw pain and sorrow in them. He was a genocide survival, who lost his whole family, right in front of his own eyes, yet, he never taught me to… Read more »

10 years ago

Adam stupid Azerbaijan ad Turkey is the same nation same language same religon same root same great history not as you dog and pig of Russian don’t forget it even your politics say that armenian is of russia because russia were made you hayastan from Azerbaijan land go out from here stupid

10 years ago

You’re so not smart.
Armenians stay stronger when they are living in other countries. They are strong with their diaspora. If Azeris could run away from Aliev, then they would.

10 years ago

@Bakuboy have you actually been to the Armenian parts of LA? It’s really nice and everyone is wealthy 🙂

10 years ago

Lol. If it is ok to be Conchita Wurst, then it is perfectly fine to be Kim Kardashian. If the whole Europe respects Conchita, for being modern and considers him/her normal, then they should respect Kim Kardashian for who she is. Peace!

10 years ago

Common sense…who wants to admit that they perpetrated one of the worst Genocides in modern history? So of course Turkey (and their lapdog Azerbaijan) will tell their people it didn’t happen and why wouldnt their people believe them? “Our government says w’re not murderers so I’ll believe exactly what I want to hear!” Itll take a lot of open minded Turks and Azeris with common sense to see what their ancestors did for this all to be over with. But until then its deny deny deny and thats all the Turks and Azeris will ever hear/see because its not like… Read more »

10 years ago

Azerbaijans need’t another country’s place we are happy in here and love own land not as you

10 years ago

Yeah really? But do you know me and my friends can’t stop laughing you make us fuul funny are all armenians such stupid as you why another country must be azeri place like California? Do you know why in California have armenian place because armenia is poor hangry country. all hangry poor nations of your armenian left own cauntry go and work live another country like you and your family do you proud it oh my dear all armenias are such stupid as you

10 years ago

Essaï’s appearance reminds of Adam Levine 😛

10 years ago

@Bakuboy and all Azeris
I suggest you get out of here, and have nothing to do with Armenians or anything that’s Armenian. You can never win. Take your self and go write your proud comments in your own proud Azeri sites, songs and country. Stay the hell away from anything Armenian.

10 years ago

I’m American, and I was born to an Irish mother and a German father. Plus, I have roots from Germany, Ireland, and the UK. On the other hand, however, this is a really good choice! Essaï is a really good singer. Now I’m just praying for Monica Avanesyan to be the “center of the flower”. Besides, Monica’s sixteen now. She’d be AWESOME as the center of the flower 🙂

10 years ago

I suggest you get out of here, and have nothing to do with Armenians or anything that’s Armenian. You can never win. Take your self and ho write your proud comments in your own proud Azeri sites, songs and country. Stay the hell away from anything Armenian.

10 years ago

Lol. I can’t stop laughing. Evidence, reality is not crossing your mind. No, you are mistaken Bakuboy. There is not one Azeri place here in California, not one Azeri person, and not one Azeri organization, or school that says they are proud Azeris. It’s a shame!

Game On
Game On
10 years ago

And who said that Armenians like Kardashian? She’s been asked not to use her last name as an excuse to be an Armenian.
Why do you think that she was amongst the respected Armenian individuals?

10 years ago

Lolilly don’t write to me your stupid comment every azerbaijan turkish is proud be azerbaijan turk we have not a shema as khojali genocide as yours and we are not ashamed as your fake history and vandalism i’m Azerbaijan turk and always to be such and to say god thanks

10 years ago

Armenians don’t consider Kardashian as an Armeninan. She was raised by a non Armenian whore mother.

10 years ago

Thank you for your nice comments. You’re very kind. I know that I’m very smart, educated and respected, otherwise, I wouldn’t be successful in life with a very high paying job and a respected title.

10 years ago

hahahahahah what there is to be proud of kim kardashian???

10 years ago

yeah your right always armenia had made genocide but today armenias are livelly but where are appeard your stupid people if in history armenias were died then in history armenia were more than 1 billion

10 years ago

@Bakuboy Let me tell you something else. I live in the USA. I can see Armenian stores in every corner of the streets, Armenian preschools and schools and Armenian churches in every city. Armenian representatives and mayors all over the USA. Highly educated Armenian doctors, scientists and inventors who are very respected. Every kind of Armenian businesses that have Armenian names on them and are proud to be Armenian. But I have yet to see One and I mean one Azeri person who said that he or she is Azeri. You know why? Because they are not proud to be… Read more »

Felix Prochain
Felix Prochain
10 years ago

Bakuboy you are just to retarded to know that what happened with the people on your video can not be categorized as a Genocide. Azeri cutthroats from National Front are responsible for this anyway. But you don’t care don’t you? All you need is a lie and the bs to spread. You’ve been taught to do so. Should I show you the vids about the massacres of the Armenians (Baku (1905,1918), Shushi (1918), Sumgait (1988), Baku again! (1990) Maraga (1990th) etc.) you dirty bastards of turks committed? Hey Idiot, open your eyes and read history of world. There you’ll find… Read more »

10 years ago

lolliy dear your comment are very intelligent as you it seems very good

10 years ago

Orospu çocu?u…

10 years ago

Lolilly oh sorry o my god i’m very afraid that you are not ploite with me
all world laugh you and your fake genocide siqans hayes if in your video have not my land i don’t write your stupid people go own learn history
stop send such crap song to eurovision

10 years ago

Lol…I’m trying to be polite but I have to say, you are retarded.
Instead of wasting your time in here, with your nonsense, idiotic comments, please go and educate yourself and stop writing comments to me and other Armenians. You’re all alone in here and all Armenians are already laughing at your sorry self. So please get

10 years ago

Lolilly fake armenian genocide real is that all world must know it