He’s the Spanish Eurovision alum who closed the 2019 grand final with his own take on a fiesta.
And now Miki Nuñez has told Men’s Health about the tricks that helped him develop the fit physique to bring the fun and happiness of “La Venda” to life. If you’re ready to slay your karaoke sessions with a more defined set of arms as you clutch the microphone, then listen up!
ENTREVISTA. La música y el deporte son las dos grandes pasiones de @mikinunez, cantante y exconcursante de 'OT'. Aficionado la pádel y el CrossFit, entrena a diario, también en casa, y cuida su alimentación casi como un atleta fitness. #IceBerg https://t.co/LxOxiDqthT
— Men's Health España (@menshealthESP) December 28, 2020
“Lots of CrossFit, and lots of eating”
Strength and endurance are big components of an upbeat Eurovision performance. Just ask an artist like Sergey Lazarev, who told us he made it a point to have big muscles for the song contest in 2016, or Sanna Nielsen, whose workout routine included running on a treadmill, doing sit-ups and lifting a medicine ball at home to “Undo” any issues with stamina.
For Miki, it’s all about Crossfit. And food, food, food!
“I got hooked on CrossFit during my Eurovision period. I had to prepare a lot for my performance, and CrossFit proved valuable. During those Eurovision days, between doing CrossFit and eating like a boar, I grew like a beast, really big to be honest”
Food-wise, his diet is very structured and usually includes some carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the morning, big meals for lunch and dinner and some snacks in between. However, this structure was difficult to follow during his fast-paced Eurovision prep, as he felt he was losing control. “I could not structure my diets during Eurovision. I was strong, yes, but with some more kilos than today.”
His results are built on a lifetime of fitness. The Spanish artist has been playing multiple sports — including tennis, football and taekwondo — since he was young. But today, his routine is more dynamic and includes HIIT, swimming and weight-lifting at least four times per week. Now we know where his biceps come from.
“My brain works better, and I feel healthier. Early on, I made the decision to not eat sugar, trans fat, processed or deep-fried foods anymore. Rather than training to see myself better, I train to feel better.”
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Recommendations for Blas
Y’all, Miki has some advice for Blas too as he gets ready to hit the Eurovision stage. He wants him to train for at least four days per week during Eurovision.
“I would recommend some sport for him sure. It does not have to be CrossFit as with me, but some sport surely. He will release tension, be more focused and will perform on the stage much better.”
Miki’s new studio album – Iceberg – casts him as “mature, personal and uplifting.” Packed with 11 songs, the album flows through different genres, including, pop, rock, ska and an unmistakable Catalonian groove. It includes “No M’ho Esperava” (I Didn’t Expect It) that is dedicated to his Eurovision journey. But also “Sin Noticias de Gurb” (No News from Gurb), which is the song that Miki likes the most.
What do you think about Miki’s advice for Blas Cantó? And Miki’s workout routine? Does sport help you perform better? Let us know in the comment section below!
He’s so cute!
He looks great!
C’mon queerbait
He really grew like a beast, i mean do you remember him in the national selection how slim he was and then he grew muscles in the final??
He worked out a lot even though his act did not require any special exercises.
He’s very positive and an underrated entry ruined by the messy staging.
Juge tooL.. I do know it-So indulging well…
Sergey made it a point to have big muscles for the contest, then hid them behind a dark long sleeved black shirt???
Still, he was the best dressed man that night.
No he wasn’t best dressed. Since when dressing in black is best dressed? it’s predictable and cliche.
Everyone has their own opinion. If you ask mine, I would say that there wasn’t a lot of extravagance in 2016 (when it comes to men). Serhat was the best dressed imo (but I hated his song).
For the women I would say Nina from Croatia (joking, it was a complete mess). Seriously I would say Ira Losco. Classy and simple but not too much.
He is always so positive and cheerful, hopefully his new album will do well!
Probably he had sex in Eurovision, but with who?
I mean… if he indeed did, what a pity it wasn’t with me lol
It’s not the only participant having sex but i guess it’s not helping with the preparation.
You gonna post anything about Carlos do Carmo and Liam Reilly?