If you didn’t see it, and also missed the Twitter storm last month in response to the Syfy original movie “Sharknado,” let me fill you in. It’s about a tornado, somehow full of sharks, that ravages Los Angeles. Tara Reid is in it, as are a few other actors you’d probably recognize from… somewhere. It’s been described as one of the best-worst Syfy original movies about sharks ever, right up there with “Sharktopus” and “Dinoshark.”

And if you can take Tara Reid’s tweet as a credible source, Jedward are slated to join the cast for the upcoming sequel and sing for the soundtrack.


And if Jedward themselves tweet it, it must be true, right?


Let’s just hope this isn’t some elaborate joke – it’s about time to see Jedward on the big screen (or just the little screen) battling a tornado full of sharks in New York!

Here’s the trailer for “Sharknado” to give you a taste of what’s to come.

James Longbotham contributed this report from Germany. You can follow him on Twitter at @jimk1n. Then like our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with all the latest news and gossip.

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11 years ago

Logical. It’s a parody disaster movie, so they’ll obviously get the best men for the job.

11 years ago

Should be an invasion of John & Edwards instead 😛

11 years ago


Lisa Hafey
Lisa Hafey
11 years ago

Add to this that the Twins Mum also RTd both Tara and the Twins @MommaJedward and I think you have confirmation! All in all it’s sounding like a lot of fun and a foot in Hollywood’s door for John and Edward!