It’s the never-ending mystery that has continued throughout the Eurovision 2022 season – who are behind the masks of Norway’s Eurovision 2022 entry? And now we have another clue to ponder over. NRK has shared footage of a moment where they caught DJ Astronaut taking off their helmet, revealing Eurovision 2021 star TIX.
But is it a ruse by the Norwegian broadcaster?
Is TIX Subwoolfer’s DJ Astronaut?
Norway’s NRK News shared the footage ahead of the first semi-final of Eurovision 2022 on Tuesday.
Taken outside of Pala Olimpico, we see a security guard with DJ Astronaut, who is part of Subwoolfer’s act at the contest.
The Astronaut takes off his golden helmet and we get an identifiable glimpse of Norway’s Eurovision 2021 star TIX – the headband and glasses are an instant give away.
This is a REAL news broadcast from Norway's #Eurovision broadcaster NRK.
— Davin ?? (@des__cribe) May 10, 2022
Is TIX the man behind DJ Astronaut? Is that why he was spotted in Torino with Efendi??? ?
Despite the evidence, there are some counter points that tell a slightly different story.
At Melodi Grand Prix 2022, TIX was present at the grand final to award Subwoolfer their trophy. DJ Astronaut was still with Subwoolfer at the time, so this particular incarnate of the DJ could not have been TIX.

TIX does appear to be in Turin, though. The Norwegian singer has been spotted elsewhere around the city. This includes being seen alongside Efendi, Azerbaijan’s Eurovision 2021 star.
TIX and Efendi grew a bond with each other whilst in Rotterdam last year, where they were dubbed Efentix by fans. This still appears to be going strong one year later. Efendi has posted a number of Instagram stories in Turin with a mysterious man, who she later reveals to be TIX.
One of these stories is from inside the Pala Olimpico arena during semi-final one on Tuesday night. Efendi is in amongst a group of Subwoolfer supporters. Fans also spotted Efendi and TIX in the arena for the live show, as well as outside afterwards.
But if TIX was in the audience for the semi-final, then he wouldn’t have been able to be on stage as DJ Astronaut at the same time.
This could suggest the video NRK shared on their news programme was a ruse to keep people guessing and raise intrigue ahead of Subwoolfer’s semi-final. The mystery continues…
Que majos Efendi y Tix 1 año después y sigue el amor#Eurovision
— Rubio (@luisitorubioo) May 11, 2022
Is Thomas Hayes Subwoolfer’s DJ Astronaut?
Almost at the same time as the TIX footage was shared, the DJ Astronaut costume also appeared somewhere else on social media.
Norwegian singer and actor Thomas Hayes shared a snap of the golden space suit on his Instagram story, adding the place name Turin. He quickly deleted it shortly after posting.
This throws another possible name into the hat of who could be behind the helmet.
It is quite possible that the person underneath the DJ Astronaut costume has changed over time and with each performance during the Eurovision 2022 season. Until we find out officially (if we ever find out), fans will just have to keep sleuthing more clues.
WHAAAT!?!? Thomas Hayes as in William from SKAM posted this on his INSTAGRAM?Is he a part of Subwoolfer???#Eurovision #subwoolfer #norway #Skam
— Charlotte (@Sweet_muffin99) May 10, 2022
Subwoolfer explore Turin
Despite the debate over who is behind the DJ Astronaut, Subwoolfer themselves have been enjoying their time in Turin.
The pair of yellow, banana-loving wolves shared the song “Turin” at the start of the week. It’s a cover of Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” but with lyrics all about their time in the Eurovision 2022 host city.
Listen for a shout-out to wiwibloggs one minute in.
Do you think TIX is behind DJ astronaut? Are you itching to finally find out the truth to Subwoolfer’s identities? Let us know in the comments below.
Shame on you for doing free(?) promo for Norway again…. as if that Efentix BS wasn’t enough last year.
Tix seen half an hour before rehersals as one of the Subwoolfer members….hmmm wonder what that could be… maybe..a… pr trick.
All the artists are free to do their own similar stunts and they’ll write about it… You’re a bit silly.
In the New Music video, Dragma, you can see a tatoo on one of the woolfes arm. Can Donkeyboys be involved? Think I have seen that tatoo before ?
I mean…. I hope they won’t ever pull their masks off 🙂 The fact that they’re anonymous is part of the magic…
As long as I don’t actually see a human presence in these costumes, to me, they’re actually coming from the moon eheh :p
So one year with a gimmick and you dont care at all about a country anymore? What is wrong with you? LOL!!!
Two years. Let’s be honest, Tix is very skilled at making everything about anything but his music, because his music isn’t all that great.
Are they going to do a masked singer reveal at the end
How awesome would that be!!!
It’s the second year in a row Norway have played games. It barely worked last year, with Tix scraping into the final at the expense of Croatia. I’m not sure if they’ll do much better this year.
Bruh, Norway’s pulling a Cyprus. Going for the same kind of entry year after year with waning results
Yes they are, and I’m tired of people pretending they’re not
Norway sending the same kind of entry every year? Are you joking? Cyprus always send female with a dance type of song. Norway on the other hand is one of the most diverse countries for the last 17 years… from glam rock, Norwegian folk song, latin, rnb-pop, folk pop, disney ballad, african rythm, eastern rythm, modern electro pop, fragile ballad, grand ballad, pop, EDM, jazzy, Joik pop, ballad and now club/dance. Why do you hate on Norway? There are several countries you could say »sending same type of entry» about, but not Norway.
I agree. The challenge at MGP these past couple of years has been to match good songs with good performers.
Just when I thought Norway couldn’t be cringier this year xd
Who cares anywayy slay chanel
this is why chanel doesn’t interact with fans, I would be embarrassed too
Off topic: The MRT Editorial Board is considering the withdrawal of North Macedonia from the competition from 2023. Following the incident at the Opening Ceremony in which Andrea dropped the Macedonian flag onto the floor. In the clip seen of the singer, it does not appear the singer intended any disrespect and simply wanted to move the flag out of the photo shoot with the press. However showing disrespect to national symbols is a crime in North Macedonia, meaning Andrea could face legal action for her actions on the red carpet. The broadcaster states that it has taken the decision to remain in… Read more »
Poor Andrea, can MRT at least give such a comment after she performs?
If this is how they treat their performers, I don’t want them back. Byebye.
They’ve ruined every great shot they’ve had with diabolical stating anyway.
Brooke should sing that tomorrow!
Well let them go, every year the choose an artist and then publicly humiliate them and make them a target for bullying by nationalists. The country has a lot of problems and nationalism has taken over even eurovision. Short your issues and come back when you can support your artists and dont publicly shame them as you did with your last 3 representatives.
Good. We don’t need close minded people like them anyways
I just hope that particular flag is ok. It hasn’t been seen or heard of since the opening ceremony. Is it still functioning as a flag? Is the fabric intact? Is the plastic still straight or is it now bent in some unseemly queer way? Come on, MRT, at least let us know the flag is ok! I won’t even be able to enjoy any of the performances tomorrow unless I know that all of the North Macedonian flags are accounted for and in top condition. I read that each one was lovingly, painstakingly made in China by hand, with… Read more »
I think the flag has gone into witness protection.
Protection in Italy, protection from MRT. This brave flag refuses to be used.
Are they considering this because they felt she embarrassed them, or is it because they took a look at the bookies’ boards and don’t believe they stand a chance for a good showing next year. They forget the big surprise they came up with in 2019.
I think its sounds as if the board looked at their result and just decided it is not worth spending taxmoney on something that is not paying off.
If MRT wanna withdraw they can gopher it. They are the ones who are giving themselves a bad rep, not ESC. I hope Andrea will be alright after ESC.
Then they might have some time to study how to actually stage a song. “Dance Alone” was perfect and the killed it. Same every year, though.
Poor Andrea, at this pace it’s better for Macedonia to pull out of the contest after this year until they sort themselves out. You just can’t be this ungrateful with your representatives
I hope that my guess from months ago is true and it is JOWST. I think he could be one of the composers and 2017 he was also the DJ on stage.
It’s not help selling his music though (yet), so I don’t see the benefit for him to hide his identity.
Maybe he is not so much after the money as you think? Or did I get your reaction right? Consider I am no English native. speaker
Corriere della sera has an article about two volunteers who argue that they were harassed by two (one of colour and one white) dancers and an artist of a country of “north europe” during a party last week. I know that wiwibloggs has a positive attitude towards news but harassment should be reported and condemned. I guess this will become a huge headline soon
I believe you are referring to this interview:
Exactly. Lets see if this gets attention. Its 2022, harassment and sexual assault should not be tolerated.
It requires evidence to take it further, of course.
They should launch an investigation.
Belgium has entered the chat
Norway always doing stuns for votes…
Would TIX really wear his headband and sunglasses under a heavy and sweaty wolf mask?
I don’t think so.
My guesses are Jens Stoltenberg and Fionnuala Sherry.
Carl Bildt and Jackie Chan.
“Alla TV danno Jackie Chan”
To clarify: No, I am not a member of Subwoolfer. 😀
Can we have a year wear all contestants wear costumes concealing their identities? Eurovision 2023: Masked Singer Edition.
Nice one, actually.
Sia could represent every country
I already proposed it, naturally. 🙂
Subwoolfer did an AMA on Reddit with r/Eurovision and they said they don’t plan on revealing their identities once the Contest is over. They said there’s ‘no point’. Obviously that might change, but worth noting.
My initial fear was that they were using the contest to make some kind of massive political statement if they won. But so far, this does not appear to be the case.
Maybe they’re being funded by Big Banana.
The amusement park in Australia?
Coffs Harbour, lovely place!
DJ astronaut could also be Erling Haaland.
Thomas Hayes rumored to be DJ Astronaut is honestly one of the most random things I’ve seen this season
Could it be JOWST?
No chance. Looks very different. DJ Astronaut doesn’t have a Norwegian accent when speaking English. With JOWST, you can clearly hear his Norwegian accent.
You realize not all Norwegians have an accent when speaking English? Some of us study abroad as well.
Maybe Steps?
DJ A. is too skinny
I gotta guess who DJ Astronaut is… To my theory, DJ Astronaut could be The Boyz’s Kevin. He speaks like Kevin, walks like Kevin, eats like Kevin, showers like Kevin. But, he may not be Kevin. He may know Kevin from one person or another, but he’s not Kevin and will never be. And that’s not even all. DJ Astronaut is the same height as Kevin – down to the inch. He speaks fluent English like Kevin, and may be Korean-Canadian like Kevin. But again, he may not be Kevin. He just knows Kevin. Why do I say that he… Read more »
you said kevin 14 too many times
DJ Astro isn’t TIX but funny troll. I’m guessing the Alan Walker thing was a troll also. DJ Astro can be multiple people cus they don’t talk so they could be anyone.
I hope they do eventually who was behind the costumes, maybe in the final when their televote points get read out, the 2 can have their masks off?
I think they will only do that if they win which they won’t sadly. Thing is Subwoolfer said they’re staying on Earth so this tells us these two will keep doing music together. We already know who Keith & Jim are at this point so they don’t need to reveal nothing.
Keith = Ben Adams
Jim = Gaute Ormasen
I’ve listened to their songs, and Ben does sound like Keith and Gaute does sound like Jim. But again, nothing has been confirmed yet. Even Ben and Gaute didn’t confirm the news about who is behind Subwoolfer.
Ben’s last Instagram feed was not him in Turin either.
From one meme to another I guess…. -_-
Classic, excellent stuff! Eurovision at its best !
Alright, this man is a legend. <3
Totally unexpected stunt but now I love Norway's moon crew even more… 🙂
This is among the best PR stunts in ESC history, and wonderfully reported. If they’re making that ESC teledrama i’d love to see an arc based on Subwoolfer.
Another pr stunt by Norway, next
I am not too concerned about who are the members of Subwoolfer, but happy to know that Tix and Efendi are serious about each other. Isn’t it cute to have a Eurovision couple? Or even their kids in future would be involved in Eurovision in some ways too?
yes, really cute how low self-esteem should have that man when he flirts with Azerbaijani propaganda brainwashed girl who supported their invasion to Artsakh (Autumn 2020) calling Armenians terrorists. like really, they will share their own reality out of this world, I think.
It is him 100% then. I remember he also said in February “I know who is Subwoolfer”.
Keino said same
I’ll have to be honest here. I am bit tired of PR stunts in ESC.
It’s not like it has any impact on the viewers at home at all. Just take it chill and lay back i’d say.
I mean it kinda does have an impact sometimes. It creates a certain buzz around an entry not due to the quality of the entry itself but because of the PR. And where there’s buzz there will be votes in one way or another. The whole story about Subwoolfer was fun at first but gradually it has started becoming tiring to me.
I didn’t really like Tix last year, so if anything, it’s bad PR for me..
I didn’t like Fallen Angel either but some other people may certainly get intrigued by such a story and be influenced into voting. We also still have no idea what other PR tricks Norway plans to play. I mean we have no idea who Subwoolfer themselves are yet, what if there’s a twist there as well?
You’re seriously overestimating the number of people who care enough about Eurovision to check out pre-contest buzz.
Perhaps yes. But nevertheless this kind of tricks should never be the main thing or boost a song imo. And if they weren’t meant to boost the performance of an entry, why do people still do them?
Me too, especially those from Norway. Georgia are also silly this year. The more successful these songs are this week, the more likely we’ll get more next year.
I agree. I like the Georgian entry but yeah the tricks were unnecessary there as well.
Yes. What if everyone decided to put in the type of song from Georgia, Latvia, Moldova and Norway?
What?? PR stunts it’s fun and make ESC to another level?