Earlier today, Germany’s Thomas Schreiber released a strongly-worded statement on the EBU’s decision to not allow broadcasters to reuse their 2020 songs in the next edition of Eurovision. And now, Bulgarian composer and producer Borislav Milanov has added further steam to the discussion. In a statement, Milanov criticises the EBU for apparently not considering the opinions of songwriters in their decision-making process.

The Bulgarian producer and successful Eurovision songwriter made his remarks in comments under wiwibloggs’ Facebook post on Thomas Schreiber’s statement. Milanov — the founder of the Austrian-Bulgarian production house Symphonix — explains why he’s not feeling good about the Reference Group’s decision.

Milanov is behind this year’s German entry “Violent Thing” for Ben Dolic, and he also helped write and produce the Bulgarian and Maltese songs.

“The Reference Group decision doesn’t reflect the views of the majority” — Germany's entertainment boss is disappointed by the EBU's decision to require new songs for #Eurovision 2021

Posted by Wiwibloggs on Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Borislav Milanov’s statement on the Reference Group decision

Boris Milanov spoke out about the Reference Group’s decision by dropping some honest words. His remarks came in only a few hours after the released statement of NDR’s Head of Entertainment Thomas Schreiber.

Milanov claimed that not only did the decision affect countries and fans, but that “basically 80% of the songwriters, music producers, labels and publisher are also upset and disappointed.” He also reckoned that there is a fairer solution.

The producer proposed that the EBU should have allowed all the competing countries to decide whether or not to use the same songs for the 2021 contest. He wrote, “Every country should have the choice either to use the same song or not and then carry the consequences and risk for their decision!”

Milanov also stated that “the song are released because we agreed to abide by delivering our works to you by the deadline of March 9th”. This also allows the songs to be included on the Eurovision YouTube channel.

The songwriter went on, “The same rules you are claiming now, that make them invalid for next year’s ESC. Almost all writers and publishers would have never released these songs in that way otherwise and would have used it differently”.

To him, the song is central to the composition

In a second comment posted a few minutes later, Milanov further examines the Reference Group’s decision. He states that “we just have to look closely at the name of the contest, “The Eurovision SONG Contest”, to understand that the song is central to the composition, and without songwriters, producers and publishers, there would be no songs.”

“This contest started as a contest for composers and songwriters and now it’s turned to a Reference Group Contest serving specific interest and totally ignoring and disrespecting the songwriters and their hard work!”

Borislav says he’s unsure whether the contest will “come back stronger than ever without the Songs and the Songwriters”. The decision, he says, makes “many people, labels, institutions upset and losing the trust in a fair EBU”. Finally, he says that “so many of us are disheartened by this decision, as we have input so much already, but we have no protection over our work”.

What do you think about Boris Milanov’s statement? Do you agree with what he has to say? Tell us your thoughts below!

Read more Eurovision news here

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4 years ago

I don’t agree with him. Most songs of the world are NOT written for a contest and still sell. The fact that songs are written ONLY for a contest is a devaluation for me.
But I think the EBU has to send a Europe-wide replacement show in which all songs are presented.

4 years ago

Okay, so let’s take that point – it’s SONG contest. So why do we have songwriters able to compete with multiple songs? It certainly isn’t allowed for artists to represent multiple countries, so why songwriters? I certainly have sympathy for everyone involved – we are all massively disappointed, and I remain disappointed the EBU wasn’t able to find a way to hold the show in some form. However it wouldn’t have been right to have songs selected in late 2019/early 2020 competing in 2021 – music changes, artists change direction, songs lose their appeal. It would have robbed us not… Read more »

Banan banan
Banan banan
4 years ago

I hope i never hear any of his awful generic “songs”, stop ruining countries

4 years ago

I couldn’t agree more!!! I just don’t understand why EBU makes something so simple so difficult for themselves. Let every country pick their song the way they think best – if that decision is to submit the song of 2020 – what harm has been done? It is either so good that it will complement the musical quality of Eurovision or so bad that it will be voted off in the semis. It’s that simple!

4 years ago
Reply to  JONAS

I totally agree.

jeroen swinnen
jeroen swinnen
4 years ago

I’m also part of a songwriting team competing in the 2020 ESC. (Co-writer and producer on the Swiss entry ‘Répondez-Moi’) I agree with Boris I totally understand the fact we couldn’t have a normal competition this year. This unseen worldwide breakdown due to a virus we can’t control changes our world real fast. The thing Boris tries to explain is that the songwriters, publishers and music producers working on the ESC – competition don’t get paid for their work while they create the songs.. They write, co-write many songs, with different artists in different territories, they have to travel, join… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  jeroen swinnen

Did you sign the statement some songwriters wanted to submit to the EBU?
I think it would be helpful to have the support of as many songwriters as possible.

Jeroen Swinnen
Jeroen Swinnen
4 years ago
Reply to  Max

I did !

4 years ago
Reply to  jeroen swinnen

I completely agree that a studio version of the ESC should have been the option to go for (though I think there’s a high chance the Netherlands objected to losing their right to properly host). Given so many broadcasters are already lining up some form of show to take the place of Eurovision, it kind of tears apart the argument that it wouldn’t have been feasible. As to changing the rules in the current situation, though, I sympathise with you entirely, but I can’t agree. Eurovision 2020 is already being taken away from us, and however much we feel for… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  jeroen swinnen

Loving your work on Répondez-Moi, my personal favourite this year

4 years ago

There was no to cancel. All the fabulous songs could have been held in studios around Europe and public could have still voted by phone

4 years ago

I totally agree with Boris

4 years ago
Reply to  Kinga

if you have chosen Dotter, you would agree.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
4 years ago

in cases like this, being uptight makes no sense. if they’re gonna be so adamant on canceling a contest that could’ve been posticipated or held in some other way, then certain rules should be more relaxed. for this time, i’m with boris.

4 years ago

Yes, and it’s childish and pointless to complain about rules. If you enter a competition you must agree with the rules and if you don’t like anything, then you’re welcome not to take part.

4 years ago

I’ve been trying to tell this to everyone! It’s wrong, that EBU won’t let these chosen songs compete. All the hard work of the song-writers, producers and people behind the song, for nothing. I know the songs are available and all, but they missed Hundreds of Millions viewers, all over the World. It’s enormous loss! #LetTheSongsCompeteToo!

Milo Epsilon
Milo Epsilon
4 years ago

I’m sorry but the songs do exist. They are available to listen to and you can even buy them. So I don’t get why he claim the work has been done for nothing. If you rely on 3 or 6 minutes on the ESC stage in hope your song will have some success, then it tells a lot about the confidence these songwriters have on their songs, or maybe they ignore than just a few ESC songs will have (a very limited) success : Usually the winner (but that’ not even sure, Jamala and Salvador didn’t really top the charts),… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Milo Epsilon

I agree 100%

4 years ago
Reply to  Milo Epsilon

The point is they were relying on ESC for their platform. Without any platform or promotion, its hard to get exposure no matter the quality of the song.

Oy oy
Oy oy
4 years ago

I totally agree with Mr.Milanov. I see Why there is a releasedate-rule but IT Should be made a exception for songs already chosen for Eurovision 2020 in Eurovision 2021.

4 years ago
Reply to  Oy oy

Imagine the release date would have been past the date on which they announced the cancellation of Eurovision. Bulgaria could have been saved with their beaufitul song. Now it’s scrapped. 200 Million people won’t ever hear it.

4 years ago

Whether you like it or not, he is right. In circumstances like these, exceptions in rules can be made. If they want to go by the book, eurovision shouldnt have been cancelled in first place, since its described as an annual televised competition. Broadcasters should be given the choice to send either the 2020 entry or a new one.

4 years ago

He is right, i can’t see ESC coming more stronger than ever, contest was here even during the wars ….i unserstand, that virus is really strong, and already many people died bcs of him …but still every country should make decision about their songs and artist, its just not fair …. And yes cancel ESC was smart but cancel songs NOT …U don’t have any certainty that the virus will not coming back next year… It just pain me that the song are cancel….And saying about (2020 songs) that they would be old for 2021 is bullsh*t ….this year Ireland,… Read more »

Milo Epsilon
Milo Epsilon
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom

It’s not about how the song sounds… but that after release, a song has a limited time of life expectancy. After two-three months, radio stations don’t play them as often. There’s a peak, and once it is reached, new songs take their place. So songs that will be 1.5 year old will indeed seem a bit rotten – and I’m sure fans that ask for them to be able to compete in 2021 won’t listen to them anymore.

4 years ago
Reply to  Milo Epsilon

I dont think contest will be stronger …dont think Czech Rep, ISRAEL, Russia, Greece, Iceland, Denmark, Romania, Malta, Azerbaijan, Arminia, Georgia, Austria, UK, Germany, Latvia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Ukraine, Lithiania would have a better song, sorry just my opinion

The Roop is On Fire
The Roop is On Fire
4 years ago

Bjork once said: Don’t let them do that to you

4 years ago

I didn’t like EBU’s decision at first, but now I realize that they are right. Until ESC 2021 some songs can become more popular around the world and then it would be unfair to compete with others. Some of them could put a lot in promoting the songs and others maybe don’t have so much funds… It’s sad, because we like so much songs from this year, but I think it’s the only fair decision.

4 years ago

In short…. NO! You have the rules that each song must be released after September 1st the year previous. Sorry if a global pandemic disagrees with song entries, but Eurovision want cancelled lightly. Do what you do, and write more songs should you wish. You’re participation is voluntary, not obligatory.

4 years ago

If you don’t agree with EBU’s orders, then nobody is forcing you to take part. But please stop acting like a child.

Fresh Prince
Fresh Prince
4 years ago
Reply to  Indiana07

Expressing an opinion is not acting like a child, oppressing someone’s rights to do so is.

4 years ago
Reply to  Indiana07

How would you feel if you spend months working on something for no reason

4 years ago
Reply to  UmBv

@Indiana07 provably don’t know what is HARD work …..
I agree with Milanov, at least every country should take consideration about same song or not ….reference group need to go ….

Milo Epsilon
Milo Epsilon
4 years ago
Reply to  UmBv

No reasons ? The songs are available to buy and listen to. It’s not like they had to keep them hidden and that we were not able to enjoy them.

4 years ago
Reply to  UmBv

Is Eurovision really the only thing they have on mind?

4 years ago
Reply to  Indiana07

hey looser, are you going to refund him for the hours he worked and the money he and the broadcasters spent?

Milo Epsilon
Milo Epsilon
4 years ago
Reply to  esc1234

He was paid for the song. And he also get money each time someone buy it. Maybe he wanted some free vacations in Rotterdam, but for he was paid for his work.

4 years ago

Finally a voice of reason.

Moshe Melman
4 years ago

I don’t understand people are not aware of what is going in Europe.. There is a huge corona enpedemic all over the world. Imagine the Olympic Games in Tokyo Japan was postponed. The next globial event that it is going to be discussed whether to postponed it or cancel it is the The Expo Trade Fair which is going to be In Dubai in September 2020

4 years ago
Reply to  Moshe Melman

Why are you downvoting this comment? They’re just stating facts.

4 years ago

I will start saying that of course I agreed with EBU’s decision. Cancelation was needed in this difficult moment of the world. We have no time for ESC. But (staying positive) in the future, when we can go outside without fear of that damn virus, I agreed with this talented man too. All the hard work (it’s their job, we need to understand that: this is their job, the work of their lives) cannot just be erased from ESC’s history. Lithuania, Malta, Bulgaria, Iceland, Romania: countries that never won had their chance this year. This cannot end this way, it’s… Read more »

Milo Epsilon
Milo Epsilon
4 years ago
Reply to  Timi

That’s the same with the Olympic games. They train for years to be fit for the event. For some of them it was the last opportunity to shine. Some had great chances to win. Now that they will take place next year, they will have to train again and again, because your conditions today may not be the same in a year. It’s not like they’re going to say: “ok I was ready for the 2020 games, so I can just relax till they take place in 2021”. So I guess songwriters can also do their best to write new… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Milo Epsilon


4 years ago

He’s right. But I have no hopes, it’s final decision.

Loin dici
Loin dici
4 years ago

Going economically, this is a non-profit contest.

But going fundamentally, yes, this is a song contest. There should be right at the producer’s side to have their work presented.

This notice/protest will only work if all or 50%+1 (21) out of the 41 HoDs agreed that it’s the wrong thing to do, unfortunately. Some countries had already planned more ‘financial’ things apparently.

4 years ago

I’m not a big fan of Symphonix’ music but he is right. Songwriters are so important and this is the Eurovision Song Contest

4 years ago

Every year I feel sad that the unselected sings are consigned to oblivion. This year, that’s the fate for all of them. It’s heartbreaking. I won’t be happy unless there is some sort of meaningful competition between the 41. Perhaps the ERG could internally select a top 10 and let a jury vote on those.

4 years ago

He is a KING and does much better than so called “Dream Team”. we need more of his songs at esc than Kirkorov’s outdated songs

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago
Reply to  Anna

With that comparison I can agree. I’d rather get ten Milanovs than one Kirkorov.

4 years ago

Amen to that. Down with the Nightmare Team. And I’m greek!

4 years ago

Omg, we need this guy at esc. His songs are lit.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
4 years ago

‘their would be no songs’
This hurts my eyes. Especially for an english song composer xD

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
4 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

He’s right on every other point though.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

You know what is a ‘composer’ right? He doesn’t have to know English at all. He is not ‘lyricist’

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago

On a different note, not related to Milanov’s comments, I would like for broadcasters to work harder on getting better songs and seeking more diverse songwriting teams, as opposed to the usual suspects. Especially Malta made that painfully obvious to me. I was thrilled to hear Destiny’s magnificent vocals paired with her charisma and beauty in the music video. Now, taking that away and focussing on the song, as Milanov suggests, I can’t even listen to it. Halfway through the audio, I feel like the song is going on forever. It’s really dire, basically a worse version of ‘Nobody But… Read more »

4 years ago

Symphonix are practically newcomers and yet you call them usual suspects. There are new songwriters every year that would capitalize on a successful song and come back every year the same way Milanov does. The only difference is that Symphonix songs do much better than most of those. So Milanov is basically paying for his successful songwriting and meticulous studio work with painful and sour internet comments. It’s a good deal if you ask me.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago
Reply to  Reverb

I’m looking for something outstanding. They are mostly making decent to mediocre songs that are, I agree, excellently produced. It worked for Germany and Bulgaria this year, which I find good, but the Maltese one sucks. I call them the usual suspects because various countries buy their songs in the same year and obviously, some get the good stuff, while others take worse ones. That is, of course, the fault of the respective broadcaster.

4 years ago

Broadcasters do not choose based on taste. They value results. Can’t blame them. And Symphonix deliver. I’m not shaken to my core by symphonix songs but they usually make my playlist effortlessly. It is just a trend and it is a successful one based on contemporary consensus so his insights as a songwriter, I think, should be valued, especially in a situation like this.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago
Reply to  Reverb

I do agree partly. Better to buy a solid product than send something awful just because it’s domestic. Two out of three of his entries are among the better ones this year. Of course, the German one was born out of the broadcaster’s incompetence in their NFs. But yeah, better to have a ‘Violent Thing’ than a ‘Sister’ or ‘Ghost’. Or, god forbid, a ‘Perfect Life’.

4 years ago

I think without them the contest would have way less quality, they always deliver great products and are the only songwriters, who should imo have more songs than one. Especially for small countries such as Malta and Bulgaria as well since he is Bulgarian and Austria since they are based there. And I love “Violent Thing”, BUT I do think countries such as Spain, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Germany, UK and France (and a couple more as well probably) have big enough music industries not to look for talent abroad. And Italy and Sweden are the only ones who are doing… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Reverb

Except for “Autumn Leaves”.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago

I very much hope so. I’m not sure I’m completely buying the time factor, I believe her victory was evident, but now that it was all in vain anyway as far as the competition element of Eurovision goes, it could all work out for the best for Destiny. Fingers crossed.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago

A tricky situation. Yes, the deadline is set by the EBU. And in most cases, I reaaaally do not like how this institution works. But at the deadline, everyone was still planning for Eurovision to happen, so it’s not like they wanted these songs to go to waste. If you can call it that. They are still out there, they got exposure and music videos. Would they have gotten more traction elsewhere? Doubtful. Of course, if I, personally, had sent in a masterpiece this year, I’d be furious at the situation. In my opinion, though, the one entry that cannot… Read more »

4 years ago

Oh really, is it the only one? Really? The ONLY one? ? Just STFU.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago
Reply to  johny

Nope, I won’t. But thanks for your suggestion. In case you cannot read, I specifically said ‘in my opinion’, if you’ll allow me to have one.

4 years ago

Of course. The Romanian one. A random look at ANY wiwibloggs article and one can certainly find a comment of yours celebrating the Romanian one.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago
Reply to  Reverb

I promise I won’t alcohol you. Neither drunk, nor sober.

4 years ago

Wow. I did not see that coming! Devastated now.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
4 years ago
Reply to  Reverb

Have some voda. Or vodka. 🙂

4 years ago

ok, that’s a better one

4 years ago

Some people, hopefully, the majority, love Eurovision because they relate to the songs and stick with them. Sure there’s competition and there are rules, all secondary! How can we expect the songs to be celebrated and remembered when there doesn’t even seem to be a sense of respect towards them. I read comments of people saying this is the right choice because it doesn’t jeopardize national final season. PATHETIC! Even if the broadcasters had the choice to keep or discard the songs, you would still have all the northern heavy hitters sticking with their national finals. You saw how easily… Read more »

Greig Watts
Greig Watts
4 years ago

Totally with Boris on this one, and we’ve come together to make a statememt to the EBU, with many other songwriters and publishers. My team have worked for months on Cleopatra as many others have on their songs, and we collectively believe we should all have the right to compete going forward, in the same ways artists do. I’ve been involved for many years now, setting up camps, starting in June and working hard to improve the quality of the competition, we are starting to achieve that but this decision just makes us wonder why we bother as our work… Read more »

Cammy Singh-Clare
4 years ago
Reply to  Greig Watts

Sir, I completely agree with you & your arguments , & full respect to your for your hard work composing Cleopatra, a great pop banger!
I hope your campaign proves successful in lobbying the EBU reference groupp to reverse its earlier foolish descision. If there’s anything the fandom nerds can do to help in your efforts, such as making & promoting an e-petition or making a formal complaint to our national broadcaster, please do tell & I know many music lovers across the continent will join in.

Greig Watts
Greig Watts
4 years ago

Thanks, i can’t claim to have written Cleopatra, i was involved in A & R from start to finish and developing it, but yes its a great song that deserves a stage. I think writers just need to be heard but your support is very much appreciated, without the fans there would be no competition either, so we all make up a part of the contest. Lets hope for the best!

4 years ago
Reply to  Greig Watts

Would it give the 2020 songs an unfair advantage, or unfair disadvantage rather, if let’s say the EBU allows broadcasters the option to keep them and some decided to field new songs? I’m just wondering because on one hand, at least the efforts of those who made the songs wouldn’t be in complete vain but at the same time, a year would have passed and a compilation album have been released by then, wouldn’t the artist have felt creatively tired promoting their entry for an entire year? As well as the possibility of diminished relevancy in the home market among… Read more »

Greig Watts
Greig Watts
4 years ago
Reply to  James

I think it gives more disadvantage due to the time it being out, however, I’m sure we can all pick songs from way back that we still love to listen to, and on this one occasion, where this is caused by circumstances out of everyone’s control, it would do no harm to change that rule. For me it would be fair if everyone could compete, and maybe a Postponement was a better idea, but of course we don’t know the reasons behind the decisions, I just know as a group of songwriters we’d like to be heard.

jeroen swinnen
jeroen swinnen
4 years ago
Reply to  Greig Watts

I’m also part of a songwriting team competing in the 2020 ESC. (Co-writer and producer on the Swiss entry ‘Répondez-Moi’) And I agree with Boris and Greig. I totally understand the fact we couldn’t have a normal competition this year. We all do ! This unseen worldwide breakdown due to a virus we can’t control changes our reality very fast. The thing Boris (and Greig) point out is that the songwriters, publishers and music producers working on the ESC – competition don’t get paid for their work while they work on the entries They write, co-write many songs, with different… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  jeroen swinnen

No decision is fair to everyone. If the EBU goes to that direction, you’ll get the host broadcaster angry (deservingly so since they’ve been waiting for this for nearly half a century), if they decide to choose one other option, another set of people will be pissed. We all can never be happy and satisfied with whatever decision organizers make but the reality of the situation is, the pandemic robbed everyone the chance to enjoy Eurovision as it is, and no alternative could replace that.

4 years ago

If it’s hard for the entries that are chosen in March to stay relevant in their home country, imagine what would happen to songs that were chosen a year ago.
The EBU made the right choice. The 2021 Contest should only allow new songs.

Kenny Cordero
Kenny Cordero
4 years ago

He is 100% right. EBU should revers

4 years ago

How did he come to have three entries in the contest? Did he enter them into an open submission, or did he just sell them? If he’s so worried about the contest aspect, maybe he shouldn’t hog three spots.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Another stupid and irrelevant comment. He can sell his songs anywhere he likes as long as people are buying. Next!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

He won the German jury votes. You can’t buy those.

Greig Watts
Greig Watts
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

maybe he’s good at what he does!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

He co-wrote one song for one country, and produced two other entries for a couple of others.

4 years ago
Reply to  James

Incorrect. He is credited as a songwriter on three entries. He even gets a performer’s credit, as B-OK, on Germany’s one.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Interesting stage name. When I saw the music video, I actually thought the other performer alongside Ben was gonna rap in the middle.

Anyway, the songwriting credits are quite weird in their own way because some songs have a half a dozen name attached, which is a little bit much for a 3-minute entry. It makes you wanna question how truly involved a few those people are as actual writers, and not just being producers of those songs.

4 years ago

He’s absolutely right and he’s expressing that sort of opinion that needs to be heard right now, at this particular moment. The decision has been taken and is of course finalized, but that doesn’t, by any means, mean that one shouldn’t be able to articulate a response or critique. The decision came out of the blue since the EBU insisted that a cancellation option was not something they were considering, and it was taken without addressing the issue with the entirety of national broadcasters. Furthermore it never even attempted to acknowledge the fact that this is a state of exception.… Read more »

4 years ago

I 100% agree with him

4 years ago

Jeez who do the Bulgarian team think they are ..
they have a nice song/singer but it still a bit meh .. get over yourself guys .. get some new material ..

4 years ago
Reply to  Hellohi

This is not about the Bulgarian team. Now hush and go to bed!

4 years ago

He makes a very fair comment which I hadn’t appreciated until he said it. It is the EBU who forces the countries to release their songs by 9 March. Therefore, it is the EBU who has caused the issue around the songs being released before the September deadline. Therefore, the EBU should definitely relax their rules given that this problem is of their own making.
I can understand why the songwriters feel aggrieved.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

I don’t understand one point: yes,ebu forced them to release their songs by march 9th but ebu didn’t know at that time ifthe contest will be cancelled so why is ebu guilty here?? They applied the rules as thecontest will be held as planned.. am i missing a point here?

Loin dici
Loin dici
4 years ago
Reply to  Kleo

Nobody has any notice on the cancellation before the announcement. That’s like telling your kid their birthday party will be cancelled just two days before the celebration.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Not “release”. March 9 is the deadline of song submissions.

4 years ago
Reply to  James

This is esc’ s rule for years . You have to send ebu your song before the deadline ,but you can share it with audience whenever you want. Am i right? This guy is asking that why ebu has forced them to send their songs if thecancellation of the contest was being planned? He says that if he hadn’t released his song maybe later he would use it somewhere else… But i am telling you at that day ebu didn’ t know the contest would be cancelled so they wanted from countries to send their songs to them, but then… Read more »

4 years ago

They’re mad MAD. Literally nobody complained besides the Bulgarian delegation. Wondering why…

4 years ago

The German and San Marinese delegations also complained

4 years ago
Reply to  Ali

Nobody taking San Marino goofy ass seriously.
Germany can calm their puccy down as well, their singer face was giving me nightmares let alone the song

4 years ago

They have the right to do so. They put so much effort. They had a chance of winning or Top 5 at least.

4 years ago

Totally MAD. The songs will be more than 1 year old. Albania even year and a half. That’s it! Deal with it. Try and make better songs, and we don’t even know if Bulgaria would win. They were first in the odds for Lisbon, in the beginning, but that was it. Better chance for winning Denmark, Lithuania, Iceland and Azerbaijan

4 years ago
Reply to  escmania

DENMARK and Azerbaijan winning? You have to be kidding