Sofie Fjellvang Made of Glass MGP 2022

The fourth and final Melodi Grand Prix semi-final has drawn to a close and we’re one week closer to discovering Norway’s star for Eurovision 2022. After a fierce battle between four stellar acts, only one could win the prestigious golden ticket. Tonight, that honour went to Sofie Fjellvang with “Made of Glass”

Scroll down for full results.

Sofie Fjellvang wins Melodi Grand Prix semi-final four

Duel One

Maria Mohn “Fly” vs. Alexandra Joner “Hasta La Vista”

Last time she graced the MGP stage, Maria Mohn performed as part of a duo alongside another of tonight’s semi-finalists, Kim Wigaard. Her song “Fly” is a haunting yet uplifting track about perseverance. 

In her performance, Maria wore a goddess-worthy white gown and stood front and centre stage as four drummers surrounded her. Stellar vocals, but what else did we expect from a professional vocal coach?

No relation to Hurricane, Norwegian-Cuban triple threat singer, dancer and actress Alexandra Joner is bringing a pinch of Latin flair to MGP with “Hasta La Vista”. She’s back at Norway’s Eurovision selection after one previous attempt to represent her country in 2015 with “Cinderella”.

Alexandra delivered the fuego tonight. She started out strong with dancers forming a line behind her and giving some “LoveWave”-esque handography. Despite some awkwardly-dark lighting, she did well to recreate the Ibiza strip atmosphere. 

Result: Maria Mohn wins

Duel Two

Kim Wigaard “La Melodia” vs. Sofie Fjellvang “Made of Glass”

Classically-trained vocalist Kim Wigaard, 33, is giving MGP another shot, this time with “La Melodia”. His former duet partner — Maria Mohn — is already through to the gold duel. Will he be joining her in the final battle for the golden ticket?

Kim’s performance delivered the shock factor. He wore an intricately-embellished golden blazer, and the camera panned down to reveal an enormous golden skirt — Aliona Moon, Elina Nechayeva style. 

Our readers’ favourite ahead of tonight’s semi-final, 21-year-old Sofie Fjellvang is going for MGP gold with “Made Of Glass”. The Voice finalist is bidding to represent Norway with a track co-penned by Melodi Grand Prix hall-of-famer and Eurovision alum Kjetil Mørland of “A Monster Like Me” fame.

In tonight’s performance, Sofie stood centre stage as the cameras panned around huge panes of glass. She wore a flesh-coloured two-piece, studded with rhinestones. The performance gives off similar vibes to former MGP champion “Icebreaker”, and Sofie’s vocals are fabulous — as expected.

Result: Sofie Fjellvang wins

Gold Duel

Maria Mohn “Fly” vs. Sofie Fjellvang “Made of Glass”

Result: Sofie Fjellvang wins

Subwoolfer perform “Give That Wolf a Banana” live

Fan favourites Subwoolfer performed their MGP 2022 bid “Give That Wolf a Banana” live in exhibition as pre-qualified finalists. 

What did you think of tonight’s result? Did the right act win? Let us know in the comments below. 


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3 years ago

this is probably the worst MGP in years. I’m so absurdly disappointed. I even hoped subwoolfer would at least be a kind of fun novelty act, and they were just….meh. Vocally awful, nah. This isn’t a good year for Norway.

baili Atha gloo
baili Atha gloo
3 years ago

Comhghairdeas Sofie Fjellvang. You deserved this
But my favourite performance was Subwolfer’s .Their voice was very good but the steps are kinda weird
Me coming to Norway paid very well

3 years ago

She definitely can sing. I think Norway have already some pretty good songs in their final!

Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago

i’m happy for sofie, and i hope maria wins the second chance round. both songs are deserving.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago

I only just watched this, on playback. Wow, what a couple of strong natural voices from Maria and Sofie! Of course, Sofie has Mørland’s songwriting on her side, so I’m not surprised that she won this one. Well done Sofie.

As for Subwoofer – It’s fun and apparently popular, but I personally find the costumes creepy. (That’s odd coming from me, who sings in a mask.) Maybe I’m just tired.

3 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Can I see you on a youtube video singing?

3 years ago

love the riverdance break

3 years ago

NorthKid and Subwoofer are the ones for me. Sofie would be my 3rd.

3 years ago

Give that wolf a banana. Might be my favorite Eurovision guilty pleasure of all time if it goes there. Death of us is such a masterpiece and many countries would kill for that entry but if it was up to me I’d send Subwoolfer

3 years ago

Morland simply knows how to write a ballad that showcases the best skills of a vocalist. Well deserved spot in the final for Sofie and now I hope Maria wins the Last Chance voting.

Subwoolfer was fun, but if they were singing during the chorus (during the verses it was more than clear they were doing it live), the pre-recorded track was covering their voices. I honestly don’t share the enthusiasm the fandom has for it, but I could live with that in Eurovision.

3 years ago

MGP never ever disappoints! Both Maria and Sofia were great! It’s going to be really good and exciting final!

3 years ago

Norway has a very possible Televote winner in their hands again. Give that wolf banana is fantastic.

3 years ago

Not a massively exciting semi final for me although I think the right artist went through.

And I know I am encouraging the haters, but I really really really do not get Subwoolfer. I am generally confused as to whether I should be respecting it or laughing at it, and sadly I end up doing neither.

3 years ago

Honestly, so impressed with the gold duel, both singers did amazing. I’m thinking Fly is a contender for the second chance 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Esc
3 years ago

I couldn’t tell if subwoolfer performed live and if they did where was the singer/mic ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Kristian

Yes it was live, they have head worn microphones

3 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

well they sang less than 50 words im sure

3 years ago

I’m sold on wanting Subwoolfer for eurovision tbh!! not even because of their performance, which was great fun, but because of how much fun they were in interviews/green screen stuff. they would be SUCH a delight to follow all through eurovision season and in turin that i cant help but cheer for them 🙂

3 years ago

It’s pretty clear that subwoofer are not singing, correct? There were no microphones in their hands or in their heads and the voices were pretty much perfect without any kind of natural breath or modulation that would come with dancing. Not sure how this can be duplicated in Turin unless they have dancers in the masks and singers backstage.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jake

Not singing live would be a breach of the rules. The hosts also stated that all the artists vocals are live, but the music is not (ofc). If you hear the beginning of the song, the guy who sings first sounded pretty nervous. It was a bit pitchy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jake

But you’re right, it is a bit weird. Haven’t thought about it. Maybe the artists indeed are back stage? Or they have one of those small mics taped to their cheeks under the masks?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jake

lol have you heard of head worn microphones???

3 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

If the mics aren’t on their heads they’ll be in the mask mouthpieces.

3 years ago

Sofie will be tough competition for Subwoolfer in the final. It was fun to see Keith and Jim (or should I say Gaute Ormåsen and Ben Adams from A1 😉 After hearing them tonight I’m 100 % sure) sing live with dancers! I heard someone complaining about their vocals, but they just beat a covid-infection, so I’m sure it will be much better in the final. I didn’t think it was bad at all though, I loved their performance!

Ann Li
Ann Li
3 years ago

NOW I’m pretty sure about who Subwoolfer is… Gaute Ormåsen and Jonas Thommasen… Check out Jonas Instagram and see if there is one post that stands out!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Ann Li

Jonas who? Didn’t find him on Instagram. Ben Adams posted a story where it looks like he’s watching the semi final at home. He films himself watching (maybe rehearsal tapes) of the other contestants, but when Subwoolfer is live on screen, he only films the telly, and the audio quality of his voice is really bad (like it’s recorded from a phone call, it sounds completely different suddenly). He also says something like “it feels like almost every journalist in Norway has tried to reach out to ask if I’m a part of Subwoolfer”, then he says that the performance… Read more »

Ann Li
Ann Li
3 years ago
Reply to  Ann Li

Read the text below the Lillestrøm-picture!

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
3 years ago

Maria Mohn was one my favourites and she did not win…

3 years ago

The Subwoolfer performance was fun to watch. I’m sad for Maria Mohn though. So my favourite song is out of race (probably). So it’s the hammer of Thor I have to cheer for now. Go Oda!

3 years ago
Reply to  Andi

There’s always the second chance!

3 years ago

She was amazing and deserved to go through, also Subwoolfer had an amazing performence and is a strong contender to win.

3 years ago


3 years ago

If she will go to ESC, it won’t hurt. But I seriously doubt she would become a winner. People don’t vote for Swedish pop nowadays. I like the track, tho. Morland knows how to write a pop tune.

3 years ago

She was amazing! So happy for her! One of the best ballads of the season!

3 years ago

Subwoolfer remain my personal favorite but they need to improve the staging and make it more EPIC. Drop the messy background dancers and show me some bananas! The tribal break-down looked amazing in the music video, and I expected something similar for the live version but was left disappointed. Also, I don’t think first-time viewers will understand much of the lyrics or the concept. There was just too much to take in at the same time. Maybe more subtitles is needed? Pleeeaase fix this, Keith and Jim! Woof! 🙂

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
3 years ago
Reply to  Salem

This is kind of a standard answer whenever someone messes up staging but I think the main eurovision stage will allow them to go more big and make it look way more bonkers and slick etc.