Disgruntled Belarusians have signed a petition calling for BTRC, Belarus’ state broadcaster, to edit Conchita Wurst out of its Eurovision 2014 broadcast amid fears it will promote an unacceptable lifestyle.

According to NEWSru.com, the petition was filed with the Ministry of Information. Here is one pig-headed extract.

The popular international competition will see our children filled with European liberals become a hotbed of sodomy! Belarus, one of the few countries in Europe that was able to maintain normal and healthy family values based on love and mutual support between men and women!

Spitting that kind of acid hardly smacks of love. And if a state broadcaster actually edits out a performance because a man is wearing a dress, then something tells us their values aren’t aligned with broader European values. Furthermore, as anyone who has been to Eurovision knows, there is already plenty of sodomy going around. Conchita isn’t upping the frequency by showing up in a dress. Lastly, how does Alyona Lanskaya wearing a spangly silver dress promote family values? I haven’t seen so much thigh since my last Thanksgiving dinner.

Our opinions aside, the EBU would not take this well. Current rules state that broadcasters must show the contest in its entirety.

We’re fairly certain that BTRC, whose officials love Eurovision, will ignore the backwards petition. The Ministry of Information has not revealed how many people signed the petition, so we imagine it’s just a few conservative nutters in the countryside. They must have hated Verka Serduchka and Dana International and Drama Queen, but BTRC aired Eurovision anyway.

This is not the first, nor is it likely to be the last, controversy that Conchita’s selection has stoked. Shortly after Austria announced that Conchita would sing for Austria in Copenhagen, an anti-Wurst Facebook group cropped up in Austria. Well, we are still going to eat our sausage and will love every bite. Stay strong Conchita!

To read more of our coverage of Conchita Wurst click here.

Willy Lee Adams contributed this report from London. Follow him on Twitter @willyleeadams. You can also keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following wiwibloggs.com on Twitter and Facebook.

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10 years ago

Conchita is a shame for eurovisiion. If eurovision was a serious contest they wouldn’t even allow it (Conchita does not deserve to be called he ore she; it’s a monster) to take part. And only Belarus and Russia seem to realize that.

10 years ago

the song will be the winner.

10 years ago

I am convinced this creature needs prayers.

11 years ago

Conchita has a lot of shock value and frankly not much of a voice. But for controversy, it’s excellent–look how much we are already having. Some people are painting it as “antichrist”, others are painting it as “brave and talented”. Much confusion. But all this talk only does service to those who benefit from ratings, including Conchita. Everyone’s frothing at the mouth trying to justify their point of view on the confused beaded transvestite–good for the ratings and that’s exactly what the money-makers need from us, because it means more advertising revenue.

11 years ago

Belarus dosn’t have any problem when they are fellows Ukraine send Verska Serduchka and award her/him with 10 points and now they have problem with Verska’s same style Austrian singer ? Also Verska Serduchka make many concerts to Belarus . And btw if Belarusians have problem with Austrian singer they can withdraw. I m not gay but we don’t need racism countries like Belarus, Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan to the contest ……

11 years ago

What the Belarussian have problem with ? They have never seen classical Austrian beauty 😀 ?

11 years ago

I am Austrian and 80% of the people i know don’t want to send him/her/it to the song contest. Not because we are homophobic (Elton John, Freddy Mercury or Rob Halford are gay and they are great Musicians), but because he/she/it is a bad singer and just sounds “gay”. Unfortunately the decision was made by our national TV, the ORF.

11 years ago


Homophobe…….go die,it’s Austria’s decision,leave it be >:(

11 years ago

Nobody will miss Belarus.. homophobes.

Sarah S
Sarah S
11 years ago

Do you write nasty messages to all outlets, Hans? This story is of interest to Eurovision fans so it makes sense to report it here.

11 years ago

Why does wiwibloggs give attention to this “news”. Now even the “normal” media have picked up the “story”, whilst it is only a mall action by, as you have figured out yourselfves, ‘a few conservative nutters in the countryside’. Trying to get some hits on the world wide web over the back of Conchita yourself, wiwibloggs?

11 years ago

In 2007 they didn’t want any issues because they were sure they will win that year, lol…

11 years ago

We must hope, that Austria will remove this creature from Eurovision completely!

11 years ago

“the woman with a beard” is a comic act in circus for centuries… and was never forbidden in Eastern Europe all that time… more likely is just a publicity stunt for Eurovision in Belarus and elsewhere

11 years ago

Did they broadcast Denmark & Ukraine 2007?
If they did, I see no reason why they shouldn’t broadcast Austria 2014.

11 years ago

I bet if Conchita shaves, issues will decrease 90%

11 years ago

But if BTRC wants to block Conchita’s performance, shouldn’t they be disqualified from the contest? I mean..isn’t it almost the same thing as in 2005? With Lebanon and Israel? It’s a Eurovision rule. Every state broadcaster has to show every performance.
I’m really not stunned by this. I was expecting it. I’m sure Russia will follow this example, sadly.. Too bad. Too bad.

11 years ago

“Born in Belorussia USSR” is all I ever hear in my head now when I think of Belarus …lol

David Thielen
11 years ago

So Belarus has some close-minded bigoted morons. Every country does. Is this anything more than those idiots bleating? If not, then don’t blame all of the country for a couple of bozos there.

Stephen Colville
Stephen Colville
11 years ago

I don’t like Belarus and I don’t like Conchita Wurst, so I don’t really care about this story either way.

11 years ago

Last I checked, it’s still a music contest, Charles… sure, some performances are more quirky or lively than you might like, but still.

Belarus isn’t allowed to do such a thing, though. If they do, they’ll get fined or disqualified.

11 years ago

Would they be happier if conchita shaved.. Maybe the Belorussians ain’t fans of the facial hair ..

11 years ago

It’s ironic that Belarus never had this problem with both Verka Serduchka and DQ in 2007.

11 years ago

Fuck the lot of them. Go back to the caves the crawled out of ..

11 years ago

This is so ironic … some of the most beloved countries in Eurovision are the eastern countries specially the ones still strongly connected to Russia for whatever reason: YET … they are have always caused all kinds of negative fuzz in the competition (2013 was no exception) and still fans worship them for some reason beyond understanding. Their musical choices are as crappy as hell however they are highly praised, loved and top10-ish placed. And as the Eurovision became more open about their gay support and visibility for the last 10 years or so, now the worshiped countries from the… Read more »

11 years ago

This bothers me a lot. For some reason I’ve always liked Belarus in Eurovision, I haven’t enjoyed many of their songs but I’ve always rooted for them, I don’t know why though. But, their shallow views on LGBT people, like other Eastern countries bothers me. I hope they don’t block Conchita’s performance so they don’t receive a penalty and just suck it up. But honestly, if Conchita’s song this year is anything like her song from the other time she tried to represent Austria, she probably won’t be making it through to the final.

11 years ago

I don’t really care. I thought in the first place when they announced Conchita Wurst was representing Austria next year, it was going to be a joke and it probably won’t even pass through to the final. Plus, I bet Belarus won’t be the only country blocking Conchita’s performance…

11 years ago

Yeah…kick Belarus out if they block Miss Wurst